Ooblets is an indie game developed by developer Gumberland. After recently entering early access, Ooblets is getting ready to see a holiday-themed update.

A tweet posted from the official Ooblets Twitter page hints at a big update headed to the life simulation game. With the month of October right around the corner, it seems that Ooblets will be receiving a sooky piece of content, and also a new region.

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Gumberland has already shared a roadmap for Ooblets, giving fans a good idea of what is coming down the pike, including the eventual 1.0 release. The Halloween patch will be the 0.4 update, and is specifically named the Nullwhere Update. The tweet didn't just come with information, it also includes an image of a very creepy and charming looking piece of gameplay.

There are a lot of things to know about Ooblets, as the game about planting creatures who eventually dance off against each other in a farmlike world is quite unique. Fans of the game will be happy to know that the updated content released from the developer is much more than simple new Ooblet additions or gameplay fixes. The Halloween theme looks to bring an interesting fresh feel to the game, and the entirely new region brings new places to explore.

Similar to Animal Crossing, a game Ooblets is often compared to, new themes and updates to go along with holiday and weather in the real world is a great way to keep the game looking and feeling alive. Fans of Ooblets can hope that content like this continues to come forth leading up to the 1.0 launch and beyond.

Ooblets is available now on PC and Xbox One.

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