Between releasing Outriders, taking over Phosphor Games and turning it into People Can Fly Chicago, and acquiring Game On, People Can Fly has been busy. The company aims to grow its global brand, and in an interview with Game ZXC, PCF CEO Sebastian Wojciechowski has discussed just that.

People Can Fly Chicago is the company's third development studio in North America, alongside New York and Montreal, while the bulk of the company's staff remains in Europe, particularly Warsaw. Taking over that studio and acquiring Game On are all part of one big global growth strategy, and obviously, manpower and studios are required to do just that. However, video games to grow that brand recognition are just as important.

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Wojciechowski feels that Outriders has put the company back on the map, and indeed many do love it for its core content. Despite some flaws, many are also hopeful for Outriders DLC classes or story expansions, but that remains to be seen. While Wojciechowski didn't comment much on Outriders, we did briefly discuss the two other Triple-A projects PCF is working on: Project Gemini and Project Dagger.

outriders e3

Outside of discussing that People Can Fly Chicago is collaborating with the overall network of studios, Wojciechowski couldn't comment on anything the studio would be working on in particular. However, he did discuss how the 7 overall People Can Fly studios are approaching the two aforementioned projects:

[O]ur European studios are working on Project Gemini with Square Enix and our North American studios are working on Project Dagger with Take-Two Interactive.

Project Dagger is being led by People Can Fly New York with assistance from other North American Studios, while Project Gemini is being led by the Warsaw studio with assistance from the other European Studios. In terms of genre, Project Dagger is an action game, but Wojciechowski didn't elaborate on what Gemini is. With experience on classic shooter games like Bulletstorm and, of course, the buzz around the recently-released Outriders, it stands to reason that many are excited to see what comes next. When asked what Wojciechowski would say to fans in this regard, he said,

Definitely, I would like them to look forward to some new stuff that we are currently working on. And without spoiling anything, there will be more to come in the near future. Look forward to what we are cooking at People Can Fly.

"Near future" caught our eye, so we followed-up asking if he had anything to say regarding E3 2021. He simply replied, "for now, we have nothing specific to announce around E3." As such, it's not certain if People Can Fly will have anything ready in time, though it's worth noting Square Enix and Take-Two Interactive will both be at E3, but knowing more will come in the "near future" is interesting enough. Whether that's a teaser or proper announcement for Project Gemini or Project Dagger, or something related to Outriders, remains to seen. Fitting to the name, though, Wojciechowski believes the "sky's the limit" for People Can Fly.

Outriders is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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