Obsidian Entertainment's The Outer Worlds takes from the strengths of the Fallout: New Vegas formula and imbues it with the fantasy of exploration that fans of the sci-fi genre have been craving. With The Outer Worlds 2 currently in development, Obsidian has the chance to lean all in on this conceit with the exploration of a new star system, diverging from the more grounded sci-fi realism that its upcoming sci-fi RPG peer Starfield seems to be going for.

While much remains to be seen regarding The Outer Worlds 2, the promise of new terrain to explore and characters to encounter leaves many possibilities for its sci-fi inspirations. Its teaser shows off lush landscapes and terrifying extra-terrestrial creatures while brandishing the satirical humor that the first game has become so known for. Though The Outer Worlds leaned into sci-fi through avenues like inventive weaponry, robot companions, and space capitalism, its sequel can move even further towards the fantastical, working to embrace the extremes of the sci-fi genre.

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The Outer Worlds 2 Could Go All Out on its Fantasy Sci-Fi Elements


The preview footage of Bethesda's Starfield shows the game taking a more life-like approach to the genre. Not only is this apparent in its photo-realistic terrain and character models, but through its emphasis on humans; though its gameplay shows some creatures wandering its planets, the title's focus seems to be on the technological advancements of humanity in a way that could be considered plausible for the future. Because of this, it's unclear if Starfield will include any intelligent lifeforms to encounter, which could be an avenue for The Outer Worlds 2 to explore through its enemies and companions.

Similarly, The Outer Worlds 2 could make the most of its terrain, furthering the fantastical approach to its landscapes while distinguishing itself from Starfield. Its teaser already appears promising in this regard, complete with glittering plants and towering trees that feel organic and unnatural at the same time. This could pave the way for interesting scavenging options that complement the game's approach to science; perhaps players could collect materials scattered throughout the planets, allowing for inventive upgrades to weaponry. In turn, this could change the way in which terrain is interacted with, aiding in a sense of discovery.

Tonally, The Outer Worlds 2 's sense of humor will certainly follow in the original's brand of comedy, which could also benefit from a more fantastical depiction. While Bethesda seems to be erring on the serious side of Starfield's sci-fi realism, the ability for The Outer Worlds 2 to push the limits of the genre could make for more comical situations. For example, showing humans with capitalist lifestyles encountering aliens who have adopted socialist economies could be a clever way to poke fun at the two systems while building on the qualities of the planets and inhabitants that players can visit. This could allow players to make decisions that put them on either end of the spectrum, similar to Disco Elysium.

Though The Outer Worlds 2 is unlikely to hold the same scale as Starfield's exploration, its tighter focus on planets to discover could allow for a stronger emphasis on world-building and characterization. With a more fantastical depiction of space travel, the game has the ability to tread new ground, honing in on the limitless possibilities of a new star system. Though both titles are sure to leave players invested in hours of adventure, the way in which The Outer Worlds 2 distinguishes itself through tone could make all the difference in its reception. As Obsidian Entertainment continues its development on the title, only time will tell how the game chooses to differentiate itself from Bethesda's work.

The Outer Worlds 2 is currently in development.

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