One-Punch Man, written by ONE and Yusuke Murata, features the fan-favorite and ridiculously powerful B-Class hero, Saitama. On numerous occasions, Saitama established his unquestionable strength in jaw-dropping fights such as the Boros fight that ended Season One and the classic, humiliating defeat of the Dragon-level Elder Centipede by the hero’s classic one-punch move.

Despite the various sensational fights outlined in the manga and anime series, fans have eagerly waited for a rematch between the Hero Hunter, Garou, and the powerful Saitama. The show's Second Season featured two different clashes between the individuals that ended in an unavoidable outcome: Saitama's unquestionable victory. However, it looks like Garou is about to lead a thrilling comeback. In the recent chapters starring Monster Association Arc, Garou's power level increased exponentially, and the Dragon-level Centisennin took the brunt of Garou’s immense growth. Presently, the monster-human Garou may be an interesting challenge for Saitama in their rematch encapsulated in chapters 162 & 163.

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Garou & Saitama’s Previous Fights

saitam hitting garou

In the Second Season of One-Punch Man, fans were excited at the prospect of Garou's clash with Saitama, but the outcome was instant, precise, and proof of Saitama's awesome strength. In Episode 3 of the season, Garou's name became popular on the streets of Z-City after he defeated the S-Class Hero, Tank Top as well as the C-Class Hero, Mumen Rider. High on his win against the revered hero, he confronted the A-Rank heroes: Golden Ball and Spring Mustachio, and defeated them with his Bang-inspired martial arts style. However, before the episode ended, he misinterpreted the unsuspecting Saitama's actions, attacking the B-Class Hero out of nowhere with a sudden shoulder hit. Saitama, unfazed by the attack, questioned Garou about the sudden interruption of his shopping, which Saitama took very seriously. In an instant, Saitama replicated Garou's move, but the outcome was different, with Garou fainting from the attack.

Episode 9 of the Second Season showed Garou suffering another humiliating defeat at the hands of Saitama. After Garou was bested by Watchdog Man, he encountered the weak S-Class Hero, King, whose ranking was based on miscommunications and lies, taking a walk with Saitama. After Garou spotted King, his bloodthirst caused him to overlook Saitama, and as he tried to attack, he was kicked into a wall by Saitama, once again rendering him unconscious. The two fights placed Saitama on a higher pedestal Garou could not reach at that time; however, things may be different now.

The Fated Encounter

Garou's short encounters with Saitama in the past and his mutation into his new form contributed to his brief memory loss. Consequently, he couldn't recall who Saitama was after he defeated the Centisennin, a Dragon-level monster with one strike. However, after a punch from Saitama triggered his memories, Garou resolved to end Saitama to prove his conviction that heroes can’t protect anyone. The heated battle between Saitama and Garou resonated in the area, and individuals in the affected zone trembled in fear of the possible occurrences of the constant quakes held.

Meanwhile, the Garou-Saitama fight progressed, and Saitama constantly evaded the human monster attacks easily. Finally, Garou managed to land a strike on the baldy's head, but the outcome of the action was the crumbling of Garou’s hands. Garou regrew his previously destroyed arm, proving that his part monster evolution came with perks such as ultrafast regeneration. After the arm regrowth, Garou ignored Saitama’s questions on the reason for his attacks and tried to attack him again, but this time, Saitama's destructive punch sent him flying, creating deep crevices on the ground. The punch, similar to the effects of being doused in cold water, made Garou realize that for him to reach his true goal to become absolutely evil, Saitama would be an obstacle he must eliminate.

A Heartfelt Request & A Mind-Blowing Battle

After Garou resolved to rise above the imposing obstacle, Saitama, the kid that Garou often talks to, Tareo, showed up with a personal, firm resolve that he won't run away from Garou despite his monstrous appearance. Tareo approached Garou, saying that Garou is a hero, his personal best, and one he admires. He further goes on to say that Garou has saved him on several occasions and that he needed to stop the pretend act of being a monster. The boy’s tears affect Garou, who internally rebuked Tareo for looking sad when he was about to prove his belief that heroes are just a mere cover-up for the world's harsh realities.

Soon Saitama arrives and chastises Garou for his immature actions, involving making a kid cry, hunting down heroes, and wrecking martial arts establishments to prove his petty ideology. Garou then talked to Tareo, telling him that he would change his perspective of life through Saitama's defeat. A few scenes later, the manga revealed Saitama provoking Garou to strike him. Garou struck him in the face but dealt zero damage. Saitama then pushed Garou in a different direction for a battle while promising Tareo that he would stop Garou without killing him.

RELATED: One-Punch Man: What to Expect From Season 3 (According to the Manga)

Chapter 163 opened with Saitama questioning Garou on the reason for his actions. Initially, Saitama thought Garou based his actions on a grudge toward heroes, but his suspicions were disproved when he discovered Garou's recent heroic acts. Saitama then admonished Garou, suggesting that he could become a hero instead of trying to become absolute evil for the sake of world peace. An absurd goal with an insensible way of achieving it. Garou finally loses it after Saitama tells him to consider Tareo’s feelings since the boy managed to sum up the courage to talk to Garou in spite of his fear.

Enraged at Saitama’s suggestions, Garou attacked Saitama furiously while his monsterfication evolved his body structure. Realizing that his attacks were ineffective against Saitama, he changed his tactics, focusing his new strategy on attacking his internal organs. After releasing a series of attacks such as God Slayer, Ascending Attack, and Great Power Attack, Saitama coursed through skyscrapers. He later emerged from the rubble of death and buildings unharmed. Unknown to both parties, Garou's attacks allowed citizens stuck in an underground location to escape.

After they explained the cause of their dilemma, Saitama commented to the individuals that they were saved by Garou. Their gratitude enraged Garou further, and he evolved again, sporting bat-like wings. Suddenly, he attacked Saitama, but his blow cracked a mountain without damaging Saitama, proving that the B-Class Hero's body strength surpasses that of a mountain. The chapter ends on a cliffhanger with Saitama stating that Garou truly possesses the qualities of a hero. The fight between Garou and Saitama was worth the wait, and readers may witness another power-up from Garou, possibly his final form, in the next chapter.

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