The developers working at Obsidian Entertainment are not strangers to putting blood, sweat, tears, and love into their RPGs, and The Outer Worlds is no exception. When not putting in prank easter eggs, they were creating a game that scratched an itch many fans of games like the Fallout series had felt for a long time.

The skill with which the team turned out The Outer Worlds is hardly surprising, considering the pedigree of the studio as a whole and the developers who comprise it. This is not to say that some problems do not slip through the cracks. Sometimes, those problems are not technical or the result of faulty design, but rather the little things that drive players batty. Or in this case, the very little things.

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While previous updates have fixed issues in The Outer Worlds, they have not always done so in a satisfactory manner. One of these was the issue of the text in the game, which while not incomprehensible, was just too small for many people, requiring either getting up close and personal with the screen on which the game was being displayed or investing in a good spyglass, the text was a small hiccup that had people straining their eyes. It appears that this issue will soon be a thing of the past, as a developer has reached a solution that will, according to them, be implemented soon.

Some of the bug fixing updates of The Outer Worlds contained measures to deal with the text trouble, including a toggle that changed the size. The new solution is a slider that can shift the size to a much more exact degree, allowing players to change any and all text to be as large or as small as they want. It looks like it can change text wherever it pops up, whether in conversations or on pages with descriptions.

This will be a boon to players who want to explore every inch of the story without straining their eyes, which no doubt accounts for a sizable amount of the player base. The Outer Worlds is a massive game that can be beaten in many ways, even with a kill everyone run.

Exploration in a game like The Outer Worlds is closely tied to its writing, more so than people realize, and many things players can do in The Outer Worlds gets lost in the text, which makes up a much larger portion of the game than many exploration-centric games out there.

The Outer Worlds is available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and, eventually, for the Switch.

MORE: Obsidian's Long History of Making RPGs