
  • Vegapunk's vast knowledge of the Void Century and the World Government's fear of it make it unlikely that he will survive the Egghead Incident.
  • The sacrifices of Vegapunk's satellites could buy the Straw Hat Pirates time to escape and preserve his knowledge.
  • Bonney's abilities and potential interventions from Bartholomew Kuma and the Iron Giant could create a slim chance of Vegapunk escaping death.

Even though his on-screen debut in One Piece was only a short time ago, Dr. Vegapunk has made a huge impression since his true introduction in the Egghead Arc. From his expertise on the Void Century and the technology of the Great Kingdom, to the knowledge he possesses about Devil Fruits, the Lineage Factor, and the inner workings of the World Government, Vegapunk could be an invaluable resource for the Straw Hat Pirates if he joins them on their journey.

Standing in the way of this surprising alliance is the combined power of some of the strongest World Government agents in One Piece, including Admiral Kizaru and one of the Five Elders, Saint Jaygarcia Saturn. Having been marked for death by the World Government due to the research he conducted on the Void Century, Vegapunk faces an uphill battle to escape Egghead Island with his life, especially considering the sheer volume of enemy forces that have amassed at his doorstep with the sole purpose of assassinating him. With all this in mind, what are the odds of Vegapunk evading his assailants and leaving the island unscathed?

One Piece: Could Kizaru Betray Saturn?

Kuma's past has revealed more about Kizaru's relationship with Vegapunk, Sentomaru, Bonney, and her father, hinting at a conflict within his mind.

The Case For Vegapunk's Demise

With The World Government After Him, There's A Good Chance Vegapunk Won't Survive

Vegapunk Shaka one piece

Given that he possess a great deal of information regarding the Void Century, there is a very slim chance of the World Government allowing Vegapunk to escape alive. Much like the scholars of Ohara, he now poses a grave threat to the World Government's manipulation of history, and his demise is crucial to its continued reign.

The government's zero tolerance policy towards any research into the Void Century has been well-known for quite some time, and it would be disastrous for them if any of the information in Vegapunk's possession reached the public eye. Consequently, the probability of Vegapunk failing to make it through the Egghead Incident without his life grows ever higher, especially when considering how two of his satellites have already been killed.

From one angle, there is a solution to the tense situation on Egghead Island, where it could be defused by Vegapunk himself. To atone for his sin in turning Bartholomew Kuma into a cyborg, Vegapunk may give up his own life in exchange for allowing the Straw Hat Pirates to flee with Bonney. This noble act would both redeem his actions, and allow the story to move forward. However, the drawback here is that Vegapunk's knowledge about Devil Fruits and the Void Century will go to waste, leaving these mysteries unsolved for the time being.

Could His Satellites All Perish?

Vegapunk Isn't the Only One the World Government Has Their Sights On

One Piece - Original Vegapunk And All The Clones

In another scenario, Vegapunk's satellites could give up their own lives as a means of stalling Kizaru and Saturn, which would also permit the Straw Hat Pirates to escape with Bonney and the Stella — Vegapunk's main body — in tow. Naturally, this sacrifice would not go down easily, and it would devastate the genius scientist and leave a major question mark hanging over what could happen to his consciousness.

This sequence of events is quite plausible, given the intensity of the situation in Egghead, where it currently appears as if the Straw Hat Pirates have no other way to escape the clutches of the Marines. Additionally, this would also mean that Vegapunk's knowledge would not be lost in the process of retreating from the Marines.

One Piece: Decoding The Designs Of Vegapunk And His Satellites

Each of Vegapunk's seven bodies has a story to tell behind its character design, in embodying different aspects of his persona.

Finally, Vegapunk's relationship with the giants, and the Revolutionary Army, could be a key factor in the upcoming war against the World Government, especially since Luffy and his crew will now sail onward to Elbaf. The current state of events in Egghead has odds that are stacked against everyone making it out alive, but this is not the first time the Straw Hat Pirates have faced such foreboding circumstances.

An Unlikely Escape From Certain Death

The Egghead Group Could Help Vegapunk Pull off the Impossible

One Piece Kuma Vegapunk Bonney

Bonney's Devil Fruit powers — most notably, her "Distortion Future" ability — are likely to play a part in de-escalating the conflict between the Marines and the Straw Hat Pirates, and they could also improve Vegapunk's chances of survival. On one hand, Bonney may just use her abilities to alter Luffy's future to one where he has been cured of his fatigue, and has full control of his Gear 5 abilities, turning him into his fully realized form as Nika.

This sequence of events could give the crew the slim opening they need to escape, and also preserve Vegapunk's life, as well as those of his remaining satellites. Conversely, there are other external agents who could influence the battle on Egghead. First among them is Bartholomew Kuma himself, who was last seen running away from Fleet Admiral Sakazuki on Mary Geoise, after wreaking havoc in the domain of the Celestial Dragons.

Kuma's ongoing flashback may be a hint towards him intervening in the fight, as a desperate last act of defiance against his tormentors, in a bid to save his daughter and her new allies. Alternatively, there is also the chance of the mysterious Iron Giant from the Void Century, which was roused from its slumber by Luffy's heartbeat while in Gear 5, jumping into the battle against Saturn. Hence, at present, there are avenues for Vegapunk to pull through and escape his death sentence, but it is anyone's guess as to what will happen next in One Piece's thrilling Egghead Arc.

One Piece is available to stream on Prime Video.

MORE: One Piece: How Will Kuma’s Story End?