Usopp is the sniper of the Straw Hat Pirates. He joined the crew after the Syrup Village arc. Usopp is a known coward, but he wants to become a brave warrior like his dad, Yasopp, who is one of the strongest characters in One Piece. At times, Usopp has put his body on the line to prove his resolution.

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Usopp is a fun-loving person, and together with Luffy and Chopper, he is always causing a ruckus. However, when the situation calls for it, Usopp forgets about his cowardice and steps up to support his crew. Usopp's character is certainly interesting, but there is still a lot that One Piece fans don't know about the sniper.

7 Tribute To The Fools

Usopp reaction to 500 million bounty

Usopp is one of the funniest characters in the series. Almost every single action of his evokes laughter among the fans. For someone who appears to be foolish, Usopp is actually quite smart. Over the course of the series, Usopp has managed to fool many people.

Oda has referenced this ability of Usopp by making his birthday fall on April 1st, which is known as April Fools' Day. On this day, people throughout the world try to fool each other by lying.

6 Possible Devil Fruit

Usopp from One Piece

One of the best things about being a One Piece fan is being able to craft new theories about things that are unexplained. Many of these theories are about devil fruits and their possible users. Since there are several non-devil fruit characters within the Straw Hat Pirates, it is only normal to wonder what kind of devil fruits they would have.

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Thankfully, Oda answered this question in an SBS. He gave his opinion on the devil fruits that they would possess, and his choice for Usopp was the Poke Poke no Mi, which is a paramecia-type devil fruit. It was eaten by Blamenco, and it allows him to create pockets everywhere on his body. This ability can be really useful for a sniper, as it would enable them to store plenty of ammunition.

5 Originally Designed To Be Vice Captain

Sogeking first appearance

In One Piece: Green Scarlet Pirates, an early design for Usopp's character was revealed. Oda initially planned to make Usopp the vice-captain of the crew and the sniper as well. Usopp being the vice-captain would have changed many things. When he left the crew in the Water 7 arc, it could have proven to be a disaster, as nobody expects the second-in-command to question the captain's authority. In the design, Usopp's nose was also shorter and resembled his father's.

Eventually, Oda settled on the current design. It was a good choice on Oda's part to make Usopp look more like his mother, considering she was the one who looked after him when Yasopp left.

4 Inspired by Aesop's Fables


Oda pays a great deal of attention to his characters, which is the main reason why they are all popular in the anime community. Oda has given every Straw Hat a solid backstory, and Usopp is no exception. Usopp's backstory seems to be inspired by one of Aesop's tales, more specifically by The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

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Like the boy from the story, Usopp shouted every day that pirates had landed on the island, and they were going to take away their valuables. The islanders always believed these lies until one day, actual pirates came to the island. Usopp tried to warn them, but no one believed him.

3 Lies Become Truths Inevitably

One Piece's Usopp against a yellow background with tears in his eyes

Usopp is a well-known liar who tries to put on a brave face but runs away at the first sight of trouble. Usopp lies for several reasons, mainly to create an opening to run away from his enemy. However, many of Usopp's lies have come true at some point.

When Usopp claimed that pirates were coming to his village, no one believed him, but that turned into reality in Chapter 28 when Kuro and his crew invaded the island. Usopp also told Kaya about how he killed a goldfish and took it to the land of little people, who ate it. This became true in the Dressrosa arc, where the Tontatta ate a fighting fish. There are still some lies that have yet to turn into truth, so fans should keep an eye on them.

2 ​​​​​​Answers From The ​SBS

The Straw Hats meet Usopp

Due to time constraints, it is not possible for Oda to reveal every single detail in the manga, so sometimes he decides to answer questions from the fans. Oda has revealed several things about the Straw Hat Pirates, which include their hobbies, favorite foods, etc.

In Usopp's case, his favorite foods are fish and pike from an autumn island. Usopp hates mushrooms because he fell sick once after eating them. Usopp's specific number is four, and his specific color is yellow. According to Oda, if the series was set in the real world, then Usopp would be from Africa. Also, if the Straw Hats were not pirates, then Usopp would be a graphic designer. This fits in perfectly with Usopp's passion for designing.

1 Always Meant To Be The Weakest

Usopp in Wano

In an interview with Mayumi Tanaka, Oda stated that he always wants Usopp to be the weakest because doing otherwise would disrupt the balance of the story. Oda also confirmed that Usopp's physical strength is closest to that of an actual human.

Prior to the time skip, Usopp looked extremely skinny, and he barely had any muscle. But, after the time skip, his physique has improved, and he is more powerful now.

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