The Outriders: Worldslayer expansion is promising to be a meaty addition, providing players more than one reason to maximize their character builds and jump back into the dangerous world of Enoch. With its June 30 release fast approaching, developer People Can Fly has shown that Outriders: Worldslayer will contain hundreds of hours of new story campaigns, enemy types and bosses, legendary gear and mods, environments, lore, new PAX skill trees, Apocalypse Tiers, an Endgame progression system called Ascension, and even more Endgame content found in the Trials of Tarya Gratar. Now is the time to re-explore or gear up for the first time and see the obstacles Outriders offers.

Game ZXC spoke with Square Enix brand video creator Lucy Hale, as well as People Can Fly creative visual artist Sven Liebold and associate lead for balance design Lukasz Osinski about exclusive Outriders Endgame content featuring the Trials of Tarya Gratar. With difficulty already ramped up in the primary campaign of Outriders: Worldslayer, prepare to turn the dial to eleven for its Endgame dungeon, where only the hardest of the hardcore can throw their might against the bloodthirsty horrors that dwell inside. Designed to provide hundreds of additional hours, Tarya Gratar is home for the elite to build their ultimate Outrider arsenal and gear and explore the ancient PAX city deep within Enoch to uncover more truths about the planet's native race. Described as vast, immense, and explorable, Tarya Gratar offers its players several elements to differentiate it from traditional dungeons. These features will empower players' Outriders for the trials ahead or send them back to camp to try again.

RELATED: Outriders: Worldslayer's New PAX Trees Explained

Crossroads in Tarya Gratar

Outriders Promo Image Devastator and Pyromancer

Access to the dungeon begins at a new Base Camp, situated at the entrance to the Trials, and will feature all amenities for the Outrider lifestyle to ensure maximum preparation for what lies ahead. Players can access vendors, crafting, fast travel to previous locations, character customization, stash, matchmaking, and all eighteen Expeditions from the base game. Once inside, Outriders can return to camp once they complete the trial, abandon the quest, or die too often - where Tarya Gratar's rewards will reset and be freshly obtainable. Inside the dungeon, players are expected to fully explore what each area has to offer, as challenges and loot are abundant, although they certainly are allowed to run right ahead if they dare.

Crossroads are areas in Tarya Gratar that are off the primary path, meant to be fully explored and to grant Outriders additional fights and rewards before they carry forward to each area's main Boss. These Crossroads are designed as little detours along the way and contribute to the story and lore that Tarya Gratar is rooted in, which ties nicely to the primary Worldslayer campaign regarding the mysteries of the PAX. While not fully open-world, Crossroads are also a way for players to stop and take in the views Tarya Gratar has to offer, with these detours often leading to another element in the dungeon: Troves.

Troves in Tarya Gratar

outriders deathscape

As players traverse Tarya Gratar, other optional areas they can explore come in the form of Troves, which are challenging enough to cut a dungeon run short but offer high-risk rewards for those who take up the call. Considered mini-boss runs and arenas, these locations are spread throughout Tarya Gratar's many areas and provide players with something unique to the Outriders universe: Targeted Apocalypse Gear Loot Farming. With the new Legendary and Apocalypse gear featured in Outriders: Worldslayer further enhancing customization and play styles, players will want to maximize their builds with the best of the best, from weapons to armor to mods. And with the new third-tier mod slot locked, finding that perfect weapon or armor will require players to hunt down as many enemies as possible.

Targeted Apocalypse Gear Loot Farming allows players to farm for specific pieces of gear as they take on the challenges the Troves offer. With each Trove offering a particular slot of equipment, players can select which Trove they want, searching for the different types of Apocalypse gear they're looking for at that time to customize their class builds entirely. To enhance the challenge for farming loot, each Trove location spawns new enemy types and bosses on each run, with enemies embracing new combat mechanics every time to ensure players are always kept on their toes. Once the Trove is finished, players will be returned to their last Crossroads to continue their journey.

"We really listened to fan feedback we received regarding the original Outriders , in which people wanted more unique bosses, more combat variants, more difficult enemies to defeat. So we knew to make sure that the bosses in Worldslayer , especially in Tarya Gratar, don't just have the same repeatable attacks; they switch depending on the run and utilize the environment against the players to increase the difficulty in stopping them."

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Boss Arenas in Tarya Gratar

outriders worldslayer

Able to be repeated at any point and designed with replayability in mind, the Trials of Tarya Gratar are no laughing matter, with numerous challenges offered along the way to prepare players for their final confrontation at the end of each area of the Trials: Boss Arenas. Steeped in lore and infused with the Anomaly, Boss Arenas are the only way for players to continue progressing through the dungeon and completing the Trials. Many Bosses are new to the game, found only within the Trials of Tarya Gratar, and create devastating attacks that only the toughest Outriders can conquer. Able to summon hordes of enemies to protect them, Bosses will constantly switch up their attacks through an organic fighting play style meant to make predictability impossible.

Outriders: Worldslayer's massive Endgame content, The Trials of Tarya Gratar, are meant to challenge the strongest Outriders in a dungeon that only a handful will survive. Offering hundreds of hours of additional content, farming, and loot, Tarya Gratar features three unique elements to explore as players progress to its ultimate conclusion. With Crossroads and Troves offering further exploration, enemies, and loot to prepare for the bosses ahead, players will learn more about Enoch's history and native species, the PAX. While the total number of Boss Arenas has yet to be revealed, the dungeon was designed to last several hours on each run, indicating many worthy opponents for players to best.

"We designed the Trials to be finished in one sitting over the course of several hours. I'd say two to four hours per run, depending on game style. You get three chances to run the dungeon, losing a chance each time you die, so make sure to bring your best Outrider weapons, armor, and mods to the fight."

Outriders: Worldslayer expansion releases June 30, 2022, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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