Obsidian Entertainment's The Outer Worlds captivated many when it released in 2019 thanks to the developer's signature RPG talents and thorough worldbuilding. From morally questionable characters to fully-realized planets lush with challenges, Obsidian made it easy to feel immersed in The Outer Worlds' Halcyon Colony. The game's locations in particular helped the game feel like a fresh journey from start to finish, as each of the game's playable areas felt distinct in both aesthetic and gameplay opportunities.

Not all areas of The Outer Worlds received equal attention however, especially toward the story's conclusion. Throughout much of The Outer Worlds, the city of Byzantium is talked up as the center of elegant civilization in the Halcyon Colony. Yet not much time is spent in this metropolis, even though everything about the city speaks to The Outer Worlds' trademark satire. Considering the state that Byzantium is left in at the end of the game due to the direct actions of the player, the highly anticipated Outer Worlds 2 could have some unfinished business to attend to.

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What Happened to Byzantium in The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds

When players first made their way to Byzantium in The Outer Worlds, they were greeted by its gaudy facades and pretentious citizens, all of whom take pride in just how ridiculously rich they are. Like many societal systems in the game, Byzantium was holding on by a very thin thread thanks to protection from the Board, Halcyon's corporate government and nebulous antagonist for the player. In the most favorable ending for The Outer Worlds, the Board dissolves and the citizens of Byzantium are forced to give up their luxuries, reckoning with how their greed affected the whole colony.

Compared to other aspects of the game, Byzantium gets perhaps the least fleshed out ending. This is a direct consequence of how little time is spent there, but for an area the game spends so much time discussing prior to the player's arrival, it would make sense for it to get a more appropriate send off. A considerable amount of time is spent fleshing out other towns and The Outer Worlds' memorable companions, so it only seems right to give Byzantium the same attention. Fortunately, the perfect opportunity may present itself in The Outer Worlds 2.

How The Outer Worlds 2 Can Follow Up on Byzantium's Fate


With The Outer Worlds 2 in active development, there is some potential for Byzantium to get the spotlight it deserves. Story details are sparse, but it could start out by showing how the once-lustrous city has been forced to evolve since the events of The Outer Worlds. There's likely to be many characters who share some resentment toward Byzantium's new structure, and they could go so far as to organize a rebellion against sharing their riches. This could give players more opportunities to explore the city, and help fully realize the potential of Byzantium more than the first game allowed.

There's no official news on what this sequel's story will entail, but it has been reported that The Outer Worlds 2 will focus on a new crew in a new colony. While this might make it difficult for Byzantium to get a bigger spotlight, it's possible the game spends some time in the Halcyon Colony for the benefit of those who played the first installment. Even if it's a brief bit of fan-service in the beginning of the game, tying up loose ends in Byzantium could give fans a greater sense of closure.

The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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