Beanjuice is a drink in Ooblets that grants 40 energy and increases run speed by 25% for one minute when it is consumed. This beverage is also used to initiate dance battles with Isopud, and it even plays a role in progressing through the game's main campaign. This means that all players will eventually need to get their hands on some amount of Beanjuice in Ooblets, and this guide contains full details on how to create this very important drink.

Ooblets: How to Make Beanjuice

In order to make Beanjuice, players must have two recipes from the Wishy Well: the Beanjuice Recipe and the Ground Springbeans Recipe. These recipes cost 50 Wishies each, and fans that need to earn more Wishies in Ooblets should focus their efforts on completing daily tasks and earning badges. Players should also make sure that they have unlocked the Meed's Seeds Expansion through the Wishy Well by spending 75 Wishies.

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Once all of these Wishy Well unlocks in Ooblets have been pursued, fans should purchase some Springbean seeds from Meed's Seeds and plant them on their farms. It will take just five days for these seeds to turn into a plant that can be harvested, and players should insert the Springbeans that they collect into a Crunchster on their farms. For full clarity, this machine can be created through the Fabricuter in the furniture shop, and it will convert Springbeans into Ground Springbeans.

ooblets beanjuice

With some Ground Springbeans in hand, players should enter their houses in Ooblets and interact with their Kettle and Cup. This crafting station can be purchased from Cuddlecups Cafe for 1,500 Gummies, and Beanjuice will appear amidst its recipe list so long as the associated recipe has been unlocked through the Wishy Well. Upon locating Beanjuice in the recipe list, players should simply select it to finally create the beverage of interest.

To note, it is possible to purchase Beanjuice directly from Cuddlecups Cafe at a cost of 30 Gummies. While players may not want to spend all of their Gummies in Ooblets buying Beanjuice in this way, it is nice to have an option that can be pursued prior to unlocking all the aforementioned recipes, machines, and crafting stations. The Cuddlecups Cafe will also be happy to pay some Gummies for Springbeans, Ground Springbeans, and Beanjuice, giving players the opportunity to convert any excess items that they may have into something more useful.

Ooblets is available now for Nintendo Switch, PC, and Xbox One.

MORE: 7 Beginner Tips For Ooblets