
  • Dr. Vegapunk, the genius 500 years ahead of humanity, has six satellite bodies with unique characteristics and goals.
  • Edison, the brains, is essential and recently injured, while Pythagoras, the wisdom, has been killed by S-Snake.
  • Lilith, the weapon expert, is a fan favorite and aims to escape with the Straw Hat Pirates, as they face impending danger.

One Piece's Egghead Island arc has introduced fans to one of the most important characters whose arrival has been awaited for decades now, Dr. Vegapunk. He's known to be a genius whose mind is 500 years ahead of humanity and is objectively the smartest person in the entire world of One Piece right now.

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Upon his introduction, fans learned that Vegapunk had more than just one body. In fact, he had managed to split himself into six bodies, with each one of them showcasing a facet of this personality. While every single one of his satellite bodies is useful in its own way, there are some that have charmed the fans more than others.

Updated on February 20, 2024, by Rei Penber: One Piece is currently in the Egghead Island arc and this arc is centered around Dr. Vegapunk, the man known to be the greatest mind in the entire world. Of course, an arc that is entirely focused on Vegapunk was always going to elaborate upon his character greatly, add depth and meaning to him, and make him an important figure for future events as well. Over the course of the last 50 or so chapters, fans have found out a great deal about Vegapunk and his many satellite bodies. Fans have found out their characteristics, and even their goals, in many cases. The satellites have become even more interesting as the Egghead Island Arc has continued, and while this list already goes over many details about the satellites, their individual story arcs have also progressed over time. Some of them have already died, while others are on the brink of death. This list has now been updated with their current status.

7 Edison

Vegapunk's bodies Edison one piece 1065
  • Biggest Strength: Thinking and Coming up with ideas. Edison is the brains of the Vegapunk and he's the one who usually gets most of the ideas in his brain before the others start working on them. He's clearly an essential part of the Vegapunks.

Edison is known to be one of the main thinking bodies of Dr. Vegapunk. He was introduced recently when the Straw Hat Pirates confronted Seraphim Jinbe. As the main thinking body of Dr. Vegapunk, he is the one who usually comes up with most of the ideas. Fans saw him collect data from the fight that ensued between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Seraphim of Jinbe and, apparently, he took quite a lot of useful data which he began work on immediately afterwards.

Unlike most other bodies of Dr. Vegapunk, Edison is a mechanical being and is also quite small in stature. What's more, it possesses very few combat abilities, if any at all.

Current Status

Edison was deeply injured when the fighting on the Labophase was going on. He was saved thanks to the Straw Hat Pirates striking back against York. Edison has had his injuries tended to by Lilith. Currently, he is with the Straw Hat Pirates, waiting for the evacuation from the island. Edison aims to leave the island successfully, however, whether he will be able to do that or not remains to be seen. That said, he is alive for now and that is something that is a relief for the fans.

6 Pythagoras

Pythagoras one piece
  • Biggest Strength: Wisdom. Pythagoras is more keen and observant than any other body of Vegapunk. He sees all the ideas that Edison gathers and puts them into practice, all the while observing whether these ideas are useful or not. He is certainly an extremely important Vegapunk body and one that will be dearly missed.

Just like Edison, Pythagoras is also a mechanical body of Dr. Vegapunk, however, is taller in stature. Pythagoras is the wisdom body and usually works on the ideas that Edison comes up with. This was seen when he witnessed the Straw Hat Pirates fighting and was given a few tasks by Edison to work on. Its main job appears to be to record data and work on it during the process of research.

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Pythagoras is very calm and usually quite reserved. Out of all the bodies of Dr. Vegapunk, Pythagoras is the one that fans have seen the least of as he didn't have much of dialogue in One Piece 1065. Nonetheless, fans know for a fact that he is one of the smartest characters in the entire story and that he will be a valuable asset to the Straw Hat Pirates moving forward.

Current Status

Dead. Pythagoras was killed by none other than S-Snake. This happened when he was attacked from the rear by his S-Snake and, even though he ended up detaching his head and surviving the blow, he was later stepped upon by her, which resulted in his permanent death, given that his body was completely mechanical and fully damaged, thus not being able to be repaired.

5 York

York one piece
  • Biggest Strength: Greed. York is the greed of the Vegapunk bodies. This is her biggest strength and also her biggest weakness. Greed leads her to seek out better things and progress and develop even further in life. However, greed also leads to her downfall, as seen in the Egghead Island arc of One Piece.

York embodies the greed of Dr. Vegapunk and is quite an interesting character. She was introduced in One Piece 1065, alongside all the other bodies of Dr. Vegapunk. York doesn't do much work and usually focuses on keeping Dr. Vegapunk's mind running by eating and using the bathroom, or sleeping to ensure that he gets enough rest.

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Despite that, she possesses genius intellect and her mind is also ahead of nearly every single person alive today. She has likely contributed to the many inventions that Dr. Vegapunk has come up with over the years.

Current Status

York intends to become a Celestial Dragon and, for that reason, she betrayed Stella. York is currently being held captive by the Straw Hat Pirates in the Labophase. The World Government initially prioritized her safety. However, given how many powerful individuals are currently on Egghead, the World Government has ordered a Buster Call on Egghead, which means they no longer care about her safety and have ordered for this island to be indiscriminately destroyed. York remains to be a captive but her chances of survival are not looking all that good at the moment.

4 Atlas

Release Date Atlas One Piece 1063
  • Biggest Strength: Physical Might. Atlas possesses a lot of physical strength and this power in her body is channeled by her emotions of wrath. She is one of the strongest Vegapunk bodies, however, still not strong enough to fight against the strongest people in the One Piece world.

Atlas is one of the very first bodies of Dr. Vegapunk that was introduced in the Egghead Island arc. She is quite large in stature, towering over the likes of Luffy and even Jinbe. Atlas represents the wrath within Dr. Vegapunk and she makes use of that in quite a spectacular manner.

She is known to possess great strength, as was seen when she punched Luffy quite easily, despite the latter being one of the Yonko. Atlas is extremely skilled as a fighter, but that's not all. She is also very smart and is deeply interested in the questions pertaining to reality. While she is very opinionated, she believes that everyone should come to their own conclusions about matters pertaining to reality.

Current Status

Atlas has played a great role in the Egghead Island arc and, currently, she is in the Fabriophase, alongside Kuma, Bonney, and Franky. Atlas was recently seen attempting to save Stella and, later, both Kuma and Bonney. She was struck down by Kizaru, but now, she is being defended by both Sanji and Luffy. Her goal right now is to get back to the Labophase so she can prepare for the escape from Egghead. Atlas has been incredibly important in the Egghead Island arc, however, whether she will survive the impossibly difficult battle on the Fabriophase or not remains to be seen.

3 Lilith

Dr. Vegapunk
  • Biggest Strength: Weaponry Prowess. Lilith is the representation of the evil of Vegapunk but she doesn't seem to be all that evil. In fact, she is one of the most friendly members of this Vegapunk satellite group and she has helped the Straw Hat Pirates on multiple occasions already. She is very proficient with weapons, such as the Bubble Gun.

Lilith is the first body of Dr. Vegapunk that was introduced to the fans in the Egghead Island arc. She represents the evil within Dr. Vegapunk. In terms of appearance, she resembles the Vinsmoke siblings quite a lot, especially Reiju. She's also quite powerful, however, not as strong as either Zoro or Robin, as confirmed by Shaka. Nonetheless, she is extremely shrewd and wouldn't hesitate to betray anyone, even those who are her friends.

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Fans saw her talk about power sources quite recently. Her work as a researcher has tremendously contributed to the many inventions that Dr. Vegapunk has made over the years and she is certainly one of the most intriguing characters among the bodies so far.

Current Status

Lilith has always been one of the many fan favorites when it comes to the bodies of Vegapunk. Lilith was seen fighting many interesting battles in the Egghead Island arc and even when she was turned to stone, she was resurgent once again and is now taking on a very important duty. She then fought a short battle against Admiral Kizaru along with other Straw Hat Pirates and was completely blown away by his light-based powers. Lilith is currently with Brook and her goal is to get the Sunny to the edge of the island. Once there, Lilith will then set this place as the meeting point for the Straw Hat Pirates and then prepare for their escape using Franky Shogun. Lilith aims to travel across the sea for the first time in her life as she has never had the chance to do so ever before.

2 Shaka

Dr Vegapunk from One Piece
  • Biggest Strength: Logic. Shaka does not possess any fighting capabilities at all and all he has is his logical brain. When it comes to knowledge and information, Shaka possesses the most and he's also one of the most intriguing members of the Vegapunk satellite bodies.

Shaka is quite possibly the most important satellite body of Dr. Vegapunk so far. He is satellite 01 and embodies the logic of the genius scientist of the Navy. Shaka is the one who the Straw Hat Pirates met up with after Lilith escorted them to the laboratory. There, he explained quite a lot of stuff about the Void Century to the crew, and by extension the fans.

He also delivered a lot of information about Ohara and the aftermath of the destruction there. Shaka appears to be the most level-headed person among all the bodies of Dr. Vegapunk. While he doesn't seem to have much combat, he is very shrewd and thinks twice before taking action. As such, he's always one step ahead of his enemies.

Current Status

Dead. Shaka died very early into the Egghead Island arc. He was shot through the head by York when he went to the old and abandoned Devil Fruit laboratory on Egghead Island. It was confirmed that Shaka cannot be recreated, at least under the current circumstances.

1 Stella

Featured Dr Vegapunk's devil Nomi Nomi no Mi
  • Biggest Strength: Nomi Nomi no Mi. Stella has quite a lot of strength but the biggest is, of course, his Devil Fruit which has given him a massive brain, using which he has conjured quite a lot of incredible inventions over the years.

Stella is the main body of Dr. Vegapunk and was recently introduced to the fans. Expectedly, he embodies every single personality of the satellites and is just as smart as any of them. Stella has a large head, thanks to the Devil Fruit that he consumed long ago, called the Nomi Nomi no Mi. It appears to have made his brain retain large amounts of information and given him unlimited storage and an ever-expanding brain.

Thanks to that, Vegapunk has split his head and created Punk Records, which is a massive library of everything that he has ever learned or worked on. The main body of Dr. Vegapunk has been working with the Navy for quite a long time, but appears to be secretly allied to the head of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon.

Current Status

The most important body of Dr. Vegapunk, Stella is currently fighting for his life on Egghead Island. Stella has been the most important body of Vegapunk, which fans initially came to doubt. However, as his character has been explored more via flashbacks and great character moments, fans know that Stella does, indeed, possess a kind heart. Stella was recently seen taking up arms against both Saturn and the Marines that threatened him, such as Kizaru. As far as his current status goes, fans know that his life is in danger, especially after he was stabbed by one of the legs of Saturn in his mythical spider form. Vegapunk is currently bleeding profusely and could even die. Sanji and Luffy, who are currently on the Fabriophase, are looking out for him. Whether Stella will survive or not is something that fans will have to wait to see.

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One Piece (1999)

Eiichiro Oda
Toei Animation
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