Leveling up in most games can be a grind, but the process is usually simple. Defeat an opponent, then see the experience bar go up. Turn in a quest, then see the experience bar go up. But then in comes Ooblets, this adorable little game where leveling up matters and yet there is no experience bar.

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So how do players level up? It's not at all advertised well, so don't be ashamed to ask for help. It turns out there are many ways to level up in Ooblets, they just don't pop up on the screen as it works with other RPGs. Once understood, it isn't so bad.

Gaining Experience Points

Ooblets Counting Up Experience At The End Of The Day

All of the following generate experience points:

  • Getting badges
  • Winning dance-offs
  • Picking up objects
  • Earning friendship points
  • Crafting items
  • Harvesting crops
  • Plating seeds
  • Selling items
  • Earning gummies

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This pretty well encompasses most of the activities that the character participates in. Some major events aren't listed here, like winning tournaments, but consider there are three dance-offs in each tournament that do count toward the goal and this is actually a pretty charitable list. Gamers will be rewarded almost regardless of what they choose to focus on. Ideally, they should try to level up in many different ways.

Going To Sleep

Ooblets Going To Sleep In The House

Now, gamers will certainly be wondering why they aren't getting all of these experience points as they do the activities in question. This is very unique to Ooblets and something that needs to be understood in order to level up quickly.

Leveling up only happens when going to sleep. The events of the previous day will be counted up and delivered as a single, huge chunk of experience. So be sure to go to sleep at the end of every day in order to level up.

Each level gives players access to more upgrades to purchase after farming up wishies. This is a huge part of advancing in the game, so be sure to cash in after leveling up.

Ooblets is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Ooblets: How To Build Friendships