One-Punch Man is a great shonen anime series that never fails to make audiences laugh with its silly antics and a protagonist who is so powerful that a single punch can destroy anything and everything around him. Saitama should definitely be ranked way higher than he is in the rankings, although that's just one of the many reasons why the show is so funny in its own right.

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The many heroes of the series are split into various groups, with B-Class heroes being pretty competent in their own right. While their power isn't really all that remarkable, they've obviously completed several heroic actions that have helped them rise up the ranks. The strongest B-Class heroes in One-Punch Man each bring something different to the table.

10 Darkness Blade

Darkness Blade in One-Punch Man

Darkness Blade certainly takes the award for having one of the coolest hero costumes in One Punch Man. His all-black attire is quite noticeable and makes him pretty unique when compared to the other heroes around him.

However, in terms of raw power, his combat skills aren't really all that impressive. Sure, he can use his sword to tackle many tough foes, but his skills are nowhere near the level of other sword-wielding heroes in the series.

9 Gun Gun

Gun Gun in One-Punch Man

True to his name, Gun Gun is a firearms specialist who can take extremely accurate shots with the wealth of guns he possesses. He's a great long-range hero who can take out most monsters and villains with ease.

However, his melee combat skills are woefully poor and make him a liability if the enemy closes the distance on him. This is why Gun Gun should ideally be paired with a melee fighter to cover up this weakness.

8 Smell Master

Smell Master in One-Punch Man

The idea of using chemicals to fight villains is a novel idea that Smell Master uses to great effect. In fact, his chemicals are so noxious that he has to wear a mask at all times to avoid getting contaminated by his own creations.

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Most people haven't really seen this hero in a fight, but his relatively high ranking means that he's pretty competent indeed. Some of his chemicals are so strong that they can straight-up paralyze his foes, which definitely makes the act of fighting a bit trivial for him.

7 Double Hole

Double Hole in One-Punch Man

Double Hole is a pretty funny superhero, with his power mainly coming from a cybernetic nose that he uses to fire energy blasts. While this may seem odd, viewers should keep in mind that he's a B-Class hero at the end of the day.

Double Hole's physical capabilities are pretty great too, making him a competent hero to have in most situations. That being said, he's definitely helpless against some of the tougher villains in One Punch Man.

6 Pink Hornet

Pink Hornet in One-Punch Man

Not much has been seen of the Pink Hornet, but her decent B-Class ranking means that she's one of the more reliable heroes around. She uses a pair of clubs in combat to great effect, giving her the edge over many of her peers.

Her nickname is "The Shopping Street of Techniques" which reflects the fact that she is able to use several abilities in battle. That being said, her status as a B-Class hero really stifles her potential as a hero.

5 Glasses

Glasses in One-Punch Man

The idea of an office worker becoming a hero to earn more money and escape the mundanity of corporate life is a pretty novel concept indeed. Even his hero name, Glasses, is indicative of how even the most regular person around can still become a hero.

With his green tracksuit and hand-to-hand combat skills, Glasses can be a valuable part of any hero squad. The fact that he was able to stand up to Garou is pretty impressive, even if the Hero Killer had sustained numerous injuries priot to that point.

4 Wild Horn

Wild Horn in One-Punch Man

Wild Horn is one of the few B-Class heroes who can fight on the same wavelength as an A-Class superhero, which is no mean feat. He's personally crafted a custom piece of armor and equipment for himself that he uses to great effect in battle.

His pile-driving equipment is extremely powerful and can cleave an entire tree if aimed properly. It's easy to see why he's one of the strongest B-Class heroes in One Punch Man, ranked at a respectable No. 6.

3 Mountain Ape

Mountain Ape in One-Punch Man

Mountain Ape is one of the most powerful members of the Blizzard Group and a powerful B-Class hero indeed. He looks huge and his powers certainly do justice to that notion, with his strength being absolutely monstrous.

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As a B-Class hero who's ranked 3rd, it's safe to say that his physical prowess is similar to that of an A-Class hero. Ideally, the sky is the limit for Mountain Ape but he's never really tried to prove himself since he's content with being a part of the Blizzard Group.

2 Eyelashes

Eyelashes in One-Punch Man

It's hard to believe that a person who uses eyelash curlers in battle can be the second-strongest B-Class hero in One-Punch Man. However, the many people who underestimate Eyelashes clearly haven't seen just how adept he is in battle.

His hand-to-hand combat skills are amazing, with his use of such an odd weapon being fairly ingenious. Despite not really having any innate powers of his own, Eyelashes is pretty strong and only one-upped by the very head of the Blizzard Group herself.

1 Blizzard Of Hell (Fubuki)

One Punch Man Power Up Fubuki

Fubuki is a pretty unique character, with her justification for being a part of the B-Class heroes being pretty novel indeed. While this doesn't win her any favors with her sister, Tatsumaki, she's still a pretty strong esper in her own right.

Her psychic abilities can be used to unleash a world of hurt on her foes, and there's no telling how much her powers can develop after training them immensely. The hero name Blizzard of Hell certainly suits Fubuki, who is one of the most beloved characters in the series.

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