The Outer Worlds 2 has no release date, but anticipation exists for the sequel to the highly satirical and stylistic Outer Worlds created by Obsidian Entertainment. The first game found its footing in exploring and satirizing corporate influence in control of colony life. While The Outer Worlds 2 only has a meta-based trailer that comically comments on the art of video game trailers, a satire of the military-industrial complex could work in its favor.

The Outer Worlds was released in 2019 from Obsidian Entertainment and quickly became a success to critics and fans alike. While the game was noted for being short, its characters, story, dialogue, writing, and satire were highly praised and attributed to its achievements. Considered a spiritual successor to Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas, The Outer Worlds 2 could continue to build upon that idea by exploring the military-industrialization complex.

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Hyper-Corporatization in The Outer Worlds


The Outer Worlds was highly stylized in its approach to graphics, art, design, story, characters, and depiction of a corporate world in the future. Set in an alternate timeline where President McKinley isn't assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt never succeeds in breaking up business trusts, leading to mega-corporations development. In the future, several corporations will pool their resources to purchase the Halcyon star system in the outer colonies.

From there, The Outer Worlds explores how life has developed on the frontier of a star system entirely owned and corporatized in every aspect of life. The game shows hyper-capitalization taken to the extreme where the bottom line is all that matters. Colonists are merely workforce fodder to keep the system robbing the poor while benefiting the wealthy. While aspects of this future are exaggerated to appear more dark and depressing, many aspects aren't entirely dissimilar from corporate mindsets and influences that exist today.

Satirizing the Military-Industrial Complex

The Outer Worlds 2 Humans Fighting Shooting

No definitive setting has been revealed for the new title with The Outer Worlds 2 still in development, only that it will occur in a new star system yet maintain the same form as The Outer Worlds. Doing this ensures that the same caliber of satire and commentary will be present. While there are many industries, governments, corporations, and other bodies to satirize, the military-industrial complex makes the most sense, especially with today's anxieties about the complex itself, along with worries of overt government control and restriction of human rights.

While The Outer Worlds showed the extremes of corporations with advertisements, shoddy products, and business loyalty approaches, The Outer Worlds 2 could show how the extreme of the military-industrial complex may lead to an isolationist or fascist state of existence, but keep it in the series' satirical style. While tyrannically controlled governments have been depicted in media and games, seeing how Obsidian envisions this extreme would be eye-opening.

The Disappearance of the Cornelius Vanderbilt


Another reason for exploring and satirizing the military-industrial complex comes from the loose threads at the end of The Outer Worlds. Near the game's conclusion, it's revealed that the last Earth Directorate Ship, a government vessel representing Earth and bringing news, personnel, and supplies, vanishes on its return trip to Earth. Shortly after, it's shown that Earth has gone dark for over 36 months.

Without the Earth Directorate in The Outer Worlds overseeing the outer colonies and an Earth Directorate vessel disappearing, political fallout on the different run colonies could be devastating. With the system of checks and balances gone silent, anarchy, tyranny, and the like can run rampant. Who or what is responsible for these disappearances isn't revealed, leaving the fate of all outer colonies and their governments in question.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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