Like the rest of the game, the limited time Overwatch 2 mode Battle for Olympus has proven controversial. While some are having a blast with the god-like versions of the game’s heroes, others have taken issue with Battle for Olympus’ grindy challenges and the inability to play the mode with friends. Regardless, as Battle for Olympus nears the final days of availability, Overwatch 2 players hyped for PvE may want to take a closer look at some of the unique abilities.

Some of the abilities added for the Overwatch 2 heroes that serve as the gods in Battle for Olympus are very closely tied to their mythological counterparts. For instance, Zeus Junker Queen’s use of lightning likely would not make it into the character’s PvE skill tree in its current form, nor would Medusa Widowmaker’s ability to freeze those who look at her in place. However, a few of the special skills could absolutely be worked into Overwatch 2 skill trees.

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Battle of Olympus Abilities That Would Make Sense in Overwatch 2’s PvE Mode

Overwatch 2 Olympus Limited Time Event

One upgrade that makes perfect sense as a skill tree upgrade in Overwatch 2 is the triple rockets wielded by Pharah. After activating her Ultimate ability, each shot from her rocket launcher will spread into three missiles for a short period of time, significantly boosting her damage output while also making it easier for her to land shots while in the sky. Being able to move while firing the Rocket Barrage is also something that could easily work within a PvE environment, possibly as one of the final upgrades in Pharah’s skill tree.

Roadhog’s Ultimate ability is another thing that would make sense to split into some upgrades for Overwatch 2’s PvE mode. Making Roadhog bigger and stronger does come with downsides like being unable to get through certain doors without crouching, but on open maps the boost could prove to be hugely beneficial. Being able to shoot boulders instead of the usual projectiles from his Scrap Gun could be something that is carried over too, and if Blizzard wanted, it could let players switch between numerous firing modes and projectile types.

Though turning characters to stone is unlikely to be seen in Widowmaker’s skill tree, Blizzard could be inspired by the concept of altering her Ultimate ability. This has always been one of the weakest aspects of her kit, after all, and with PvE set to expand each hero’s move set greatly, new Ultimates makes sense. Perhaps she could receive an aimbot feature like Soldier: 76, snapping directly to the heads of Omnics and dealing a ton of damage when her Ultimate is active.

Zeus Junker Queen’s lightning is incredibly fun and has ensured that she has sat at the top of the Battle for Olympus leaderboards from the very start. Though lightning is very different from Junker Queen’s normal abilities, finding a way to enhance her PvE skills in a similar fashion could allow her to feel just as fun as she does in the Greek god LTM. Instead of lightning, perhaps enemies could be struck by loose bits of scrap, with the Queen manipulating bits of junk around her to dish out some extra damage.

Basic buffs like those Reinhardt, Ramattra, and Lucio receive during their Ultimates could all be tied to PvE skills, even if they’re a lot less exciting to use than Pharah’s triple rockets or Roadhog’s boulder launcher. Ultimately, this limited time free-for-all experience could be a hint of what fans can expect from PvE, much like the Wrath of the Bride mission served as an example of the content co-op fans could be in store for. Though there is a chance none of these abilities are carried over to PvE, it only makes sense for Blizzard to reuse the game's assets wherever possible.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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