One PieceTreasure Cruise is a gacha game based on Eiichiro Oda's manga. It has been developed by Bandai Namco and is available for both iOS and Android platforms. It has over 5 million downloads on the Google Play Store, which makes it a rather famous mobile game.

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The developers at Bandai Namco try to frequently release new legends to keep the game constantly fun. Each legend is different from the other and has a unique use. Which are the best legends in the global version of One Piece Treasure Cruise?

Updated on September 26, 2022, by Suzail Ahmad: One Piece Treasure Cruise has picked up the pace at which they release new legends. Such has been the increase that many players have stopped playing the game completely. Each legend has a high attack boost and tremendously powerful special abilities, which make them a great addition to any team. With the rapid increase in the number of legends, it has become increasingly difficult to choose the best legends in the game. This is a big problem due to the limited amount of Rainbow Gems that the players get to spend. To help the players with their conundrum, we have added the best One Piece Treasure Cruise legends to the list.

20 Uta – The Latest Movie Legend

Uta in One Piece Red
  • Class: Cerebral, Striker
  • Type: INT
  • Stats: ATK- 1724, RCV- 400

Uta is a brand-new character that was introduced in One Piece: Film Red. While the movie is still coming out in different countries, One Piece Treasure Cruise has already released two units for Uta, and her 6-star version is among the best units in the game.

With her captain ability, Uta takes care of 10 turns of paralysis and cooldown rewind. In addition to the inbuilt utility that she offers, Uta is 5.25x captain for INT, Striker, and Cerebral characters and also increased their HP by 1.3x. Uta's special offers the crew a very high boost. All these things make her an excellent legend.

19 Kaido – Offers Insanely High Damage

Kaido in his hybrid form
  • Class: Striker, Powerhouse
  • Type: STR
  • Stats: ATK- 1771, RCV- 75

Being the main antagonist of the Wano Country arc, Kaido has various units, including multiple legends. The strongest version of Kaido is the STR hybrid legend. As the captain of the crew, he boosts the attack of Powerhouse and Striker class by 5.25x, and if he has a WANO orb on him while attacking, he will ignore debuff protection and cause the enemies to 1.5x extra damage.

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To get the orb on Kaido, the players simply need to activate his super special, and he will grant the top and middle units WANO orbs. Kaido's normal special offers a 2.75x orb boost to two classes and a conditional boost of 2x against enemies who have been inflicted with the increased damage debuff. Kaido's Super Tandem boosts the damage even more, but most players won't be able to max it out.

18 Luffy And The Straw Hat Pirates – Arguably The Best Unit

Straw Hats one piece 1060
  • Class: Fighter, Free Spirit
  • Type: STR/DEX
  • Stats: ATK- 1756, RCV- 356

Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates have an insanely good captain and special ability, but the thing that stands out most is their Last Tap ability, which allows players to bypass the resilience buffs on the enemy. This effectively frees up a slot on the crew, which can help the players greatly.

When the dual captain ability is active, the unit will boost the attack of all units by 5.25x if they have matching orbs, and boost their HP by 1.5x. Furthermore, any buffs that are specific to a class or color are applied to the whole crew instead. The unit also changes all orbs into RAINBOW orbs and offers attack, orb, color affinity, and chain boost. All these qualities make them a part of all the best One Piece Treasure Cruise teams.

17 Roger And Newgate – High Damage and Utility

Roger and Whitebeard clash
  • Class: Slasher/Striker
  • Type: PSY/INT
  • Stats: ATK- 1799, RCV- 299

Roger and Newgate offer a 5.5x attack boost to Slasher and Striker classes and boost their HP by 1.2x. The unit also reduces Bind, Paralysis, and Silence by 1 turn.

Their special increases attack or orb boost depending on which character is being used when the special is activated. They also reduce Despair duration by 20 turns, while adding color affinity.

16 Yamato And Ace – Packed Special

Yamato and Ace talking by the fire
  • Class: Free Spirit, Striker
  • Type: STR/DEX
  • Stats: ATK- 1680, RCV- 266

Yamato and Ace are among the best One Piece Treasure Cruise characters. When their captain ability is active, they boost the attack of Striker, Shooter, and Free Spirit characters up to 5.5x. With each perfect, they heal twice their RCV, and they reduce Bind and Silence by 10 turns.

The unit even offers a 20% damage reduction, which makes the teams particularly tanky. The special of the unit reduces cooldown by 2 turns, boosts damage against enemies that have been afflicted with Burn, and boosts the attack of Striker, Shooter, and Free Spirit characters by 2.75x.

15 Vivi & Rebecca – Great As A Sub

V1 Vivi/Rebecca One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Striker, Cerebral
  • Type: STR/DEX
  • Stats: ATK- 1512, RCV- 478

Vivi & Rebecca Shared Benefactor proves that any legend is capable of surviving for years if the developers put effort into the unit. Vivi & Rebecca may not be the best captain to use in order to clear the content, but what makes this unit almost irreplaceable is its swap and special.

With their special, Vivi & Rebecca remove damage reduction and increase defense shield completely, and they add 2x affinity for Striker and Cerebral characters. Vivi & Rebecca provide extra healing and chain lock with its swap, which allows the player to clear rooms before the boss stage with relative ease.

14 Halloween Law – Ideal For Speed Runs

Halloween Law INT Legend One Piece Treasure Cruiser
  • Class: Slasher, Cerebral
  • Type: INT
  • Stats: ATK- 1595, RCV- 302

Halloween Law is a very strong unit that boosts the attack of INT characters by a variable amount. It starts at 4.25x and every perfect adds 0.15x more attack. The players can also heal by hitting perfects, which works perfectly with his ability to add more damage.

In addition to this, Law reflects any damage taken by 100x in INT damage to all the enemies and he reduces 10 turns of despair with his captain ability as well. Law's special isn't bad either; he boosts orbs of INT characters and provides one turn of resilience.

13 Halloween Shanks – Overall The Best INT Legend

Halloween Shanks One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Slasher, Cerebral
  • Type: INT
  • Stats: ATK- 1602, RCV- 291

Shanks is a universal attack booster, but most of the time players will be using him as an INT lead. His captain ability boosts the attack of INT characters up to 5x and the rest of the colors get a 3.75x boost, which is not bad at all. Like Law, every perfect provides an additional heal.

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Shanks's special is quite restrictive as players need four INT characters to get the chain multiplier and his affinity boost only works for Slasher and Cerebral characters. Both boosts last for 3 turns. Shanks's super special provides orb manipulation and 100% defense reduction. Shanks is extremely good in PvP as well.

12 Red Hair Pirates – Broken Swap & High Chain-lock

Red Hair Pirates One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Slasher, Cerebral
  • Type: QCK/PSY
  • Stats: ATK- 1625, RCV- 360

The Red Hair Pirates have aged quite well ever since their release. They are universal attack boosters that boost the attack of all characters by 4.5x and they also provide a decent HP boost. The unit also reduces 10 turns of special silence and makes two types of orbs matching for the entire crew.

Their special locks the chain at 3.5x which allows the players to take down high HP bosses. The best thing about the unit is the swap. By swapping the unit, they provide a 1.5x attack to the entire crew and they guarantee 3 matching orbs almost all the time.

11 V3 Boa Hancock – Unique Mero Mero Special

Boa Hancock One Piece 1057
  • Class: Free Spirit, Shooter
  • Type: PSY
  • Stats: ATK- 1551, RCV- 380

Boa Hancock is a PSY legend with a very unique special ability. She is the best Boa Hancock unit in the game. Boa Hancock boosts the attack of PSY characters by 4x and it goes up to 5x depending on the amount healed. She boosts the attack of all other characters by 3.75x.

The thing that truly makes Boa an insane unit is her special. Boa's special inflicts Mero Mero state on all enemies. The enemies that are in the Mero Mero state cannot attack until 15 combo hits are dealt to the enemies. Her super special can be triggered by simply using her regular special, which makes her extremely easy to use.

10 V2 Snakeman – Great Special & Captain Ability

V2 Snakeman One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Fighter, Free Spirit
  • Type: STR
  • Stats: ATK- 1650, RCV- 295

The second legend Snakeman was released on the global version along with three other legends. Luffy's Snakeman is a super strong unit that takes care of attack and orb boost with its super special and regular special respectively.

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Luffy boosts the attack of STR characters by 4x without a matching orb and by 5x if they have an STR or RCV orb. Naturally, the unit makes RCV orbs beneficial for all characters and also provides a solid HP and RCV boost.

9 Kozuki Oden – Can Give WANO Orbs To Any Team

Kozuki Oden Super Legend One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Free Spirit, Slasher
  • Type: STR
  • Stats: ATK 1644, RCV- 225

Oden is one of the two super legends who were released on both the Global and Japanese versions simultaneously. Oden provides a 4.25x attack boost to all characters and a huge 1.5x HP boost, which makes the teams very tanky. STR characters get a 4.75x attack boost if they have a WANO orb.

WANO orbs provide a whooping 2.5x attack boost and they cannot be shuffled just like RAINBOW orbs. Oden's special changes STR orbs into WANO orbs and the unit also provides a 2.5x orb boost to Slasher and Free Spirit characters for two turns.

8 V2 Shirahoshi/Mansherry — High Utility Sub That Gives High Chain Boost

V2 Shirahoshi Mansherry OPTC
  • Class: Cerebral, Striker
  • Type: QCK/PSY
  • Stats: ATK-1424, RCV-624

The first Shirahoshi/Mansherry legend was phenomenally good and so the expectations for V2 Shirahoshi/Mansherry were very high, and it is fair to say that Bandai did not disappoint the players.

V2 Shirahoshi/Mansherry have a special and it deals with a lot of enemy debuffs. With their special, they remove RCV Down, Poison, Paralysis, and Blindness completely, and they also reduce Burn and Bind by 7 turns. They also heal the crew and add 1.2x to the chain multiplier.

7 Sugar – Can Bypass Barriers & Other Annoying Debuffs

Legend Sugar One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Driven, Cerebral
  • Type: QCK
  • Stats: ATK- 1520, RCV- 317

Sugar is arguably the most fun unit in the game. With her captain ability, she boosts the attack of characters that have a cost of 40 or less by 4.5x, while the other characters get boosted by 3x.

Sugar can turn five characters into toy bears with her special, and these bears have a cost of 40. The toy bears are unaffected by stun, paralysis, bind, and burn, plus they also ignore barriers on enemies.

6 Gol D. Roger – Has The Most Powerful Captain Ability

Gol D. Roger One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Free Spirit, Slasher
  • Type: PSY
  • Stats: ATK- 1740, RCV- 202

Roger made his debut in the game along with Oden, during the Super Sugo Fest. He has the strongest captain ability in the entire game. He boosts the attack of all characters by 4.5x and it goes up to 5x when the player uses his special.

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The special thing about Roger is that the enemies can't clear the buffs that have been placed on the crew. This action is limited, and it is triggered only once during an adventure. His special boosts attack up to 3x for a turn depending on the damage that has been dealt throughout the adventure.

5 Luffy/Sanji – Easy Orb Manipulation

Luffy Sanji In One Piece Treasure Cruise
  • Class: Fighter, Free Spirit
  • Type: STR/PSY
  • Stats: ATK- 1671, RCV- 371

Ever since their release, Luffy/Sanji have fallen off pretty badly. They are very slow in comparison to the newer legends. The unit allows the players to overfill HP. This mechanic makes the teams a lot more durable and allows them to tank more hits.

They also reduce bind, despair, and paralysis by one turn with their swap. Their special provides a huge heal and boosts the crew's attack by either 2.5x or 2x, depending on the HP at the time special was launched.

4 Sanji/Pudding— Works Well As Both Sub And Lead

Kizuna Exclusive Sanji Pudding
  • Class: Fighter, Cerebral
  • Type: DEX/QCK
  • Stats: ATK- 1654, RCV- 393

Sanji/Pudding is one of the most overlooked legends in the game, however, they are easily one of the most consistently performing legends. When their dual form is activated they boost the attack of Cerebral and Fighter characters by 5x and they also make three-color orbs matching the two classes.

With their special, Sanji/Pudding removes two types of defensive buffs from enemies completely and they also boost the color affinity for Cerebral and Fighter characters by 2.25x.

3 Big Mom vs Kaido- EOT Damage

Kaido vs Big Mom Legend OPTC
  • Class: Driven, Powerhouse
  • Type: STR/INT
  • Stats: ATK- 1750, RCV- 233

Big Mom vs Kaido is the first versus legend to be introduced in the game. Both of them serve unique purposes. VS Kaido is mainly used for speed farming as he cuts the HP of enemies by 20% at the end of every turn. And Kaido's VS ability can deal very high damage to enemies, but he is nerfed by NAO.

VS Big Mom is also a 5x captain but for STR, PSY, and INT(Kaido boosts STR, DEX, and INT). When her VS ability is activated, Big Mom can bypass defensive effects and barriers. She is tankier as she boosts HP by 1.5x to Kaido 1.3x.

2 Fire Tank Pirates- Very Tanky Unit

Fire Tank Pirates Are Kizuna Exclusive Legends
  • Class: Shooter, Driven
  • Type: DEX/PSY
  • Stats: ATK- 1600, RCV- 345

Fire Tank Pirates is an astoundingly powerful legend. The legend makes the crew immune to being blown away. In their dual form, the legend is a 5x captain for Shooter and Driven characters. They also reduce incoming damage by 60%.

With their special, Fire Tank Pirates reduce Silence by 5 turns and boost the attack of Shooter and Driven characters by 2.5x for 2 turns. The legend removes silence on themselves completely with their swap and also reduces damage and heals the crew by a small percentage.

1 Ace VS Akainu- Can Burn Through Immunity

Ace vs Akainu Strongest Legend In OPTC
  • Class: Shooter/Free Spirit, Driven/Powerhouse
  • Type: STR/QCK
  • Stats: ATK- 1699, RCV- 283

Ace VS Akainu is undoubtedly the best legend in the game. They are the second versus legend released on the global version of the game. VS Ace is a Shooter and Free Spirit captain with inbuilt special rewind resistance. He also has a 2x conditional attack boost against enemies that have burn applied to them, but Ace's burn does not go through immunity.

VS Akainu is a literal monster who is a flat 5x captain for Driven and Powerhouse characters, and after every turn, he applies burn to enemies. The most amazing thing is that Akainu's burn is able to bypass immunity. With such incredible abilities, it is easy to see why they are one of the best legends in the game.

One Piece Treasure Cruise is available on Android and iOS.

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