Outlast 2 was banned in Australia last week after the upcoming game was refused classification by the Australian Classification Board, causing much debate among Aussies disappointed to be missing out on one of the most highly anticipated horror games of the year. But now, the same Classification Board that banned the game has apparently had a change of heart, and Outlast 2 will release in Australia after all.

Outlast 2 was originally banned under the board's Games 1(a) ruling, which is given to titles that “depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified.

The Australian Classification Board stated in its report last week that it had strong concerns about multiple scenes involving the game's main character, Blake, where sexual violence is implied. That report also stated that if it were not for the sexual violence, the game would have been given an R18+ rating. But in a statement to Aussie news site Press Start, developer Red Barrels confirmed that Outlast 2 will be coming to the Land Down Under with all scenes intact, uncut and uncensored.

" Outlast 2 has been rated R18+ by the Classification Branch in Australia and will be released 26th April 2017. There will be only one version of Outlast 2 available worldwide."

It's unclear at this time why the Classification Board changed its mind, but the well-publicized outcry might have something to do with it. Furthermore, while Game ZXC is certainly no fan of censorship, it could be argued that the temporary ban actually worked out in Red Barrels favor.

That's because the news of the initial ban was reported all over the world and likely caught the attention of some gamers who might otherwise not have had Outlast 2 on their radar, even with the developer pulling publicity stunts like selling adult diapers for players who get too scared. Now, the game is coming out worldwide just like it was always supposed to, but meanwhile, Outlast 2 just enjoyed about 7 days worth of free advertising, courtesy of the Australian Classification Board.

Outlast 2 will be available on April 25, 2017, for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Source: Press Start