As the first Outriders broadcast gave players a look at the Trickster, its abilities, and its healing mechanic, the second broadcast turns its eyes to the Pyromancer. The first class is about deadly speed and getting up close to enemies, whereas the Pyromancer is described early on as a "mid-range AOE damage dealer." However, players are able to find their own playstyles within each of the class, and the Pyromancer's abilities and skill trees prove this to be the case. Game ZXC also had the chance to sit down with People Can Fly's Bartosz Kmita (Game Director) and Szymon Barchan (Senior Narrative Designer) to ask a few more questions about the Pyromancer.

First, it's worth diving into what was shown during the broadcast. Around the 16:45 mark, Outriders fans get to see a clip of the Pyromancer in action. It's described as for those who wish to take on hordes of enemies, and its four skills (out of a total 8) that are shown off prove just how that's possible. Thermal Bomb sets a single enemy ablaze, but if they die while under its effects, they'll rise into the air and explode, damaging nearby targets. Allies can trigger this as well.

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The second ability showcased is the Ash Blast, which immobilizes enemies as a crowd control ability. It's a good offensive and defensive skill, to line enemies up for attack or to back away to safety. Power three is Heat Wave, one of the Pyromancer's earliest abilities on Enoch, and sees the class throw up a wall of fire that goes forward from it. It's a good way to hit charging enemies with the burning status and prevent them from closing in and swarming the character. Overheat is the final ability to be shown, and it hits enemies with a small amount of damage. It may sound like a weak ability, but with its wide radius, it's a good way to compound damage on enemies and mark a ton of them for healing.

Healing in Outriders is focused on being aggressive, and as each class heals differently, the Pyromancer heals by marking enemies with abilities and making sure they die while marked. As such, Overheat is a good way to mark a bunch of enemies and rack in the heals quickly. The broadcast also goes on to show a little bit of the classes' skill trees, which are the Ash Breaker (a focus on damage and marking enemies), the Fire Storm (focused on skill and anomaly powers), and the Tempest (more of a tank-based tree).

Gear and customization also go a long way in making the Pryomancer and every other Sci-fi class stand out, as some pieces will tweak or change skills. This means players will be able to tailor every class to their liking and work with others to find that perfect combo. When asked about the synergy between classes, People Can Fly described it as "natural" and early on as "automatic." In fact, while the game evolves and changes to fit the character's playstyle, its earliest hours are akin to a "classic approach to classes." Some are more tanky by design, while others are focused on damage, but as players learn more about the game and build their character, it takes on a whole new level of nuance.

outriders pyromancer hub

On "the hardest challenges or higher difficulty levels, you'll have to think what fits the best with your character and playstyle." Outriders hasn't detailed its endgame content in full yet, but it does feature World Tiers that will continually increase challenge. Players will need to adapt, learn their classes quickly, and keep their class synergy in mind. In particular, though, Pyromancers will need to pay attention to hordes of enemies, as that is key to the class, but obviously has its own dangers:

"Your healing mechanic is that you have to mark enemies with skills, then you'll regenerate health when you kill them. So, in theory, the more enemies, the better for you. Of course, you have to practice, you have to be smart, and sometimes you can basically overdo it."

The Pyromancer is only the second class to be shown so far, with two more likely to be shown off in the upcoming broadcasts. We asked if the Devastator was next, as these broadcasts are monthly, to which People Can Fly replied, "That's a good assumption." Following this pattern, this would also mean the mysterious fourth class of Outriders could follow in September. This would likely line up closely to a release date reveal, as Outriders is a PS5 and Xbox Series X launch title.

Outriders releases Q4 2020 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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