The Outer Worlds 2 can expand on the character interactions from the previous game, including some takes on relationships that were missing from the original. The party members of The Outer Worlds thrived in their writing that gave each of them distinct personalities and memorable traits, ensuring that no member of the crew felt like an extra. However, there was one option that was sorely missing from the first game that The Outer Worlds 2 can add. In addition to further befriending their party members, the sequel should consider ways to deepen their relationships, as well as other future ideas.

One strength of the crew members in The Outer Worlds was how distinct they were from each other. They ranged from introverted mechanic Parvati, to enthusiastic rebel Felix, to SAM the cleaning robot. Adding to this is how every party member aside from SAM has a unique quest that will unlock more of their backstory and give them a better ending in the epilogue due to having solved their main problems. For this reason, players are encouraged to carry out every mission for the crew. Not only does this unlock more content, it endears them to the player as well.

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The Outer Worlds 2 Can Create A Life For The Protagonist Outside Adventure

One of the biggest omissions from The Outer Worlds can be fixed by adding romance to The Outer Worlds 2. Despite the player having the opportunity to help several people in and out of their crew, there are no romantic interests available in the game. On one level, this makes sense, as the protagonist was just awakened from a long sleep and immediately thrown into a new adventure in a world they were unfamiliar with. However, romance options could have given the player even more investment in the world. Although The Outer Worlds offering an impressive amount of character customization, romantic options could have helped characterize the protagonist further.

Romance doesn't have to simply be a new relationship for the player character, as the universe of The Outer Worlds 2 can provide a lot of opportunities for the player and their potential partner. They could find a colony to set up a home, creating an extra base in addition to their ship. They could also potentially set up their own business of sorts, either aligned with a corporation or completely freelance. There could also be the option to simply continue exploring the galaxy together. This can not only shine a light on the future of the protagonist and their partner, but their possible family as well.

There were a lot of ways for the player to guide the protagonist's choices in The Outer Worlds and The Outer Worlds 2 can be even bigger in that regard. They could already choose which of The Outer Worlds' many quests they would tackle, which crewmates would accompany them in the field, and most importantly, whether they would join or oppose The Board. However, the protagonist doesn't have much direction following the story. Skyrim let players get married, own a house, and adopt children, all of which help the player decide what their life will be like after the story. The Outer Worlds 2 could let players flesh out its protagonist's life similarly.

The Outer Worlds didn't offer the protagonist much of a character despite their deeds, but that could be reversed with romance options in The Outer Worlds 2. If the way The Outer Worlds' companions were handled is any indication, then the sequel should be able to offer some satisfying romantic options, as well as a few ways for the protagonist to prepare for their lives after the game's events. The Outer Worlds provided an excellent space adventure, but was missing something of a personal touch. The Outer Worlds 2 can let players establish a stronger connection with the character.

The Outer Worlds 2 is in development.

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