The human turned cyborg and student of Saitama, Genos is the easily identifiable mechanical power house of destruction in the One Punch Man series. Although he is an S-Class hero he is capable of causing heavy destruction to the environment around him when battling foes.

Genos is generally considered to be one of the strongest heroes in the series. He seeks to learn the secret of becoming stronger by becoming Saitama's disciple, but can he actually surpass Saitama in power someday?


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Early Life


Genos lived an ordinary life since he was very young. In an unfortunate turn of events, when Genos was 15 years old, a crazed cyborg who probably had failed body modifications installed invaded and attacked the city that Genos lived in and killed his parents. Although badly injured, Genos managed to survive the ordeal and would have died if it wasn't for Dr. Kuseno who found him barely alive.

The doctor then looked after him and nursed him back to health, but Genos wanted more and begged the doctor to turn him into a cyborg himself so that he could terminate the crazed cyborg that attacked his city and bring back peace to the world. Dr. Kuseno agreed and turned him into a cyborg, so he could finally take revenge for his parents' deaths. Ever since he became a cyborg, at 19 years old, Genos has been hunting the crazed cyborg. He spent four years tracking the cyborg while also terminating many monsters that crossed his path, but couldn't locate the cyborg who killed his parents

The Disciple


Genos' search for his enemy eventually led him to Z-City, where Saitama lived. In One Punch Man, episode 2. Saitama runs into Genos fighting Mosquito girl. Just as Mosquito girl was about to destroy Genos, Saitama appeared and smacks mosquito girl onto a building instantly terminating her. Awed by the sheer power of Saitama, Genos begs him to teach him ways and the secret of becoming stronger. Saitama accepts not thinking that Genos was actually serious about his request.

Genos then shows up at Saitama's appartments introducing himself and annoying Saitama in the process. Although the idea of having a disciple irritated Saitama in the beginning, he eventually started to like Genos and considered him a best friend. He also gets worried when Genos is badly hurt during his fight with Deep Sea King showing the inseparable friendship between the duo. Although Genos is an S-Class hero his desire to move up the ranks is strong. Ever since Genos moved into Saitama's apartment, they spent a lot of time together and encountered many missions in the series. Genos constantly identifies himself as Saitama's disciple although Saitama could be least bothered about it. The advice and training given to Genos by Saitama is mostly made up and a method to keep the cyborg happy that he is learning from the one and only One Punch Man. However, there are moments when Saitama is also able to give Genos some sound advice.

Machine Over Mind?


Genos, also known as the 'Demon Cyborg' according to the hero association. has immense physical strength and can execute powerful moves such as punches and kicks strong enough to break through certain environments. Genos' body is entirely replaced with mechanical combat-ready cybernetics and prosthesis giving him the speed and strength he possesses. As Genos upgrades himself throughout the series, we see him move at teleportation-like speeds and was able to keep up a fight with Garou and also with Sonic. He is also able to continue fighting even if his body is falling apart due to majority of his body being artificial giving him the ability to withstand more blows from enemies.

Although Genos has powerful mechanical abilities that can take on strong enemies, he also falls short when it comes to the humanistic developments that some of his opponents may posses. Indiviuals who have more stronger and tougher conditioning through intense trainings could be a fearsome opponent for Genos. For Genos to go through the same training as Saitama would be pointless as it develops more muscle and since Genos is barely made up of muscle, it wouldn't make sense. Since technology is a slow growth, Genos will only be able to progress at the same pace in terms of upgrades to himself. Although technology is a good to have power when it comes to battles, it is limited to what it is capable of and cannot grow or expand beyond it.

Genos is also skepitcal about Saitama's ways of gaining power and finds its hard to believe that extreme exercise is what gave Saitama his power. Genos still believes that there is something more to Saitama's power that will one day be finally revealed to him. Although he is an S-Class hero due to his reputation, he is sometimes seen to fail miserably when battling opponents. It is a running gag in the show that Genos is almost blown to pieces in every fight.

For Genos to surpass Saitama's level of strength may be impossible at this point in time or ever perhaps, but he still continues to fight his battles, giving it his one hundred percent with One Punch Man by his side.


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