People Can Fly's cooperative shooter Outriders has had an interesting ride ever since its release in 2021. Although at first it attracted a lot of players and was praised for its gameplay and character customization options, its story didn't really grab gamers and Outriders found it hard to compete with similar games on the market. The release of the Worldslayer expansion earlier this year was a chance for Outriders to up the ante, and it offered plenty of new content like areas to explore and new Legendary sets for the various classes.

Most fans agree that Outriders' base game already featured some of the best class customizations and build options among the online looter shooter genre, so if Worldslayer was going to introduce some new elements, it had a lot to live up to. While a few areas of Outriders' first major expansion didn't quite live up to expectations, other aspects definitely delivered and managed to enhance the gameplay of the base game. However, many players have wondered just how well the new Legendary sets for classes like the Technomancer compare to those already available at launch.

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Technomancer Legendary Sets In Outriders

Outriders Technomancer Legendary Armor

As the support class in Outriders, the Technomancer focuses on long-range specializations and also has the most healing abilities among the base game's four classes. Technomancers are not only a fun class, but they also have some of the best Legendary Sets in Outriders that provide great passive buffs and advantages to really help gamers hone their character. From increasing damage on various enemies to refilling ammunition, the Technomancer Legendary sets in the base game had plenty of handy boosts.

Widely considered to be one of the better Legendary sets for Outriders' Technomancer class, the Borealis Monarch increases damage on Frozen enemies by 50% and also has the option of increasing Critical Hit Damage for all members of the player's party for a short time after using Cold Snap. It's a flexible set that works well with many of the different Technomancer builds and really boosts Cold Snap and Cryo Turrets.

Other Legendary sets in the base game like Grim Inventor, Plague Sower, and Torrential Downpour all have their own unique perks as well, with the latter allowing players to deal even more Anomaly Damage as their Scrapnel grenades create additional cluster bombs after detonation. These sets make the Technomancer build not only useful to their allies, but also a formidable challenge for their enemies.

Technomancer Legendary Sets In Outriders: Worldslayer


The Worldslayer expansion brought a number of changes, including two new sub-classes that became available via PAX Trees once players hit level thirty. It also added the Flame Leper Legendary set and the Techmonger set, which included the ability to inflict damage over time to enemies with the Blightfire status and increase Turret damage respectively. Outriders' Technomancer builds were already pretty strong and their Legendary sets were both useful and well-designed, but the two new sets added in Worldslayer have quickly worked their way up to be among the best for the class.

A Turret-focused playstyle was difficult to achieve in the base game but Techmonger makes it a possibility, and Flame Leper is one of the better Legendary sets added with the Worldslayer expansion among all the classes. With some nerfs, buffs, and new Legendary sets, the Worldslayer expansion has helped to switch up the gameplay and improve what was already a strong aspect of the Outriders experience.

Outriders is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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