When The Outer Worlds first released, one of its standout features was its charming personality which shone through in nearly every town and side character. That charm extended to the starship that players called home throughout The Outer Worlds, appropriately dubbed the Unreliable, but in The Outer Worlds 2, players won't have the same lodgings. Obsidian has already revealed that The Outer Worlds 2 will take players through a new star system, with a new crew, and in a new ship. While this may be disappointing for those attached to the Unreliable, it opens up numerous gameplay opportunities for the sequel.

The Outer Worlds was filled with customization opportunities that deepened the RPG experience, but the one area that paled in comparison to others was starship customization. While it would evolve as The Outer Worlds' memorable companions came aboard, players had little say over any meaningful changes. Obsidian has an opportunity to flesh out the player's relationship with their ship, allowing opportunities to change what kind of ship they use entirely. Whether it's through organic story progression or the will of the player, more starship options could raise The Outer Worlds 2 above its predecessor.

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More Starships Could Demonstrate Growth Throughout The Outer Worlds 2


In RPGs like The Outer Worlds, one of the most satisfying feelings for players is a clear sense of growth. Players start as a nobody, equipped with a lowly pistol and tasked with saving an interstellar colony, to a dominating force with some of The Outer Worlds' best weapons and companions at their disposal. This sense of growth often extends to a player's lodging in many RPGs, but in the case of The Outer Worlds, the Unreliable did very little beyond allowing a space for players to speak with their companions and store unwanted gear.

If The Outer Worlds 2 allowed players to change starships throughout the story, it could give players a stronger sense of accomplishment and growth as they explore the galaxy. Players could start out in a ship similar in scale to the Unreliable, then upgrade to larger ships that better accommodate their companions and individual needs. Interior and exterior customization options could also further deepen this sense of growth, and enhance The Outer Worlds 2's RPG elements. All of it would be in service to making every player's experience with The Outer Worlds 2 unique, a key feature of many RPGs.

Starship Variation Could Play Into The Outer Worlds' Satire

The Outer Worlds Unreliable

One of the core features of The Outer Worlds was its biting satire on the greed and rampant consumerism that comes with unregulated capitalism. While no story details for The Outer Worlds 2 have been revealed, it's likely Obsidian will take a similar tone with the sequel. If the game were to add additional starships for players to purchase, there would be gold mine of satire for writers to lean on. Whether it's advertisements that mimic real-life car commercials, or missions that involve sabotaging one starship manufacturer to help another, it could add considerable depth to the comedy of the franchise.

The Outer Worlds 2 has a strong foundation to build on, as the franchise's first installment succeeded in providing an RPG experience that excelled both in terms of narrative and gameplay. While there may be some unfinished business in The Outer Worlds' Halcyon Colony, the prospect of venturing through a bigger and bolder star system has many fans excited. Obsidian has yet to reveal much about The Outer Worlds 2 after its initial announcement, but gamers can only hope the developer will further enhance the RPG experience by making starships grow along with the player.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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