With the immense success of the Fallout TV show, it's easy to see why players are clamoring to check out the many amazing games in this series and experience the rich lore that the show pulled from to make every scene come to life in the best way possible. The first game in the series is the one that started it all, presenting a bleak view of life after the nuclear apocalypse and how society has changed to accommodate this calamity.

10 Most Bizarre Vaults In Fallout History

The bunkers in Fallout known as vaults are a huge part of the franchise, and there are several strange and bizarre vaults players will come across.

While Fallout 2 is the game that popularized the dark humor that this series is known for, the first game has several strengths of its own that make it a worthwhile experience for any fan of the series. Players who want to check out the original Fallout right now may find the dated presentation and mechanics to be somewhat challenging to get into, but mods do a great job of ensuring that most aspects of this game are modernized as much as possible without losing the essence of what made this title special.

1 Fallout 1 High-Resolution Patch

Downloads: 28,450

Fallout 1 High Resolution Patch mod

The first thing that players will find extremely hard to deal with in Fallout is the less-than-optimal resolution, which is a product of its time. Back then, games didn't need to hit a 1080p resolution, let alone the 2K and 4K resolutions that most gamers want in modern titles. So, the first thing players would want is to play the game at an optimal resolution that does a great job of helping them enjoy the experience.

This is accomplished with a high-resolution patch that does a decent job of improving the resolution of the game and making it playable on widescreen monitors. It's a simple yet much-welcome change that modern gamers will appreciate, letting them get into the title without facing too many hurdles in the process.

2 Fallout Launcher Re-Made

Downloads: 206

Fallout Launcher Re-Made mod

First impressions matter in any game, and Fallout is no exception here. Despite how impactful the game was at the time, players who are more used to everything from the title screen to the inventory menu featuring more style and promoting ease of use won't be impressed by the relatively mundane launcher screen.

It's a testament to the sheer passion players share for this game that even something as simple as a game's launcher has been improved considerably with the advent of this mod. It's as simple as can be, but players will find the act of booting up the game more pleasurable with a launcher that isn't a complete eyesore to look at.

3 Classic Fallout GOD MODE Cheat File

Downloads: 11,314

Screenshot from Fallout

Fallout is a game that doesn't shy away from challenging players. The simple act of heading to Shady Sands is one of the toughest things in the game, with a single random encounter spelling certain doom for players who have neither the strength nor the resources to combat the many enemies that come their way.

Fallout: The 21 Most Disturbing Vault-Tec Experiments

Fallout's Vault-Tec is well-known for being morally bankrupt, and here are the most disturbing experiments they ever conducted.

The difficulty curve is downright brutal in the early goings, so it's easy to see why players would prefer to just figure out a way that lets them enjoy the storytelling and world of Fallout without being overly frustrated by the combat. This is achieved with a simple fan-made patch that enables God Mode, allowing players to enjoy the game at their own pace instead of feeling pressured in every combat encounter.

4 Fallout Fixt

Downloads: 251,766

Fallout Fixt mod

Featuring a comprehensive wealth of changes that make it easier to jump into the game without worrying too much about it, Fallout Fixt is a must-have mod that goes a long way in ensuring that players enjoy the title to its fullest without worrying too much about some of its more dated elements.

The list of fixes and updates includes patches to remove bugs, improve the game's balance, restore cut content, and add a wealth of features that make the game more engaging than ever before. The fact that many Fallout fans consider this mod to be the objectively best way to enjoy the game speaks a lot about the comprehensive changes this mod brings to the table.

5 Fallout 1 Balance Mod

Downloads: 976

Fallout 1 camera showing building

Fallout is a game that certainly pushes the player to maximize their damage and protect themselves at all costs. However, this can be easier said than done when some weapons are too unpredictable, and armor stats can be somewhat unfair to deal with.

Fallout 2: 9 Best Mods That Modernize The Game

Fallout 2 is one of the best entries in the series, but it's quite dated. Thankfully, these excellent mods can modernize the experience.

With this mod, the balance of the game is changed so that it's still fun to play without feeling too unfair in tough, drawn-out combat encounters. One aspect that's altered is how healing works, forcing players to strategize every encounter instead of just relying on stimpacks to heal them when they're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

6 Fallout Et Tu

Downloads: 938

Fallout Et Tu mod

A huge reason why players love Fallout 2 over its prequel is the updated engine, making it more pleasant to enjoy the title's gameplay without feeling too overwhelmed by dated systems and design choices. Meanwhile, the original Fallout can be a bit of a pain to play through, but this issue becomes a thing of the past with a great mod.

Fallout et tu migrates Fallout to work on Fallout 2's engine, bringing a wealth of improvements that make this game way less frustrating. It may seem like a small change, but does a great job of making the game feel slightly more modern, which is useful for obvious reasons.

fallout 1997

October 10, 1997