The eighth generation of video games is slowly coming to an end. Indeed, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are in the twilight of their life cycles, yet, while we look forward in anticipation to what the future holds, we can't help but look back and see some of the great games on both consoles. More so than ever before, this generation was built on hype, whether that's for a new exclusive or a multiplatform title, new games are built up through trailers, events, and media, to be the next big thing.

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This marketing tactic works sometimes, but not every time. A lot of new titles release with massive sales and loyal fans. Yet, not every game deserves all the praise. In fact, there are a lot of games that somehow slip between the cracks. So, let's look at the overrated and underrated video games of this generation.

10 Overrated: No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky Gameplay Hello Games

Hello Game's No Man's Sky was a victim of the hype cycle that's defined video game marketing of this generation. Presented as an almost endless game with countless planets to visit, each of which is unique in its own way, players expected an absolute game-changer. Unfortunately, upon its release, we realized we were duped.

Horribly repetitive, and boring, players quickly left the game, and it became a symbol for holding back our expectations. Then, after a series of updates, players came back, with many saying it has improved completely. While, yes, it is better, the main point of the game — visiting planets and looking for life — is still the same.

9 Underrated: Thief

Thief Eidos Montreal Square Enix

The Thief franchise laid dormant for what felt like an eternity before Square Enix brought it back with the help of developer Eidos Montréal. Releasing at the start of the PlayStation 4/Xbox One generation, Thief is one of those strange early next-gen games that are also available on older consoles.

As a result, the game feels a little dated, and the loading screens are a chore to sit through. Despite that, however, there's a very fun game with some superb stealth mechanics that you rarely see these days. For those who love a good sneak 'em up, this is a great choice.

8 Overrated: Fallout 4

The player character in Fallout 4

Fallout 4 is another game that is technically fine. As an action-focused RPG with a massive post-apocalyptic Boston open world, the game will scratch the itch fans of the franchise undoubtedly have. Unfortunately, much like other Bethesda open-world titles, the game is plagued with bugs and issues.

For most, it's something they love, but for others, it's frustrating. Considering this is the first mainline sequel in seven years (five if you count New Vegas), one would expect the issues that plagued the franchise for years would be fixed. Maybe, that's asking for too much.

7 Underrated: Sunset Overdrive

Suhnset Overdrive explosive combat

Insomniac Games' Sunset Overdrive is a love-letter to video games. With mechanics that blend third-person shooting with Jet Set Radio's rail grinding, this game screams fun.

As an Xbox One exclusive that released a year into the console's life cycle, the game's light-hearted nature and colorful art direction really set the tone for how different this console generation will be. Unfortunately, this game seems to be lost among the great titles of this generation, and that seems wrong.

6 Overrated: Tom Clancy's The Division

Tom Clancy's The Division Ubisoft

Taking place in a post-pandemic New York, Tom Clancy's The Division puts players in the shoes of a special agent tasked with figuring out how the virus outbreak happened, deal with the criminal underbelly that emerged in the time following the pandemic, and rebuild Manhattan.

The premise is strong, especially for an online-only game, however, the execution is where it falters. The plot, which sounded interesting on paper didn't really pan out, but that could be forgivable if the game wasn't riddled with bugs. Unfortunately, we're left with a title that feels like it needed more time for almost everything.

5 Underrated: Quantum Break

Quantum Break Remedy Entertainment

Remedy Entertainment is starting to get a reputation for making fantastic games that don't get enough credit and 2016's Quantum Break fits right in with that.

With an engaging story that sees our protagonist trying to stop the "End of Time" with his newly found time manipulation powers, this Xbox One console exclusive is one of the best games in the console's library. Unfortunately, the success of Microsoft's console probably hampered the appeal for this game, which is a shame, because it's great.

4 Overrated: The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian Team Ico

We can't really blame people for overhyping The Last Guardian. Originally slated to be a PlayStation 3 title, the game was in development for hella years. There was a lot of expectation on it too. Developed by Team Ico, the studio behind Ico and Shadow of The Colossus, players expected a level of interactive storytelling and gameplay that is a step above what we're accustomed to.

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Unfortunately, upon its release in 2016, the game played like an early PlayStation 3 title with poor visuals and gameplay involving a giant-winged-dragon-dog, Trico, that doesn't quite work the way it should. There is some good, however, Trico is visually stunning, and the relationship between the protagonist and the animal is sweet. Unfortunately, it's held back by some dated design choices.

3 Underrated: Vampyr

Vampyr Dontnod

Dontnod's Vampyr released in 2018, and since then, it's been the perfect example of a solid game that's a step below AAA style games. It puts players in the shoes of Dr. Jonathan Reid, who returned to London in 1918 — during the Spanish Flu — to be put in a mass grave. It turns out, our favorite doctor turned into a vampire and he's now torn between his duty as a doctor and his desire for blood.

The game focuses heavily on interactions with other characters as, in order to kill, Reid must gather information on his prey before going in for the kill. If players choose, they don't have to murder anyone, but they won't be able to level up. On the flip side, they can hunt, but they risk blowing Reid's cover as a doctor. Each playstyle unlocks different endings, which gives the game a lot of replayability.

2 Overrated: Fortnite

Fortnite Gameplay

Without a shadow of a doubt, Fortnite is the biggest gaming property in the world right now. With over 78 million players worldwide across every platform imaginable, the Epic Games developed free-to-play battle royal has been a force in pop culture.

Disney used the game as a platform to tell people a major plot point of a Star Wars movie, Travis Scott and others played concerts, and Weezer opened up their own area to hype a new album. Now, we're not saying the game isn't worth praise. It's a well-made title. But, with so much focus on it, Fortnite is pretty overrated.

1 Underrated: Alien Isolation

Alien Isolation SEGA

In a generation where horror games returned to the forefront without additional action elements, it's sad to see a title that handles horror so well somehow get placed in the forgotten pile. Putting players in the shoes of Amanda Ripley — the daughter of the movie's protagonist Ellen Ripley — who is searching for her mother who disappeared.

Alien Isolation puts an emphasis on stealth as players must avoid the Alien on board along with the humans who are still alive. It's intense, scary, and one of the best examples the genre has to offer.

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