
  • Some of the worst mothers in One Piece prioritize their own ambitions over their children, leaving them alone and deprived of affection.
  • Miss Buckin is an extremely manipulative mother who uses her son, Weevil, as a tool to achieve her own goals, including stealing treasure.
  • Big Mom, despite her own difficult childhood, was cruel and ruthless towards her own children, willing to kill them if necessary.

One Piece has its fair share of bad parents who caused immense grief and trauma to their children. Some of them were straight-up negligent and abandoned their kids for one reason or another. So, their offspring were forced to grow up by themselves, or they had to find someone to take care of them.

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Some of the worst parents in One Piece are mothers who treat their children as nothing but tools to further their own ambitions. These mothers are scorned by their kids and by the fans to a certain degree. With that in mind, here are the worst mothers in One Piece.

6 Nico Olivia

Left Her Daughter Alone

Nico Olivia worst mothers in one piece

Nico Olivia was a passionate scholar who belonged to Ohara. Like most people from Ohara, Olivia was interested in learning about new things. This curiosity drove her to dabble in the forbidden, and she began to analyze the Poneglyphs. The World Government has banned everyone from reading the steles, so naturally, she was captured when her actions came to light.

While Olivia did not bear any ill will towards her daughter, she did deprive Robin of affection. Robin was alone most of the time, and she had to do things on her own. Olivia clearly prioritized her ambition and left her daughter. Considering how much Robin suffered because of not having a parental figure, Olivia is definitely among the worst mothers in One Piece.

5 Buckin

Extremely Manipulative

Buckin from One Piece

Miss Buckin is the mother of Edward Weevil and the self-proclaimed lover of Whitebeard. Her actual name is Miss Buckingham Stussy, but she took on the alias of Miss Buckin to fool the World Government. At one point, she used to be a member of the Rocks Pirates. Surprisingly, she seems to have a knack for science, as she worked with MADS as well.

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Miss Buckin has been traveling with her son to different islands, beating members of the Whitebeard Pirates. Miss Buckin told Weevil that he needed to reclaim his father's treasure. It is rather obvious that she is using Weevil to get rich and forcibly steal treasure from them. Miss Bucking is extremely manipulative, and she has been using Weevil as a tool to achieve her goal. However, she still cares about him to a certain extent, as evidenced by her behavior when Ryokugyu captured Weevil.

4 Big Mom

Didn't Hesitate To Kill Her Own Kids

big mom soru soru no mi as strong as Yami yami no mi

Big Mom was a Yonko who ruled over Totto Land. She had a rather turbulent childhood, as she was discarded by her parents. They weren't fond of her and wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible. As she grew up, Big Mom joined the Rocks Pirates.

She stayed with them until they disbanded, eventually starting her own pirate crew. Unlike most crews, Big Mom's group mainly consisted of her children. She had relations with different people, which gave her offspring various physical abilities. Despite knowing the horrors of bad parenting, Big Mom wasn't that different from her mother and father. She was cruel, ruthless, and willing to kill any of her children if needed. This makes her one of the worst mothers in One Piece.

3 Mother Carmel

Used To Sell Kids

Mother Carmel from One Piece

Mother Carmel was considered an angel, as she was responsible for taking in many orphans and children abandoned by their parents. She came off as a gentle and loving person, but the reality was far from that.

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Carmel was affiliated with the Underworld, and she had ties with many powerful people. When she found Linlin, Carmel immediately told a Cipher Pol agent that she had struck gold. She went on to say that Linlin had the potential to become a Fleet Admiral. However, the deal never materialized, as Big Mom ate her during a rage-fueled rampage. Given her nature, it is fair to say that she got her comeuppance.

2 Didit

Didn't Care About Her Son

Didit worst mothers in one piece

Didit is the wife of Outlook III and the mother of Sabo. Like almost all people of noble descent, Didit is extremely materialistic and does not care much about morals. She paid no attention to Sabo's personal ambitions and tried to mold him in her image.

Didit constantly reminded him of how royalty should behave and rebuked him if he did something unorthodox. She didn't seem to have any kind of concern for Sabo's wellbeing, as evidenced by her behavior when her son got into a scrap with another kid. Didit was more worried about the kid, as he belonged to royalty and paid no heed to Sabo. She was happy to keep Sterry instead of Sabo, as he was more well-behaved.

1 Baby 5's Mother

Abandoned Her Daughter In The Wild

Baby 5's mom worst mothers in one piece

Baby 5 used to be a member of the Donquixote Pirates. She acted as a supporting villain in the Dressrosa arc until she fell in love with Sai. Baby 5 got engaged to him, and then the two got married. She is a talented assassin who ate the Buki Buki No Mi, allowing her to turn different parts of her body into weapons.

Baby 5 suffered a lot as a child. When she was only five years old, Baby 5's mother abandoned her in the mountains. Before parting ways, she told Baby 5 that she was utterly useless. This statement crushed Baby 5 mentally, and for the rest of her life, she sought validation and wanted to be useful to others.

One Piece-9
One Piece (1999)

Release Date
October 20, 1999
Eiichiro Oda
Toei Animation
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Netflix , Hulu