One Piece is currently continuing in hot form as the Egghead Island arc approaches its climax rapidly. The last few chapters have been giving fans major revelations followed by even bigger ones, and one of the ones that were least expected was regarding the Gorosei of the One Piece world. The Gorosei are known to be some of the highest powers known to the fans.

RELATED: One Piece: Most Important Characters In Egghead Island ArcTo the rest of the world, they are the highest known authority, which makes them extremely important to the overarching plot of the story. The Gorosei were introduced in the story long before the two-year timeskip and, since then, the intrigue surrounding them has slowly been building. While they are exceptionally important, fans expected them to only come into play towards the very end of the series. Surprisingly, in the Egghead Island arc, the Gorosei were finally seen making their move and one of them has now been officially introduced to the fans, which is yet another indication that One Piece is slowly heading towards its very end. That said, this is time for the fans to get excited about what is to follow.

Who Are The Gorosei?


The Gorosei are also known as the Five Elder Stars and, in terms of power hierarchy within the World Government, they are second only to the King of the World, Imu. Since the existence of Imu is hidden from nearly everyone in the One Piece world, the Gorosei are essentially the highest-known functioning power in the world. Their authority is above even the regular Celestial Dragons, who are known to be the direct descendants of the 20 Kings who fought against the Ancient Kingdom nearly 800 years ago. The Gorosei run the politics of the world and hold tremendous power at their disposal.

They can decide anything and the world has to run exactly how they want it to be. While they claim to want peace on the surface, they actually only desire absolute control over everything, which means that in their utopia, power absolutely only belongs to them. Five of these characters have been revealed in the story and it is believed that they are privy to the deepest and the darkest secrets of the world that have been erased from history. The Gorosei have control over the Navy and even the Shichibukai until recently. While they hold a lot of power, they don't usually go out of their way to exercise it. They can always be found in the Room of Authority inside the giant castle of Pangea in Mariejois that rests atop the Red Line. Now, however, one of them has descended to the Blue Sea, which just shows that the state of the One Piece world is quite dire.

The First Gorosei To Be Revealed

One Piece Celestial Dragons enslaving a person

Until recently, fans saw very little of the Gorosei and they only made their appearance when something major happened in the story. For instance, when Luffy awakened his Nika fruit, the Gorosei delivered exposition on why Nika was so ridiculously powerful. Shortly after the conclusion of the war in Wano, they ordered the capture of Nico Robin and the annexation of the country, however, once again, their attempt failed. They then went on to wipe out Lulusia Kingdom from the map entirely, which was yet another horrific incident in the world of One Piece. It was quite evident that their involvement in the main storyline was slowly increasing and in the Egghead Island arc, this went beyond all fans' expectations.

RELATED: One Piece: Best Powers That Aren't Devil Fruit RelatedIn chapter 1073, the fans were introduced to one of the Gorosei for the very first time. As fans know already, Admiral Kizaru is currently headed to Egghead Island with a giant fleet in an attempt to stop the Straw Hat Pirates in their way and to stop Dr. Vegapunk as well. In chapter 1073, it was revealed that Kizaru was having the food tested for poison for some person aboard his ship. Shortly afterwards, it was revealed that the person was none other than one of the Five Elders of the World Government, and his name was revealed to be Jaygarcia Saturn.

How Strong Is Jaygarcia Saturn?


So far, very little is known about Jaygarcia Saturn. He possesses a ton of knowledge about the true history of the One Piece world and it is exactly for that reason that Saturn is personally on the ship with Kizaru at the moment. He revealed that he had met Dr. Vegapunk once in the past and went on to lament the current condition of the world. It appears that ideally, he wouldn't have wanted to kill Vegapunk as he was visibly upset that it had to come to this. This is starkly similar to when he gave the order to kill professor Clover on Ohara nearly 20 years ago. If Saturn wasn't powerful at all, then he would serve no purpose accompanying Kizaru on this quest.

In fact, that would only mean that he was going to get exposed to danger, and given that people test his food for poison, his safety is clearly paramount. As such, it can be inferred that Saturn possesses a tremendous amount of physical strength as well, as is expected of someone working under the King of the World. Given that they are the absolute highest authority in the One Piece world, their powers could very well surpass those of the Admirals as well. It also makes sense from a narrative standpoint, as Kizaru alone wouldn't be strong enough to stand a chance against the Straw Hat Pirates which include the likes of Emperor Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, among others thrown into the mix. With Jaygarcia Saturn and a massive fleet, Luffy could very well be in trouble here. The coming chapters of One Piece will certainly deliver and fans could very well find out how strong Jaygarcia Saturn truly is.

MORE: The Straw Hat Pirates Bounties After Wano, Explained