One of the more important resources players will need to progress in the charming farming simulator Ooblets are wishies. These star-shaped tokens can be spent at the Wishy Well in the center of Badgeville in order to purchase various upgrades, crafting recipes for oobcoops, and rare items. Of course, a major part of using the Wishy Well is knowing what upgrades will help out the most. Will being able to buy more seeds at Meed's shop help out more than unlocking the ability to craft Beanjuice? What about being able to run faster? With our guide, we can help players make the most out of their wishies.

Where To Get Wishies

Early on in Ooblets, players will get a good amount of their wishies by collecting badges for doing various tasks. Most of these are fairly easy to get and each one comes with a decent amount of wishies. Players will also get three random tasks to do each day that give 5, 10, or 20 wishies. However, these tasks are a fairly slow way of earning wishies, especially if players happen to get a task that's impossible to complete that day, such as getting a gleamy ooblet seed when none have spawned. If players are willing to shell out the gummies, the most reliable source of wishes comes from completing a Tinstle Task that can be taken at level 3.

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By paying out 4 clothlets, one oobsidian, 12 nurnies, 20 planklets, and 300 gummies, players can unlock the Dance Barn. Every day, players can enter a tournament of three dance battles that often have special rules, such as every move costing zero beats or only being allowed to use an ooblets' signature moves. Winning these battle can net up to 170 wishies by wining all three, plus a special item such as a rare ooblet seed. The wishies won from here can easily be enough to help get more oobsidian if players are been having trouble finding enough of it.

What Should I Spend Wishies On?

One of the big things players will want to get from the Wishy Well are blueprints for oobcoops. These little buildings can be placed on the farm and players can assign ooblets to it to watch over the farm. Assigned ooblets will watch over any crops planted in a 3x3 area around it and help them grow faster. Upgraded oobcoops will also water, weed, and harvest plants automatically. Keep in mind that every level of oobcoop, including the first one, requires oobsidian and clothlets, which can be expensive and hard to find. If oobcoops are too expensive, sprinklers are a good alternative, instead requiring a resource that spawns in Badgeville on rainy days. These automatically keep crops watered, with better sprinklers having better areas of effect.

For shop upgrades, the only one that really matters is Meed's shop for more seeds because the other shops offer various cosmetic items like furniture and clothing. Crafting recipes can be earned by collecting recipe pieces from searching people's homes, it can be useful to buy one directly from the Wishy Well if it's for an item needed for a quest. The beanjuice recipe is also a good one to buy since it's easily crafted and gives a temporary movement bonus along with the extra energy. Adding more ooblets to the spawn pool is nice, especially since new ones can be scanned for more gummies. Finally, personal upgrades, while expensive, are totally worth it to help players get more energy and run around quicker.

Ooblets is currently in Early Access on PC via the Epic Games Store and the Xbox One

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