Bastion has always been a hot topic among the Overwatch 2 community, and while the sequel has substantially reworked the hero, one artistic fan has created a presentation detailing their own ideas of how Bastion's abilities could be further adjusted. Veteran Overwatch 2 fans may remember that Bastion was quite overpowered back in the day of the original game, but data has shown that the character is scarcely picked for use in high-rank play nowadays.

Bastion has always provided a number of challenges when it comes to balancing. As a robotic combat unit designed for the sole purpose of fighting on the front lines, Bastion is equipped with various forms of heavy firepower that can be exploited via his different forms. While his recon configuration affords him greater mobility at the cost of lower damage output, his assault configuration allows Bastion to briefly transform into a slower-moving tank form that allows him to fire an incredibly powerful machine gun. His old self-repair ability has been completely stripped out in Overwatch 2 and replaced with a grenade launcher instead, which allows for slightly improved combat flexibility in either configuration.

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While his massive damage output makes him a prime candidate for taking out tough heroes quickly in theory, higher-ranked competitive Overwatch 2 players actually tend to avoid playing as him, as he's easily countered by more experienced players. The difference in Bastion's effectiveness between skill levels is what prompted one fan to share their own ideas of how the robotic hero could be further reworked to make him more viable in high-rank play. The player, known as DanielPRO_21 on Reddit, presented their ideas in the form of an adorable illustrated slideshow, which suggests that Bastion's time in assault configuration should be managed via a cooldown meter like D.Va's Defense Matrix is.

By altering the ability's recharge time as well, this would allow Bastion players to have greater control over their damage output at the cost of a slightly higher average cooldown time. This change would contribute several new problems however, especially when considering Bastion's passive ability which affords him 20% damage reduction in assault form. Of course, the player has gone on to discuss several other points which take this into account, accompanying them with cute Overwatch 2 doodles that many other fans found appealing.

Bastion was just one of many heroes that saw an overhaul in Overwatch 2, though not all of these character changes have been appreciated by the community. Even aside from character tweaks, Overwatch 2 has made considerable changes to parts of the original game's formula, with some of the most major of these alterations being the reduction of team sizes from 6 to 5 and the complete removal of the old game's loot box system in favor of a shop page that features its own currency. Fans have made their discontent clear when it comes to some of the game's aspects, with many offering their own ideas of how the game should evolve.

Overwatch 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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