Save points are huge in many games. It's a huge part of the entire design philosophy. If the player loses, how far does that set them back? It's also a matter of programming savvy. Sometimes players have their power go out. When this happens, what gets saved and what gets removed? All of this is a part of the Ooblets design.

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Given there aren't any save stations, checkpoints, or obvious moments in Ooblets where the game is saved, how do players save their progress? To ensure that winning tournaments are registered, new ooblets remain in the party, or special resources stay in the inventory, take a few tips on saving the game.


Ooblets Auto Save Popping Up

The most common type of saving is the hands-off approach. At various moments, the lower-righthand portion of the screen will say "Saving..." to indicate the progress, as of that point, is being saved. The process is not complete until the icon disappears, so don't log off too early.

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Auto-saving does not appear to be tied in with a big achievement, such as winning a tournament or acquiring an ooblet seed. It seems more tied to incremental times of the day. It is fairly frequent, but it's not instantaneous. Players who quit too quickly can lose their progress.

Save & Quit

Ooblets Saving And Quitting The Game

Players who want to be extra sure that their progress is saved and ready to be done playing for a bit should use the "Save & Quit" button from the pause menu. As can be implied by the name, this both saves the game and exits to the desktop or console screen.

Unfortunately, there does not yet appear to be a manual save option at this time. Meaning that if players want to save at a particular moment, they are also roped into quitting the game. Given the frequency of the auto-saves, this may not be a big deal for most, but it is something worth considering.

Ooblets is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Ooblets: How To Build Friendships