Ooblets is a simple game with an equally simple story. Players create a character who grew up on a lonely island called Ahroh. It was the one place in the world where the titular Ooblets did not live. Hoping for adventure, the main character leaves their home to start anew on the continent of Oob.

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It is here that they meet the Mayor who gives them a house and a small plot of land in exchange for helping out the town. That’s the basic premise of Ooblets, but the bigger question pertains to the quality. Is this a must-own indie game or should it be ignored until the price drops?

8 Best: The Ooblets

Taking a nap in Ooblets

Players are going to come to this game for one thing primarily: the Ooblets. They are adorable beyond belief which has to be one of the reasons why the Pokemon series has survived for so long. With thousands of cute Pokemon out there, it’s a bonanza of cuteness.

The same is true for Ooblets in this game and there’s a great variety. The names might be some of the punniest yet including a bird-like creature called Dumbirb, or Lumpstump which is a tree-based critter with derpy eyes.

7 Worst: A Lackluster Character Creator

The character creator in Ooblets

As creative as the titular Ooblets are, the character customization options lack the same thoughtfulness. There are only a handful of outfits to choose from, which are cute admittedly. Plus there are more fashion choices to get as the game goes on.

The same goes for hairstyles. The main problem is that the face has very few presets without a way to get in there and craft a unique persona. It’s not the worst thing a game can do, but Ooblets releasing close to Saints Row, which has an outstanding character creator, makes these faults louder.

6 Best: Simple And Charming

Exploring the world in Ooblets

The overall art style deserves a nod as the critters are not the only thing praiseworthy. The graphics are simple on every system players can check this out. It may be technically prettier on the PS5 than the Switch, but it is hard to tell.

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The animations are not as detailed as well but that adds to the unique quality of the experience. The running animation, for example, looks a bit lopsided but is also hilarious all the same. The continent of Oob is brimming with charm and humor and it will be hard not to smile while playing.

5 Worst: The Load Times

A load screen in Ooblets

The graphics may not stand out between the beefier consoles but there is one thing that is lacking in the Switch version. The load times are not terrible but they are frequent enough that things can get annoying.

The opening load time to get into the menu screen is the worst, lasting around thirty seconds on just one screen. If an indie game like Ooblets can slow down the Switch, even on the newer OLED models, then it is a good reminder that Nintendo needs to step up and release their next console. Maybe it is Ooblets’ fault primarily but either way, loads are no fun.

4 Best: A New Way To Battle

Fighting a battle in Ooblets

Oobletsfeatures turn-based combat like one would expect from a monster-catching clone. However, this game brings a new twist to the formula as the critters will have dance battles instead of slashing each other’s eyes out.

The music varies depending on the battle and each new beat is a banger and will be hard not to groove to in real life. Who knew that combat could be just as fun with cards and dance numbers? It will be interesting to see if the Pokemon series picks up on this trend and tries it out.

3 Worst: Missing Battle Options

Fighting a battle in Ooblets

There are a few missing features that have made the rounds in recent turn-based RPGs. There is no way to skip enemy turns or to increase the speed on either side. Another Switch RPG, Triangle Strategy, allows players to fast-forward through turns to save time.

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There is also no autobattle feature which would be great to have for those confused with the card system. While the dance battles are a small part of Ooblets, it would be nice if there were more options added to them.

2 Best: The Gameplay Loop

Farming for resources in Ooblets

Most of the game will consist of players tending to their farmland or doing random quests for NPCs. It can be slow and the backtracking doesn’t help with that. However, it’s also one of those games that are nice to zone out to.

It feels therapeutic to dig out weeds, plant seeds, grind cans into bait, and the list goes on. Not every game has to be complicated and that’s why sim games or farm simulators are so popular among both hardcore and casual crowds.

1 Worst: A Lack Of Support Options

Farming for resources in Ooblets

Overall, what this game is lacking the most are options. Players can adjust the sound in the settings and that’s about it. There is also a “stuck” button that players can press if they clip into walls. That was a great idea and more games should add that.

Another feature more games should add, but is missing from Ooblets, is assist options. The game is not that difficult of an experience regarding the farm and battle aspects. Still, a little assist can go a long way.

Ooblets was released on September 1, 2022, and is available on PC, Switch, and Xbox One.

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