Walking around the town in Ooblets is more than just boring, it's actively problematic. There are only so many minutes in the day and efficient players will need every one of them to visit their "frenz," battle ooblets, and accomplish their tasks.

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But the character is not exactly quick. This throws off the entire flow of the game. The good news is that, with a few easy steps, every map in Ooblets can be spanned in just a few, quick seconds. Going too fast might also be an issue, but at least players have control over when to turn on the jets.

Finding The Sprint Button

Ooblets Running Along The Beach
  • Shift on PC
  • Right trigger on Xbox/Switch

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This alone might seem like a really basic thing to say, but the game doesn't go over how to run. Players are left to figure it out for themselves. Watching streamers try to track down the best early-game ooblets, it's clear that even the pros don't know that sprinting is an option!

Upgrade At The Wishing Fountain

Ooblets Buying Faster Run Speed With Wishies

It's time to rack up some wishies in a hurry and go to the fountain! Players will find there are a couple of upgrades here that increase sprinting speed. If gamers don't see them, level up a couple of times. Leveling up increases the number of upgrades available at the fountain.

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Once both options are purchased, walking is as fast as running used to be! It only mentions speeding up sprints, but walking is also faster, so this is really a no-brainer when it comes to increasing distance covered.

Have Some Coffee

Ooblets Getting Some Beanjuice From Dubble

Coffee, or "beanjuice," gives players a boost to movement as well. One cup lasts for a long while, so if players are on a special map that requires lots of running, have a cup and it's off to the races.

There are many different kinds of coffee knockoffs with varying speed and energy boosts. If the previous few steps have been employed, watch out! The character goes so fast that the camera struggles to keep up.

Ooblets is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

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