Overlord is a popular series, attracting both light novel readers and anime fans due to its variations. Falling within the presently oversaturated genre, Isekai, Overlord manages to evade the genre's general cliché narratives, creating a dynamic storyline, using psychotic main characters and a powerful protagonist: Ainz Ooal Gown.

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Ainz Ooal Gown is the Overlord of Nazarick and under his command are a group of maxed-out NPCs that oversee the Tomb's floors. These NPCs are referred to as the Floor Guardians. In Nazarick, the Floor Guardians are classified as the strongest, some with pure stats surpassing Ainz Ooal Gown's. Every Floor Guardian in Overlord is upgraded to the highest level, but some differences in their abilities make them rankable. Here’s a list of Nazerick’s Floor Guardians, ranked in terms of strength.

This ranking excludes, Sebas, the butler who often associates with the Floor Guardians, and Gargantua, the 4th Floor Guardian who is yet to be revealed in the anime.

7 Victim – 8th Floor Guardian

Overlord the floor guardian, victim

Contrary to the creature’s looks and mannerisms, Victim is an angel with a fetus-looking appearance and wings resembling wooden branches. Victim looks weak, and he is; his level, 35, ranks the lowest among any Floor Guardians. However, despite his misleading powers, Victim is extremely formidable even against level 100 NPCs.

The reason Victim has a weak-looking appearance is linked to its ability, which is triggered only after its death. Once Victim is killed, the NPC releases a unique aura that significantly weakens even powerful players or adversaries within its range. The reason Victim is still a level 35 NPC is due to its D=death-based ability. Since Victim’s creators would have to revive the NPC anytime it dies (the higher the level, the higher the cost), they decided to leave Victim at Level 35 to conserve cost.

6 Pandora’s Actor – Treasury Guardian

Overlord pandora's actor the treasury guardian

Unlike the other Floor Guardians, Pandora's Actor, an NPC from the Doppelganger race, is a creation of Momonga tasked with the obligation of safeguarding Nazerick’s treasury. Similar to most Floor Guardians, Pandora's Actor is a level 100 NPC. However, his mannerisms and actions are unique and even comical. This is a result of Momonga's actions; he thought those mannerisms were cool, but he was embarrassed when he saw the actions of his creation in person.

Possessing the common trait inherent in all Floor Guardians, Pandora's Actor is wholeheartedly loyal to Ainz. His abilities are also versatile and well-matched with his race. Pandora's Actor can morph into any creature, including the Floor Guardians. Furthermore, in his transformed state, he can use up to eighty percent of the abilities and skills of the creatures he copies.

5 Aura Bella Fiora & Mare Bello Fiore – 6th Floor Twin Guardians

Overlord aura bella and mare bello the 6th floor twin guardians

The twins, Aura Bella and Mare Bello are misleading characters in Overlord due to their appearances and gender clashes resulting from the actions of their creator, Bukubukuchagama. Aura Bella Fiora has the appearance of a male, despite being a female. Contrastingly, Mare Bello Fore resembles a female in appearance but is actually.

Both characters originating from the dark elf race are the only duo guardians in Nazarick. Aura Bella is a beast tamer, so her abilities center on combinations with beasts she has subdued. On the hand, the shy-looking brother, Mare Bello, is a druid with magical abilities that can manipulate nature. The true extent of the twins' abilities hasn't been revealed in the anime yet.

4 Cocytus – 5th Floor Guardian

Overlord cocytus

Cocytus is a member of the Vermin Lord Race and is the Guardian of the fifth floor with the maxed-out level: 100. Cocytus is a large creature with insect-like features, four arms, and an ice-based magic affiliation. Among all the Floor Guardians, Cocytus takes pride in being Ainz's warrior due to being naturally inclined towards fighting battles.

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Similar to his title, "Ruler of the Frozen Glacier," Cocytus possess powerful control over ice. Proof of this ability was seen during his subdual of the Lizardmen Tribe, where he froze their lake solid. Apart from his icy nature, Cocytus's four powerful arms can all wield weapons simultaneously, making Cocytus a deadly opponent during hand-to-hand combat.

3 Demiurge - 7th Floor Guardian

Overlord the arch devil, demiurge

Demiurge, the seventh Floor Guardian, is an Arch Devil with gentlemanly mannerisms and a maxed-out level. The Guardian's first striking characteristic is his exceptional intelligence, surpassing even that of Ainz Ooal Gown. But of course, no one except Momonga knows this. Due to his devil nature, he performs experiments and torture on creatures he refers to as “lesser beings.”

In the Second Season of Overlord, Demiurge used the spell "Flames of Gehenna," which creates a flame-based illusion and buffs the power of the demons Demiurge summons. However, Demiurge's forte lies in military strategy and process, so his true powers are yet to be revealed in the anime yet. Regardless, Demiurge can use 10th Tier magic, such as Meteor fall and Sodom’s Fire and Brimstone.

2 Shaltear Bloodfallen – 1st, 2nd & 3rd Floor Guardian

Overlord shaltear bloodfallen, the first, second and third floor guardian

The Vampiric Floor Guardian, Shaltear Bloodfallen, is the only character among the Floor Guardians whose powers were properly revealed in the anime. Despite resembling the appearance of a cute fourteen-year-old girl, within Shaltear is a horrific-looking monster with a vast number of abilities and powers.

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During Shaltear's battle with Ainz Ooal Gown, while she was under the control of a World-Class item, she proved herself worthy of being the Guardian of three floors. Shaltear possesses the highest stats among the Floor Guardians and abilities that elevates her vitality to surpass her opponents during combat. This is one of the reasons why it wasn't easy for Ainz to easily defeat her.

1 Albedo – Overseer Of The Guardians

Overlord albedo, the overseer of the guardians

Albedo may not be the Guardian of any floor, but she is the Overseer of the Floor Guardians, enough to earn a place in their rankings. Albedo was the first NPC Ainz Ooal Gown encountered during his reincarnation/transfer into the New World. Albedo is from the Succubi race, donning a white dress with horns and wings.

She and Shaltear Bloodfallen both share an obsessive love for Momonga, a result of Ainz's modification to her programming. Since she is the Overseer of the Guardians, Albedo governs the actions of the seven Floor Guardians. In terms of intellectual prowess, she rivals even Demiurge, the 7th Floor Guardian. In terms of magical defensive abilities, Albedo supersedes every Floor, Gua

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