
  • Different playstyles in Overwatch 2 include Brawl, Dive, and Poke comps, each with unique advantages and drawbacks.
  • Brawl heroes like Reinhardt, Reaper, Moira, Ramattra, and Lúcio excel in close-quarters combat situations.
  • Coordination and teamwork with Brawl heroes are crucial for success, as they thrive in chaotic, intense fights close to enemies.

Certain Heroes in Overwatch 2 are more oriented towards specific playstyles and team compositions. One of the most popular playstyles is a Brawl, which involves players battling up close and personal, focusing on cooldowns and team coordination. Brawl is definitely the most chaotic playstyle as all 10 players are incredibly close together, but with the right heroes, Brawl becomes easy.

Overwatch 2: 23 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked

These Overwatch 2 characters can be tricky to play as effectively, especially for beginners.

There are three primary comps inside Overwatch 2: Dive, Poke, and Brawl, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Given the close-up nature of Brawl, it is better to pick Brawl heroes on close-range maps or in control-point-based game modes such as Control or Flashpoint. For players about to just into a Brawl team comp, these are the best heroes they can pick.

5 Reinhardt

The German Tank Is The Definition Of Brawl


Reinhardt is a very one-dimensional tank, as he is the only purely melee character (outside of his Fire Strikes). He is the definition of a Brawl hero, wanting to get right into the fight, maneuvering around the map with his Charge, and utilizing his Shield to allow him to close the gap on enemies and defend himself and his team.

While he isn't necessarily a complex hero, he can be quite tricky to master. Much of Reinhardt's skill expression comes from out-thinking opponents rather than beating them through pure mechanical strength. Reinhardt is also borderline impossible to play without other Brawl heroes like Lúcio on his team. He is pretty dependent on the map, hero picks, and the player's ability to create opportunities for their team as well.

4 Reaper

Point-Blank Shotguns Make Reaper Ideal In Brawl

Reaper Overwatch 2 trick fool opponents

Reaper is another straightforward hero on paper, but he becomes much harder to succeed with at higher ranks due to his simple kit being frequently countered by higher-skilled players. Reaper has next to no range. His Hellfire Shotguns have a lot of damage fall-off, and he doesn't have a ranged ability to deal any poke damage, meaning he always has to get up close and personal to be effective.

Overwatch 2: 11 Best Female Heroes

Diverse and interesting, Overwatch 2's roster of female heroes is quite commendable, with the following characters standing out the most.

Thankfully, Brawl is all about being near the enemy team, and in chaotic situations, Reaper can find a lot of value by quickly bursting down an out-of-position Support or Damage hero, or by simply unloading into the enemy Tank, due to his shotguns dealing immense damage when at point-blank range. When paired with other Brawl heroes that can protect him, Reaper can do some serious damage.

3 Moira

The Talon Scientist Can Pump Out Ridiculously High Healing

overwatch 2 moira abilities

While many Moira players may be tempted to abandon their team and be more of a 'DPS Moira', this is absolutely not advised when playing a Brawl team composition. Moira can pump out incredibly high healing when using her Biotic Grasp heal and her Biotic Healing Orb, allowing her to keep her team in the fight while they deal the majority of the damage.

Sustaining the team is incredibly important during Brawl fights, as a lot of damage is taken when getting in so close to the enemy. Some Moira players can end up with over 2000 healing per minute in certain situations, a testament to her outrageous healing potential. On top of this, Coalescence is one of the fastest charging Ultimates in the game, and is excellent with Brawl. Odds are, many players will be clumped together, allowing Moira to hit as many people as possible with her Ultimate.

2 Ramattra

Ramattra Is Incredibly Durable While Also Dealing High Damage

overwatch 2 ramattra unlock

Ramattra is the king of Brawl when it comes to Tanks. His ability to deal long-range damage with his Void Accelerator while also being able to summon his Void Barrier to help close the gap between his team and the enemies makes him an excellent pick in Brawl compositions.

Overwatch 2: 10 Best Sombra Counters

Sombra post-rework is still a tricky opponent to face if you're unprepared. Luckily, a few heroes with the right tools can counter her in Overwatch 2.

On top of this, Ramattra's Nemesis Form is incredibly powerful. With his punches dealing AoE damage, while also gaining the ability to block, reducing his damage taken by an astonishing amount, it makes him a presence on the battlefield that the enemy team must respect. Ramattra's Ultimate, Annihilation, is also incredibly powerful in close-up fights, as he slowly damages all enemies nearby.

1 Lúcio

The Brazilian DJ Can Amp Up The Pace In Matches


Lúcio is the core of every Brawl team thanks to his Speed Boost and Amp it Up. Lúcio's kit has a lot going on at first glance, but once players get to grips with the movement possible with him, Lúcio becomes one of the most versatile heroes in the entire game. His incredible movement makes him a brilliant hero for dueling, and his Soundwave ability allows him to secure high-value targets by 'booping' them off a cliff.

The main draw of Lúcio in many teams is his AoE buffs. Be it his speed or healing, he always helps his team out when they are near him (which is the entire goal of a Brawl composition). Speeding in together as a team with Amp it Up is incredibly powerful and allows the team to focus on a specific target, like a Support or Damage hero who may be out of position.

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Overwatch 2

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October 4, 2022