Outriders is set to launch this fall as one of many launch games for the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Fans will be able to enjoy it on PC, current-gen consoles, and Stadia as well, so while no one is being left behind, many still have questions about the game. The monthly broadcasts hosted by People Can Fly, though, are showing players everything they need to know about the game.

From answering fan questions about how long it takes to beat Outriders to diving into the game's core classes, these broadcasts will likely have the game laid out for the world to see before its release later this year. There's always more questions than answers, however, and Game ZXC was able to speak with People Can Fly's Outriders Game Director Bartosz Kmita and Senior Narrative Designer Szymon Barchan about the upcoming game.

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We recommend watching the second broadcast before reading the interview, as our questions are largely based on content shown off for Outriders. The following interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Q: I wanted to ask a few questions about the Pyromancer. How does it work with the other classes, how's the synergy?

A: Overall, we tried to make every class be different from the gameplay perspective and that everyone can find their preferred playstyle in each class. And because every class is unique, then the synergy is quite natural in gameplay. In the beginning, it's almost like a classic approach to classes, so some are more tanky, more damage-dealing, more single target or AOE damage dealer. So, the beginning of your adventure when you are unfamiliar, whether you're playing with friends or colleagues, the synergy is automatic.

The more you play, the more you'll discover things about the classes and our mechanics, the more you'll start to find your way to play the Pyromancer or other classes. And through this, you'll find your unique gameplay and your unique synergy with these classes. And that's all on how you build your character and other guys, friends, or strangers build their characters. The hardest challenges or higher difficulty levels, you'll have to think what "fits the best" with your character and playstyle.

Q: Early on, you said the classes are pretty mainstream. Early on, how would you describe the Pyromancer?

A: Early on, I'd say the Pyromancer is the mid-range AOE damage-dealer. So the more enemies that's on the battlefield, the better for you. Your healing mechanic is that you have to mark enemies with skills, then you'll regenerate health when you kill them. So, in theory, the more enemies, the better for you. Of course, you have to practice, you have to be smart, and sometimes you can basically overdo it.

Q: The aggressive healing is interesting and different. With the Pyromancer, you have to mark enemies. And I think the Trickster had to sneak up and get close?

A: With the Trickster, you have to sneak up or be close to them. In close proximity, you'll heal. The Pyromancer doesn't have to go to them, but you have to mark them with these skills. It changes up the playstyle.

outriders pyromancer hub

Q: Right, so the Trickster was in the first broadcast, the Pyromancer's in the second, does that mean the Devastator will be in the third?

A: That's a good assumption (laugh)

Q: Following that, does that mean we can expect the mysterious fourth class to be next? or are we going to have wait?

A: Always with mysterious things, we try to keep them to the end. Even if someone will outsmart us and predict the future, we are not denying this. We're okay with that.

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Q: Changing gears, the crew shown off in the broadcast was interesting. There's Jakub, Zahedi, and Bailey. Are there going to be more than join throughout the game?

A: Yes, there will be more characters, but overall, we tried to keep this group like a trip with your friends, family in the truck. So there wouldn't be like a crowd of NPCs that join you on this rather intimate journey.

Q: So this crew influences how the game develops?

A: Yes, it's important because we want you to familiarize with these characters. We want you to know them, to understand what they want, to understand what they have to do, and each of these character's stories grows in this whole journey. We want to keep this whole entourage big enough to have a group of supporters, but not so big they would be lost [to the background].

So you're focusing on the main characters. The main thing we want is that you care about these characters.

Q: Do they have their own quests? Can you romance them? How deep does that go?

A: Yes, they will have their own quests, and you'll be able to talk with them. For romance, overall, we are not creating a game about love stories. Our world is a little bit different, more brutal and gritty, and they have different problems. Survival is the issue, not romance right now.

Q: So in the broadcast, it shows side quests can take you to new areas, and it seems exploration will be a big part of the game. How important will that be, exploring Enoch?

A: Honestly, we're not creating a typical open-world game, but we want you to have some areas to explore connected with some solid activities, quests, etc. Each area is the region you're traveling and is designed in a way that, when you reach a certain spot, there's some side areas to explore. So, I would say it's pretty much a good bit of the content, but you shouldn't expect a huge open world.

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Q: So it's more like open areas you can explore off the beaten path?

A: Yeah, it's more like a changing of arenas with some branching where you can go in different arenas. There's mandatory and not-mandatory paths. Some areas you can explore to check what's behind the corner. We care more about world full of action than just a huge open world.

Q: When exploring these areas and exploring the main story, how diverse is Enoch? There's the settlements, there's the frontier, for example.

A: They are very diverse and quite uncommon for other games. Each checkpoint is like a totally new place. You'll be in different areas with different enemies and different environments overall. Of course, we cannot show all of this because we would spoil too much. But the beginning, just the first checkpoint, the first level, is like a warzone, but this is not not the whole game. The whole game is not this environment.

We wanted for each region to be really different than the other, to have its own theme and history to tell through it. Every area, you'll see this environment is different and has a different climate. We're really focused on that, to deliver the different color palettes, etc. and that will be changing depending on where you go to.

outriders Enoch

Q: All of this really brings the planet to life, right?

A: That's definitely our aim, so you can see the variety of the planet and have it be like being on an alien world. It's meant to catch your eye, so like one area would be something else and you may wonder about the environment, what's going on here.

Q: And the anomaly's going to change up some of these areas or make it more difficult to pass through?

A: Overall, the anomaly's a huge, huge, huge thing in our game. It's one of the core mysteries, the anomaly and what it is. Yes, the anomaly is changing the environment, it's changing the animals. Everyone starts to behave differently, hyper-evolving, and starts to hate humanity, and try to get rid of it. Why it is and why it's happening like this is one of the mysteries of the game.

Q: This is probably one of my biggest questions. Is there any particular reason you named the planet Enoch?

The one rule I said to myself was to never explain some of your decisions. I will leave this for people to have their own interpretation. I am hoping people will have different opinions about it.

But there is something behind it.


At the end of the interview, People Can Fly's Kmita and Barchan expressed how happy they were that they could finally talk about Outriders after spending a couple of years making it. They look forward to the day players can get their hands on it and share they they think, and they hope fans will love the unique approach and super interesting world. Right now, Outrider's release date is unknown, but as the fall and winter gets closer, so too does next-gen consoles and a new slew of games to explore, including People Can Fly's unique Sci-Fi RPG shooter.

Outriders releases Q4 2020 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: First Outriders Broadcast Shows Off Gameplay, World Tiers, and More