Saitama is well-known for his immense strength, speed, and his ability to defeat nearly any opponent he faces with a single punch, hence the name “One Punch Man.” He pulls his punches against some enemies so as not to kill them; his fight with Boros was extended due to Saitama not using his full strength at the start as a form of courtesy and for Boros’ thirst for action to be satisfied.

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He does not possess any special powers as he is limited to heightened human traits, and although he claims he became that strong after a year and a half of 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and running 10km daily, the true origin of his abilities is still unknown as he is said to be limitless. Here are Saitama’s strongest abilities, ranked.

8 Super Senses

saitama vs sonic

Saitama has incredibly sharp hearing and sight. He can keep up with fast-moving objects and people, he could also see the exact location of Boros’ spaceship on Earth while he was on the moon, and it did not take him up to two seconds; he can also see in the dark.

He can listen in on conversations that are far away and can even pick up on phone transmission signals and can listen in on conversations. He can also selectively pick out what he wants to hear, as he can still listen to people far away while fighting.

7 Super Speed

flashy flash stating saitama is faster than him

Saitama’s speed is unparalleled. He outpaced Sonic, whose modus operandi is superspeed. Genos’ computational tracking with a high processor speed cannot keep up with him. He moves so fast that he creates afterimages when he does his Serious Side Hops.

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He easily dodged the light-speed swings of Flashy Flash’s sword who is an S-Class hero known for his extraordinary speed. When he was launched to the moon with a kick, he was able to jump back in seconds; he was also able to block the rocks Geryuganshoop hurled at him that were moving at lightspeed. He can also run on water without going deeper than the surface.

6 Invulnerability


Saitama is near invulnerable. He could take blows from Boros, a well-known planetary character, without sustaining any injuries. He has remained unscathed despite all his encounters with cosmic beings and planet-busters.

He has tanked attacks like Garou’s Extreme Fa Jin that is powerful enough to destroy halfway through the planet. Garou also duplicated Saitama’s Serious Punch in an attempt to beat him, and Saitama took the hit without any visible damage. Even objects that pierce, like Nyan’s claws which could cut up a building, were not able to damage Saitama’s head.

5 Temperature Resistance

saitama bathing in lava

He has shown to be resistant to extreme temperatures and even bathed in lava once, squirting it through his palms to form a high-pressure lava gun. He has survived being frozen and broken through the ice.

He also withstood the negative temperature in space when he was kicked to the moon and during his fight with the “hero hunter” Cosmic Garou. He can also withstand the heat generated from point-blank nuclear explosions without flinching. He claims the reason for this is his refusal to use either an air conditioner or a heater during his training.

4 Radiation Resistance

One-Punch Man_Saitama_Stand

Space is filled with various types of radiation, and they all prove ineffective against Saitama. Comic Fear Mode Garou emitted enough radiation to kill other heroes that were close-by in a short period, and Saitama stood toe to toe with him unaffected.

Garou’s Gamma Ray Burst (which is said to be the most powerful and destructive natural phenomenon in the universe) and nuclear explosions had all proved ineffective against Saitama even though they both possessed an amount of radiation that would be very fatal to normal humans.

3 Overwhelming Strength

One Punch Man Saitama

Super is an understatement when referring to Saitama; his strength is limitless, and he can defeat most powerful villains with a regular punch; even Boros, the planet buster, lost his arm after taking one of Saitama’s punches.

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His strength is not only limited to his fists, as he once caught and broke Sonic’s sword with his teeth when he tried to attack him. The high-pressure lava that was squirted from his hand was enough to take out Orochi’s Gaia Cannon that drew power directly from the Earth’s core.

2 Technique Mimicry

saitama and garou

Saitama can effectively copy and recreate the abilities and techniques that he witnesses in battle. He was able to perfectly copy Garou’s techniques and even improve them just by witnessing its use. He once used Garou’s ability to manipulate particles on a sub-atomic level and make them behave like anti-particles.

He improved his ability and used it to time travel to the future and change it. He could also grasp the martial arts Garou acquired after years of training in mere seconds despite never being trained formally.

1 Killer Move: Serious Series

cosmic garou v. saitama

He also has a “serious punch,” one that is extremely powerful. It completely neutralized Boros’ planetary attack and split skies on a global scale; it also blew Boros apart. He also split the oceans with it and obliterated the Elder Centipede, one of the Dragon-level threats. Garou replicated the serious punch to use against Saitama, and when their fists collided, the shockwaves threatened to destroy Earth.

His serious sneeze once traveled some distance in space and blew all the gases present on Jupiter away while he was fighting Garou. His serious table flip was strong enough to rip the surface of the moon apart, forming what looked like a massive wave of rocks and even sending some of the debris flying into outer space. His Omnidirectional Serious Punch combines his serious side hops that generate afterimages with his speed to surround the opponents and his serious punch to hit them from all angles.

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