One Piece is currently in its Egghead Island arc and fans have been thoroughly enjoying this arc and all the twists that come with it. The introduction of Dr. Vegapunk was one of the biggest reveals in the entire arc, however, his character turned out to be surrounded by many mysteries. One such mystery came after the introduction of his six satellite bodies. It was revealed that one of his satellite bodies was working actively against him and had betrayed him.

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For several chapters, fans tried to figure out the identity of the traitor, however, the vast majority failed to pinpoint who betrayed the genius scientist. One Piece 1078 finally went on to reveal that this was none other than York. While this seems rather confusing on the surface, the more one looks into it, the more sense it makes.

York's Nature

York one piece CHAPTER 1078

York was introduced to the fans a bit after the other Vegapunk bodies. Starting with Lilith, fans were eventually introduced to Shaka, and then Pythagoras and Edison. York made her appearance shortly afterwards and it was revealed to the fans that she spent most of her time sleeping and relieving herself, which provided more time for the other Vegapunks to do their work efficiently. On the surface, York seemed like the least problematic character among all the Vegapunk bodies, however, it was also mentioned at the same time that York was the manifestation of Dr. Vegapunk's desire.

Desire is a contagious thing and it is something that can often not be satiated. When one desires something, often, the desire keeps growing and leads to greed. York is the manifestation of both the desire and the greed of Dr. Vegapunk and, as such, she is a satellite that represents a negative emotion. Along with Lilith, York should have been one of the satellites that fans suspected most, however, that wasn't the case.

York's Goal

Vegapunk york one piece

As revealed over the course of the last few chapters, York was responsible for several strange happenings on Egghead Island. When word got to the World Government that a study on the ancient history of the Void Century was being conducted on Egghead, they sent several Cipher Pol units to assess this information. Strangely enough, none of them made their way back. Later, York confirmed to the World Government that the report was, indeed, true. Seeing that, the World Government mobilized the Cipher Pol Aegis 0, which consisted of Lucci, Stussy, and Kaku. Along with them was S-Bear, and more importantly, one of the Five Elders, Saint Jaygarcia Saturn. Admiral Kizaru was also sent to the island since Vegapunk possesses a force that could retaliate against the Government.

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This force was not present on Ohara when they suffered a terrible fate nearly 22 years ago. In this chapter, it was finally revealed that it was York who was giving out the information to the World government. Her desire seems to have gotten the better of her and now, she craves more. Her ultimate desire, it seems, is that she wants to become a Celestial Dragon. For that, she is giving out information to the World Government and, given that she is also presented to be lazy, the life of a Celestial Dragon would be perfect for her. York aims to kill every single Vegapunk body until she is the last one remaining and, once her mission is complete, she will likely try to get into the holy land of Mariejois, and become one of the World Nobles.

What Next For York?

York one piece

York is an extremely intriguing character and, by the looks of it, she is going to be crucial in the arc moving forward. For starters, it can be safely assumed that York will fail to kill Dr. Vegapunk as doing that would defeat the entire purpose of Luffy's goal in the arc. Somehow, Stella will be rescued and York will be dealt with. The group closest to them currently is that of Robin and Chopper, who also have Atlas leading them. York will most likely destroy Atlas as well, however, will be subdued by Robin, that is, unless the Seraphims come to her aid. She is utterly monstrous currently, however, she is certainly defeatable.

If York is taken out, the command that she gave to the Seraphims can be overwritten by other Vegapunk satellites. It is safe to say that the future of the Vegapunk bodies doesn't look like it is safe. At the end of the day, Vegapunk might be forced to abandon all his bodies and stick to Stella. The fact that the Government is approaching right now means that there is no time to repair the already destroyed bodies. York will likely be taken down sooner rather than later and when that happens, Vegapunk could realize what desire does to people and stick to using just Stella instead.

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