Although the previous season was a lucrative success, Blizzard sought to create an even better one through the emergence of its third installation. Despite the numerous frustrations that arise as a result of hero balances and map bugs, the dedicated development team are always quick to resolve these issues, often through the implementation of a brand-new season.

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Adhering to the expectations, desires, and demands from the fans, Season 3's release is nothing short of masterpiece, and more, as it showcases the meticulous steps Blizzard is taking in order to bring the Overwatch franchise into a new light of gaming. With the news of collaborations, returning of missed features, and arrival of new events and maps, Season 3's list of changes are extensive, to say the least.

7 Overwatch Credits / Enemy Endorsement

Overwatch Credits and Endorsement Wheel

During the merging from Overwatch to Overwatch 2, the renowned Credit system had essentially crashed, rendering the currency totally worthless. Despite the frivolous commencement of the successor title, fans were in the midst of an undeserving fiasco, as now, their once valuable wealth had no means of growing larger. However, player's prayers were duly noted by having the system reinstated, this time with an exciting opportunity to earn them through the Season 3 battle pass. Situated within each unlockable tier and arriving in batches of 100 at a time, fans of this forgotten currency can now rejoice by purchasing cosmetics for their favorite heroes.

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In relation to sportsmanship, the Overwatch franchise has always prized itself on maintaining a wholesome community, as seen through its endorsement feature. Although granted the opportunity to commend teammates, those who played Blizzard's initial title had the chance to praise the enemy team's too, breeding a sense of integrity and fairness among fans. However, this idea was ultimately removed up until now, miraculously reemerging in Season 3. As of now, at the end of each game fans play, they can be assured a commendation from not only their comrades, but their opposition too.

6 Antarctic Peninsula Map / Overwatch Workshop

Antarctic Peninsula and Overwatch Workshop

Despite typically releasing a unique hero with the launch of a new season, Blizzard have decisively opted to swap that habit for an icy new control map, ingeniously entitled Antarctic Peninsula. With an overall theme of frost and snow, the battleground poses a challenging environment to clash heads in, as some lines of sight are protected by large mounds of ice and glacial drilling equipment. With countless flanking avenues and traffic-controlling high grounds, the brand-new Antarctic Peninsula map is certain to cement itself as a classic within the control rotation.

If the maps created by Blizzard are not up to some players' standards, rest assured they can build their very own from scratch via the widely cherished yet dearly missed Overwatch Workshop. Returning in Season 3 and brandishing an array of newly advanced tools, dedicated fans of custom map-making will have plenty to get stuck into with the restoration of the Workshop, offering up their masterpiece creations to the public and longing to grant them hours of incessant fun.

5 Competitive Rank Changes

Placement Match Wins

To say the ranking system in Overwatch 2 has had its fair share of issues is an understatement, as frustrated fans have experienced numerous issues with being placed in their deserved category. Whether unjustly de-ranked or stranded in their current one, players were ultimately unhappy with the amount of victories required to climb the competitive ladder, being that of seven, and the number of losses enforced before a callous downgrade to their reputable position, being that of twenty.

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Heeding this disapproval and beginning in Season 3, the number of wins necessary to scale the competitive system will be reduced down to five, allowing players to undergo more frequent adjustments to their assigned division. However, the mark in which a demotion will be served has also gone down, with the line now being fifteen. In a sense, they balance each other out, yet fans of this fruitful franchise will be tempted to play more and more with their stature being corrected earlier than usual.

4 Map Pools

Map Pool for Season 3

Alternating each season is Overwatch 2's pool of maps, having a set list of beloved destinations vaulted in order for other maps to be played. Due to the relatively new addition of Push maps making their debut in Overwatch's successor title, the variety isn't exactly immense, hosting only three locations, New Queens Street, Colosseo, and Esperança. As a result of this minimal catalog, all Push map destinations will remain within Season 3.

In terms of the Control game mode, Busan will be sitting this one out to make way for the pristinely new Antarctic Peninsula, while the beloved Escort missions will be removing Route 66 for the distinguishably yearned-for Havana, a map most Overwatch 2 players may not be familiar with. In addition to the return of an old classic, the Hybrid game mode will be putting Eichenwalde to rest to pave the way for Numbani's restoration. Despite this shifting of map rotations, Season 3 will be the final season that witnesses this system, as it will ultimately be abolished come Season 4.

3 One Punch Man Collaboration

One Punch Man Doomfist Skin

As previously mentioned, Blizzard's Season 3 demonstrates their tactical migration into a new realm for the franchise, as seen with the collaboration between Overwatch 2 and the renowned anime series that is One Punch Man. Depicted in their flashy new trailer as the forefront mascot for this partnership, and a definitively obvious choice, is the destructive tank hero Doomfist.

With various other titles making the prudent choice to collaborate with other cultural icons, it is a no-brainer why the esteemed FPS (First-Person Shooter) franchise is doing the same, as combining two lovable elements together poses a joyous outcome the fans can experience. Allowing players to don a replica Saitama outfit, bask in the power that Doomfist withholds, and compete within this prized bout, all display clues as to this being only one of the first collaborative events of many to come.

2 Tank Health Changes / Ultimate Charge Changes

Tank Health and Ultimate Charge

Although not nearly as popular as role que, a rather large proportion of the Overwatch community still clings to the old features that open que modes offer, such as the ability to select and swap between any role during the game. However, with an overall shift in META (Most Effective Tactics Available), the tank selection in Overwatch 2 is a rather overpowered one, causing the majority of open que dwellers to solely run this role. In a bid to combat this, Blizzard have slashed the health of tank heroes by 150 in all modes except role que, hoping to deter players from ignoring other excitingly playable roles.

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A change that might go over some players' heads in Season 3 is the shift in ultimate ability charge when swapping heroes mid-game. Prior to this lucrative update, swapping a hero during a match would mean the ultimate ability charge for the new hero was capped at 30%, however, this has been tuned down by a mere 5% in a bid to avoid fans persistently trying to counter the enemy team's composition. Despite only being a minimal change, it could potentially mean the difference between a triumphant victory or an agonizing defeat.

1 Valentine's Day Event / PachiMarchi Event

Valentine's Day and PachiMarchi Event

Synonymous with lovable seasonal and lore-themed events, fans are in for a delightful treat this Valentine's Day, as the heart-throbbing Ultimate Valentine event kicks off on February 14th. Boasting all the usual aspects of an enthralling event, fans will be gifted a totally different surprise on cupid's day, an Overwatch exclusive dating simulation dubbed 'LoverWatch'. Alongside this bizarre addition to the title, gamers will also be gifted the privilege of utilizing Hanzo's old Scatter Arrow ability within the 'Love Of Geometry' mode, offering those alone this Valentine's Day plenty to tuck into.

Also returning within Season 3 is the eminent PachiMarchi event, which will burst onto the scene on March 21st. For those who are not aware of this quirky little event, the adorable PachiMari mascot will be the center of attention for a few days, offering up challenges, rewards, and map revamps to players that simply log onto the title.

Overwatch 2 is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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