Heading into the weekend, developer People Can Fly released a patch for Outriders that was meant to fix a number of issues with the game. However, it appears that the patch has done just as much harm as good, with many players reporting new bugs with the game.

For a while now, Outriders players have felt that something is off with the damage scaling in the game. Whether it’s in the way the game calculates damage, a handful of bugs working together, or something to do with enemy AI, there is a general feeling of inconsistency when it comes to damage. Even so, players were able to brute force their way through content thanks to a bug with the Emergency Stance mod that grants permanent Golem (65% damage mitigation from all sources).

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People Can Fly had already said that it planned to fix the Golem bug and this past Friday’s Outriders patch did just that. Unfortunately, without Golem, players began to see how many additional damage scaling problems were present in the game. It also seems that new issues have appeared following this patch, many dealing with connection errors.

But where the game is concerned, the forums, Outriders subreddit, and social media are filled with players wondering what is going on with the game. Because People Can Fly launched the patch on a Friday, players are likely left waiting until Monday (at the earliest) before any of these issues can be looked at, no less resolved. To the developer’s credit, the initial patch did cause some problems and the devs worked to fix those issues before seemingly calling it a day.

outriders patch broke damage

Outriders players are reporting that they are being “one shot” by enemies regardless of their armor. Some players have discovered that damage mitigation mods are not activating properly. And even those who never used Golem because they knew it would inevitably get nerfed are finding that something isn’t right.

Admittedly, there are Outriders players who say that their experience has been unchanged since before the patch. But there are significantly more posts claiming that something is different, and not in a good way. Moreover, players are frustrated that Outriders would release a patch on a Friday.

It’s also worth mentioning that People Can Fly has not restored the inventories of Outriders players who lost gear because of a bug a few weeks ago. Apparently, the complexity of the issue and making sure that players receive all the proper gear has forced PCF to extensively test the fix and ensure it doesn’t cause any additional issues.

At this point, Outriders players are concerned about the state of the game and whether People Can Fly will be able to improve the game without causing additional problems. Right now, the hope is that the devs will have some info on Monday and then things will progress from there.

Outriders is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series.

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