One Punch Man is a series packed with action. It follows the adventures of Saitama, who becomes a hero for fun. After amassing a great deal of power, Saitama has reached a point where almost no one in One Punch Man can stand up to his might. One of Saitama's main goals is to fight an opponent who can push him to the extreme.

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Normal humans have almost zero chance of challenging Saitama's power, but there are certain mysterious beings blessed with special powers that can cause him some inconvenience. These mysterious beings are divided into different categories on the basis of the threat they pose to society. Dragon-level beings are deemed powerful enough to destroy multiple cities, but even then there are certain characters who outshine the rest.

8 Gouketsu

Gouketsu from One Punch Man

Gouketsu used to be a human before he turned into a monster. He was the winner of the first Super Fight, which made him extremely confident in his abilities. At some point, he was defeated by Orochi and then put through the process of becoming a monster.

Gouketsu was the main antagonist of the Super Fight arc. He came to C-City to turn more strong fighters into monsters. Some of them tried to fight Gouketsu but were humbled by the monster. Gouketsu was ruthless, and he toyed with his opponents before finishing them off. His life came to an end when he fought Saitama.

7 Overgrown Rover

Overgrown Rover being attacked

While it may look like an adorable canine, at its full power, Overgrown Rover is a Dragon-level threat that is capable of causing widespread destruction. It was introduced in the Monster Association arc, where it faced off against Garou.

Overgrown Rover possesses immense physical strength that allows it to overwhelm the lower S-Class heroes without any problem. It can also shoot energy projectiles at its opponents, which can cause significant damage. The monster's rampage stopped temporarily when Saitama beat it up.

6 Homeless Emperor

Homeless Emperor destroying a bullet

Homeless Emperor was the only human who was a part of the Monster Association. He was a cunning person, who kept his powers hidden until the situation required him to use them. He was given special abilities by God, who wanted to see how far he could go. Homeless Emperor was weak physically, which is why he fought his opponents from a distance.

He could create multiple energy projectiles that were capable of destroying their target with ease. There was no limit to the number of projectiles, that he could create. So, it was futile to drag out a fight against him. Eventually, Homeless Emperor was killed by God.

5 Black Sperm

platinum sperm

Currently, Black Sperm is pretending to be Saitama's friend, as he lost too many cells while fighting heroes. Black Sperm has other forms, which he uses while fighting strong opponents.

Black Sperm's strength is directly linked to the number of cells that he uses to fight. By combining trillions of cells, he is able to become Platinum Sperm, which is his strongest form. Platinum Sperm is the physical peak for Black Sperm, and it is capable of taking down S-Class heroes without any problems.

4 Evil Natural Water and Sage Centipede

sage centipede

Sage Centipede was a ginormous monster that dwarfed the Elder Centipede. The sheer size of the Sage Centipede made him a dangerous opponent. He fought against Garou and Metal Bat, causing them many problems. Along with immense strength, the Sage Centipede also had high regeneration, which allowed him to recover from injuries almost instantly. It took the power of Awakened Garou to defeat this monster.

After absorbing an entire ocean, Evil Natural Water became Evil Ocean Water. Like Sage Centipede, it was also incredibly huge and could destroy massive buildings without trying. Due to its liquid body, Evil Ocean Water could withstand a multitude of attacks. It took a Serious Punch from Saitama to bring the monster's rampage to a halt.

3 Psykos-Orochi

Psykos and Orochi merge

Psykos-Orochi is one of the main antagonists of the Monster Association arc. This monster is a combination of Psykos and Orochi, which came into existence after Orochi decided to fuse with the esper. This particular monster was considered to be a major threat to the safety of the world.

Psykos-Orochi had access to the abilities of both characters, such as psychokinesis, the power of incorporation, regeneration, etc. The monster could also manipulate gravity, and unleash energy attacks that were potent enough to slice through the earth's surface.

2 Boros

Boros in One-Punch Man

Boros was an incredibly strong character who sought to find the person capable of stopping him from doing what he wanted. On his adventures, Boros went to many different planets and destroyed them because they couldn't offer him a challenge. Eventually, Boros set his sight on earth and came looking for the fighter mentioned in the prophecy.

Boros' physical attributes were off the charts. He could keep up with Saitama's speed, and he even managed to withstand multiple attacks from the hero. Boros' ultimate weapon was his Meteoric Blast Form, in which his physical abilities were enhanced further. He could also use energy attacks that could incinerate anything in their path.

1 Garou

garou's fight with saitama

Garou is one of the best characters in One Punch Man. Unlike most villains, Garou became a lawbreaker to teach the entitled heroes a lesson. He had his own philosophy regarding how the world worked, which inspired him to become the "Hero Hunter."

Garou's most powerful weapon is his ability to grow in a fight. He has fought many opponents, and in each fight, Garou has learned and improved. Garou was offered some of his power by God, and it resulted in him becoming an unstoppable force of nature. If his power had been left unchecked, he could have easily destroyed the world. MORE: Best Battle Shonen Anime With No Filler Episodes