Outriders is one of the newest games to combine multiplayer with the looter shooter genre. Recently, developer People Can Fly has been hard at work solving numerous issues plaguing the title and frustrating players. With the newest patch, equipment inventories should no longer get wiped while playing Outriders.

As is tradition with any looter shooter, players gather a hoard of unique gear to personalize their character. With four separate classes in Outriders, stylizing an individual kit is a large part of the appeal. Fans can put in tons of time grinding out specific loot, with the expectation that it can be stored indefinitely. Since the game's release, though, many players have had their entire inventory wiped which makes that time put in moot.

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Square Enix reveals that this new patch will prevent any future inventory wipes. That said, the team is going to be watching the results of this update throughout the weekend to make sure everything is functioning correctly. After installing it, players will know it is in the process due to some multiplayer connectivity issues. Inventories will also appear invisible, but this will be remedied by waiting shortly and restarting the game. This is the "three-step inventory safeguarding measures" at play fixing Outriders to stop this problem from happening.

trickster outrider player character shooting armored heavy gunner insurgent with automatic shotgun

Though, if inventory wipes still occur then those players can report that to the game's Reddit page. Keep in mind, this patch only prevents future wipes and is not the resolution to already missing gear. The developers are first making sure that this initial update is fulfilling the goal before moving on to other inventory glitches. After it is known to be working right, the team will provide details on inventory restoration in Outriders. Since that solution is server side, those playing the game will not need to download an additional patch to fix it.

With a release date earlier this month, it does not seem to be taking the developers too long to resolve issues. In a game all about gathering loot, getting an inventory wipe is one of the top problems that can occur. Few players will want to keep engaging if their hard work can be erased randomly, especially now with nerfs in Outriders. Now that this patch is out, gamers on the fence can hop back in without worrying too much about losing their equipment.

The thing is, this is not the only issue the game has been facing. There were also server connectivity problems causing trouble for those wanting to play together. Only recently did cross-play come back to Outriders, which is a bit disappointing weeks after launch. In any case, People Can Fly is working to fix the problems to get the title in a playable state and seem to have an organized plan of action.

Outriders is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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Source: Reddit