Following the events of the Wano Country arc, the tides of the era have greatly shifted in the world of One Piece. The old and brittle in the form of Kaido and Big Mom have finally been defeated and the young and hungry have taken the seas by storm. Now, the Worst Generation has established a firm grip on the New World, with two of the Yonko belonging to their ranks, and two other powerful figures having bounties of 3 billion berries in Kid and Law.

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With so many powerful characters from the new generation on the seas, it was only a matter of time before they clashed against one another. As soon as Luffy, Law, and Kid left Wano, they became enemies and set out to fight against each other and the remaining members of the Worst Generation for the title of the Pirate King. As seen in One Piece 1063, Oda has already set up a major fight between the members of the Worst Generation with Yonko Blackbeard attacking Trafalgar Law.

Why Blackbeard Is Targeting Law


Blackbeard is known to be one of the most cunning pirates in the world of One Piece. His name paints quite a picture of his personality and fans already know that he loves to play dirty. That's not to say that he's doing something wrong; after all, he is a pirate and pirates don't play by the rules. Nonetheless, Blackbeard's character is quite evil and opportunistic. Before the two-year timeskip, Blackbeard aimed to seize the opportunity of capturing Luffy, who had just acquired a hundred million berry bounty following his victory over Crocodile. Shortly afterwards, he turned Ace in to gain the position of Shichibukai and then used his position to free the Impel Down Level 6 prisoners.

He then used the Paramount War as a stage to put on what he called 'the greatest show' where he consumed a second Devil Fruit and gained tremendous power. More recently, he attacked Amazon Lily in order to gain the Mero Mero no Mi when the opportunity had presented itself. Now, Blackbeard knows that the members of the Worst Generation who left Wano following the defeat of Big Mom and Kaido have Road Poneglyphs on their hands. As such, he aims to fight them and take their copies of these stones. It just so happens that Law was the person who crossed his path first and now, the two have come face to face with each other in a battle where everything is at stake.

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The Possible Outcome Of The Fight

One Piece Blackbeard becomes a Yonko

Both Law and Blackbeard are two mighty pirates the strength of which has been acknowledged all over the One Piece world. Their bounties go to show that they are the very best in the One Piece world and, as such, it is a given for the fight to be quite close. However, there can only be one winner and that's Blackbeard. For one, Blackbeard's crew has a clear strength advantage over Law's. His Pirate crew consists of powerful fighters such as Van Augur, Doc Q, and Burgess, while Law doesn't have any powerful fighters on his side. As such, he's forced to do the heavy lifting, as seen in the previous chapter. Even if Blackbeard starts to struggle in the fight, he has his crew to back him up and the same cannot be said for Law.

Furthermore, Blackbeard is most likely a tad stronger, given that he is an actual Yonko with a bounty that is almost 4 billion berries. Law, on the other hand, needed help to defeat Big Mom in combat. Surely, he has gotten stronger since then, however, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that his strength is not on the same level as that of the Yonko just yet. Furthermore, the plot demands Blackbeard win this fight as him being defeated here would take away from him being the ultimate antagonist in the story.

The Repercussions Of Law Vs. Blackbeard

Trafalgar Law from Chapter 1063

As discussed earlier, Blackbeard is most likely going to win this confrontation between the two mighty pirates and take the prized possessions that Law currently holds. While his Devil Fruit would be ripe for the taking, it is possible for Law to survive this ordeal. For one, Blackbeard isn't targeting Law for his Devil Fruit powers. He only wants his Road Poneglyphs. Secondly, if every Titanic captain in Blackbeard's crew already has a Devil Fruit by this point, then there would be no need for him to steal more Devil Fruits. Law's capture sets him as one of the most important characters in the final saga of One Piece. As fans know already, Luffy and Law are very close friends and although the latter doesn't like to admit it, Luffy would save him in a heartbeat.

At the same time, Blackbeard has also kidnapped Koby, and once again, Luffy also considers Koby to be his friend. Given that both of these characters are important to Luffy in one way or another, fans would most likely see Luffy rush to their rescue and confront Blackbeard at some point. While it is possible for Law to somehow escape from this fight, judging by his demeanor, he is ready to take on Blackbeard in a full-on fight. At the moment, it is highly unlikely for him to take Blackbeard down. This event will mostly serve as a stepping stone for Blackbeard to gain more Poneglyphs and possibly an even higher bounty, and challenge Luffy for the throne of Pirate King.

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