Outriders features many ways for players to create unique, powerful, and destructive builds with all four classes: Devastator, Pyromancer, Trickster, and Technomancer. Through these classes, Outriders players have the chance to select from three different skill trees to refine their playstyle and assign active and passive buffs. While the trees vary from class to class, general rules followed are that the upper skill tree provides more heavy firepower (FP), the middle is geared toward healing and survivability, and the lower is for Anomaly power (AP).

Different weapons, armor, and mods for both sets of gear create a large amount of options for synergized character builds. To that end, each of the classes had four Legendary armor sets that complement the six skills belonging to each class. When Outriders: Worldslayer was released, two more Legendary armor sets were added per-class, and the Trickster class received exciting additions.

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Trickster Legendary Sets in Outriders

outriders worldslayer

Legendary sets are pieces of armor that not only contain mod slots to tweak, but also comprise a set granting signature bonuses. These bonuses are active only if the player wears at least three pieces of the same set. The statistics for the Legendary Sets are always present, creating a balanced approach to the armor sets but allowing other enhancements through skills, mods, and Ascension Points.

The four Legendary armor sets available for the Trickster at launch included:

  • Chronosuit Set - reverting time replenishes ammo in the clip.
  • Edge of Time Set - Damage for Temporal Blade Cyclone Splice is increased by 100 percent.
  • Trespasser Set - For every enemy affected by a Damage skill, the damage is increased by five percent while preventing death inside Slow Trap.
  • Ugake Otarah Set - Hunt the Prey does not have cooldown consumption when teleporting behind enemies marked by the Venator's Knife.

The Trespasser Set was considered one of the weaker sets available when Expeditions were timed, as utilizing the Slow Trap skill to prevent death didn't increase or adjust the counter for the Expedition. It wasn't until New Horizons that the set increased in popularity because of the feature adding five-percent damage to enemies marked by Damage skills.

Trickster Legendary Sets in Outriders: Worldslayer

outriders worldslayer

With the release of Worldslayer, two more Legendary sets were added to the Trickster's arsenal, allowing different playstyles to shine through. Adding Apocalypse gear with its unique third mod allows for further hybridization of features. Like the original four Legendary armor sets, the Worldslayer sets require the player to be wearing at least three pieces:

  • Shieldbeast Set - Every percent of Shield provides a one-percent increase to Anomaly Power.
  • Terminal Velocity Set - If any Movement skills are active, if Borrowed Time is active, if players roll or sprint during combat, Anomaly Velocity boosts Weapon Damage up to 80 percent. Additionally, the player's roll function is replaced with Phantom Dash, which allows for passing through enemies.

With the new content from Worldslayer, the Shieldbeast Set has become incredibly popular in the Trickster's Legendary armor set ranks. Players that love using Twisted Rounds, Temporal Blade, and Cyclone Slice can also find a lot to enjoy in Shieldbeast. While it may require a little micromanaging of skills, mods, and other passive bonuses, the Shieldbeast can turn Anomaly and Hybrid builds into devastating weapons. With a one-percent gain of AP, each percent of Shield can easily stack. Activating Twisted Rounds, which infuse bullets with AP, quickly multiplies the weapon's Bonus Firepower into the millions.

While Outriders: Worldslayer added two new Legendary Armor sets to the Trickster class, the game succeeds because tweaking other elements through skills, mods, and ascension points can complement the different sets. Factors like a player's choice of firepower, healing, or AP builds also affect the strengths of the other sets, ensuring that players can diversify devastating forms of attacks with some micromanagement.

Outriders is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Outriders: Worldslayer Update Includes Balance Updates for Every Class