One-Punch Man is one of the funniest shonen anime out there, with its execution of an overpowered protagonist being positively sublime. Saitama is one of the best protagonists of all time, with his nonchalant attitude and incredible power being quite amazing to behold. Of course, One-Punch Man's success lies within its supporting cast as well, with the S-Class heroes featured in this show also being quite notable in their own right.

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Each one of these elite superheroes is incredibly powerful in their own right, even though they can't hold a candle to Saitama's immense strength. These powerful beings might be ranked in the series as is, but taking pure strength into account will drastically shift the rankings.



Out of all the people on this list, King is definitely not worthy of his rank at all. He earned an entry into the S-Class elite after unwittingly taking credit for most of Saitama's actions. He's a pretty funny character, but not strong in the slightest. He's actually a coward who only wants to live life alone and play video games.

Child Emperor

Child Emperor in One-Punch Man

While Child Emperor might be really smart, he's not exactly the strongest hero around. After all, there's only so much strength an underage boy can bring into battle. Thankfully, his amazing intellect allows him to be a valuable part of an elite group. He can definitely give any hero on this list a run for their money...after formulating a proper strategy, that is.

Metal Knight

Metal Knight in One-Punch Man

Metal Knight is a pretty strong hero. However, the man behind it isn't the strongest person in the book. Given that his robot will protect him all the time, it's fair to assume that Dr. Bofoi won't be completely helpless in battle. That being said, the lack of any innate strength is not ideal.

Pig God

Pig God in One-Punch Man

A gluttonous superhero with rather disgusting powers, Pig God isn't the most impressive hero in the book. However, his impact can't be denied.

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He might not cut the most imposing figure around, but that doesn't matter. He can hold his own in battle and use his "unique" powers to great effect.

Puri-Puri Prisoner

Puri-Puri Prisoner from One-Punch Man

Puri-Puri Prisoner cuts a pretty dashing figure. He's also pretty powerful in his own right. However, when compared to the rest of the S-Class heroes, he definitely suffers. It's a shame, especially since all his strengths are already mastered by other heroes in a more effective capacity.

Metal Bat

Metal Bat in One-Punch Man

Metal Bat is a pretty interesting superhero. It's hard to believe that a person can be so powerful while wielding a simple bat. He has his fair share of memorable moments in the series. However, he does struggle quite a bit against certain enemies, but his never-say-die attitude saves the day.

Atomic Samurai

Atomic Samurai in One-Punch Man

Atomic Samurai is a pretty adept swordsman who can give any monster a run for their money. He wastes no time in slicing and dicing the opposition. He's a pretty cool superhero to behold. Kamikaze also doesn't have too many weaknesses, although his body isn't as resilient as some of the other heroes on the list.

Watchdog Man

Watchdog Man in One-Punch Man

At a glance, Watchdog Man cuts a rather hilarious figure. He definitely doesn't seem like a powerful hero in the slightest.

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This initial impression is completely destroyed upon seeing him in battle. He's more than competent and can destroy the most powerful monsters without even getting a scratch.

Tanktop Master

Tanktop Master in One-Punch Man

Tanktop Master is a pretty interesting hero. His first appearance comes during a face-off against Saitama after he prevented a meteor from destroying Earth. He's not all that likable, but his powers are still pretty significant regardless. Hopefully, the anime can give this hero more time to shine.


Genos of One Punch Man

The Demon Cyborg is one of the few heroes who's aware of Saitama's strength. In fact, he actively seeks to better himself under his master's tutelage. Genos has the power of technology on his side. He can increase his power with upgrades at a moment's notice, making him a hero with boundless potential.


Bang in One-Punch Man

This legendary martial artist is a wise and powerful hero. He's also closely related to the Hero Killer Garou, playing a huge role in his transformation into a villain. There was a time when Bang was one of the strongest heroes around. However, his age has caught up to him and brought him a few pegs down in terms of strength.

Drive Knight

Drive Knight in One-Punch Man

Drive Knight cuts a pretty imposing figure in the series. He definitely seems like a hero who can give any demon a run for their money.

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In times of distress, his body can transform as well. Suffice to say, Drive Knight is one of the strongest heroes in the series by a country mile.

Superalloy Darkshine

Superalloy Darkshine From One Punch Man

Sometimes, offense isn't the only thing that wins battles. A good defense is necessary to win a battle of attrition. In this regard, Superalloy Darkshine is a clear winner. He has the best defense of any hero in the entire series...barring Saitama, of course.

Flashy Flash

Flashy Flash in One-Punch Man

Speed can win battles in the blink of an eye...quite literally. This is precisely why Flashy Flash is such a powerful hero. With amazing speed and superhuman strength, he can defeat anyone. These abilities allow him to become an incredibly powerful hero.


Tatsumaki from One Punch Man

The Rank 2 S-Class Hero doesn't seem all that powerful. However, that's precisely what makes Tatsumaki so dangerous. Her Esper abilities are pretty powerful and can destroy most demons with ease. Messing with her is a pretty bad mistake to make.


Zombieman in One-Punch Man

Zombieman has the best regeneration ability in the entire series. He can shrug away any injuries, even the most fatal ones. His infinite resurgence capabilities have earned him a pretty high spot on this list. After all, there aren't many people who can survive after getting a hole in their head!


Blast in One-Punch Man

Not much is known about Blast. Apparently, this hero can only be called for truly serious events and generally operates behind the shadows. Outside of him being another King, it's easy to say that he's the strongest hero of the lot. Fans can't wait to see the extent of his powers in the anime.

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