Outriders feature four main classes that allow players to curtail their play style to wreak untold havoc against foes and creatures alike on the alien planet of Enoch: Trickster, Devastator, Technomancer, and Pyromancer. Within Outriders, each class offers a unique array of armor, weapons, mods, and powers that enhance players' abilities and how they survive. While starting the game with low damage output, Pyromancers ultimately provide some of the best legendary armor sets.

When Outriders: Worldslayer was released in June 2022, new legendary armor sets were added for each of the four classes. These additional sets begged players to return to Enoch to experience the base game again and the new content, which offered decisively more difficult enemies and creatures. With the lore of the game expanding the history of the Anomaly, the powers granted to players were explored more in-depth.

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Pyromancer Legendary Sets in Outriders


Legendary armor not only contains unique names, looks, and abilities to distinguish them, but they bring further bonuses to players when wearing three or more pieces of the set. This is especially useful for Pyromancers, who traditionally regain health from executing opponents and creatures with their abilities, unlike other classes, who restore health and shields by using their powers and technology. Legendary Sets can be augmented through additional weaponry and mods, which allows Pyromancers, in particular, to become inferno powerhouses.

  • Acari Set - Enemies damaged by Heatwave will grant a 25% Anomaly Power bonus for 10 seconds.
  • Lava Lich Set - The damage from Eruption is increased by 100%, while its cooldown is reduced by 30%.
  • Reforged Set - Utilizing a Thermal Bomb increases the damage from Feed the Flames by 200%. Feed the Flames then increases the damage to the Thermal Bomb by 200%.
  • Torturer Set - Triples the range of Volcanic Rounds' damaging aura that surrounds each bullet. Any enemy affected by the aura shares 50% of the Anomaly Damage dealt to the enemy hit with Volcanic Rounds.

The Acari Set is often cited as the premiere set for Pyromancers. Its augmentation to Anomaly Power for Heatwave is devastating and can hit multiple enemies simultaneously, which is especially useful for enemies in groups or if surrounded. While the Acari and Anomaly Power builds benefit from this fiery devastation, other sets, such as the Reforged Set provide players with a loop-enhancing Thermal Bomb and Feed the Flames, which can save many players.

Pyromancer Legendary Sets in Outriders: Worldslayer

outriders worldslayer weapon

Outriders: Worldslayer brought two new Legendary Sets to the Pyromancer's arsenal, enhancing melee abilities and the area of effect. With access to six complete armor sets, Pyromancers can become weapons of mass destruction, particularly by the end game. This colossal devastation is taken even further with the addition of tier 3 mods for the Pyromancer's skills.

  • Heat Seeker Set - After successful detonation, the Thermal Bomb travels to the target with the lowest health in a 25-meter radius. Applied this way, a Thermal Bomb deals 50% less damage and can chain up to 3 times.
  • Scorched Zealot Set - Pyromancers' melee skill fires a projectile that explodes on impact, dealing X damage and inflicting Ash to enemies within a 5-meter radius. The projectile's damage increases by 25% for each enemy hit with Feed the Flames, up to 100%. The Bonus is spent on the next melee skill used.

The Heat Seeker Set has become a fan favorite from Outriders: Worldslayer because players, if successful, can detonate Thermal Bomb four times. This allows Pyromancers to wipe out hordes of enemies, clearing rooms to give themselves time to breathe. While Scorched Zealot does enhance melee abilities, its strength wanes because most armor mods for the set improve Feed the Flames, which is a rarely used skill. Still, these Legendary Sets offer players dozens, if not hundreds of build designs meant to unleash torrents of power against their foes.

Outriders is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Outriders Worldslayer: 4 Best Legendary Armor Sets