The Tobiroppo are a part of Kaido's Beasts Pirates in One Piece and are known to be the six strongest headliners of the crew. In the hierarchy of the crew, only the three All-Stars of Kaido and Kaido himself rank above them. The Tobiroppo are known for their monstrous strength and their reputation is such that even the All-Stars are wary of them.

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All six members of the Tobiroppo are users of Ancient Zoan Devil Fruits, which makes them incredibly resilient and equally powerful pirates in the One Piece world.

Updated on June 5, 2022, by Rei Penber: The Tobiroppo are six of the strongest underlings of Kaido after the All-Stars and some of the most powerful members of the Beasts Pirates. Throughout the Onigashima War, they show their terrific fighting capabilities against the likes of the Straw Hat Pirates. With the power of the ancient Zoan Devil Fruits, these individuals are quite scary to face and have incredibly high bounties on their heads, showing that they are a menace indeed. While this list already ranks them by their strength, we decided to expand upon it by explaining their strongest abilities.

6 Page One

Page One in his beast form One Piece

Page One was the first Tobiroppo member whose skills were explored in One Piece. He's the youngest member of the group and is easily also the weakest. Page One has the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Spinosaurus which allows him to transform himself into a massive Spinosaurus and a hybrid at will.

In his fight against Osoba Mask, he showed that he was incredibly resilient. Furthermore, Page One was strong enough to survive multiple attacks from Usopp and even injure him to a point where he thought escape was the only option in the battle. Despite being the youngest, he's quite powerful.

Page One's Strongest Ability

One Piece Luffy vs Page One

Page One is the weakest of the Tobiroppo and also the youngest of the lot. Despite that, he has a bounty of 290 million berries on his head which just goes to show that he is, indeed, scary to face. Page One didn't get a chance to show all of his powers, however, his strongest ability is certainly his terrific bite in his beast form.

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For some reason, Page One prefers fighting in his Beast form, as evident from his clash against Sanji and later throughout the Onigashima arc. As such, his jaws are his biggest strength, however, he doesn't seem to have a named attack yet.

5 Sasaki

Sasaki overwhelms Franky One Piece

One of the older members of the Tobiroppo group, Sasaki is the head of the Armored Division of the Beasts Pirates, meaning he boasts an incredibly tough defense. He wields the power of the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Triceratops, and thus, possesses great defensive powers. In his fight against Franky, Sasaki showed that he could survive attacks such as Victory Flash Sword, and even Gaon Cannon Mini-version quite easily.

Thanks to the offensive power offered by his Devil Fruit, he was able to completely destroy the Franky Shogun, which is quite an impressive feat. Ultimately, he was defeated by a Radical Beam to the belly, which is his weak point, as his armor doesn't cover the area.

Sasaki's Strongest Ability

Sasaki Triceratops One Piece

Sasaki makes use of his Devil Fruit powers along with his swordplay while fighting, as evident from his clash against Franky. His strongest technique is known as Heliceratops and to perform it, he uses his Karakuri sword and spins his body at an incredibly fast speed, generating powerful slashes that go in every direction, shredding and cutting everything in their path.

4 X Drake

X-Drake in his Allosaurus hybrid form in One Piece

X Drake joined Kaido's Beasts Pirates shortly before the two-year timeskip and has since then risen to the rank of Tobiroppo. Drake is a capable user of both Armament and Observation Haki, which makes him a dangerous fighter. What's more, he has the power of the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus, and this fruit allows him to transform into a majestic Allosaurus and its hybrid.

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Drake also wields a rapier and an ax in battle, and they seem to be his primary weapon of choice. During the Onigashima Raid, he was able to take down one of the Numbers in just a single strike, which is extremely impressive. Drake didn't get to show much of his skill, sadly, and ultimately perished fighting the CP0.

X Drake's Strongest Ability

One Piece X Drake X Calibur

Very little was shown of X Drake during the Onigashima war. His strongest ability was displayed to the fans when he took down one of the Numbers after escaping from the Beasts Pirates. X Drake's strongest technique is known as X Calibur, and it was performed by him in his hybrid form. It was powerful enough to knock out the Number completely.

3 Black Maria

Black Maria of the Tobi Roppo One Piece

Black Maria is one of the most dangerous Tobiroppo members and she has the second-highest bounty in all the crew, at 480 million berries. She possesses the power of the Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli which allows her to transform herself into a giant ancient spider and its hybrid at will. Thanks to a drug that she consumed, Black Maria was able to maintain her human upper body even in his hybrid form.

When it comes to strength, Black Maria is a monstrous fighter, capable of using Haki. Thanks to her Devil Fruit powers, she can produce webs that are tough enough to keep anyone from escaping. She also has a powerful SMILE user at her disposal, called Wanyudo, which allows her to set her webs aflame. On top of that, Black Maria also makes use of poisons in combat, which just goes to show that she's quite scary indeed.

Black Maria's Strongest Ability

Black Maria One Piece

With the power of the Ancient Zoan Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, Black Maria is quite difficult to take down in combat. Her strongest ability is known as Atamaria and this technique sees her burn down her flammable spider webs to trap her targets. She then makes use of her other abilities to finish her opponents off such as Oiran Knuckles, among others.

2 Ulti

ulti one piece

Ulti is the elder sister of Page One and one of the most powerful members of the Tobiroppo. She possesses the power of the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus, which is an extremely dangerous dinosaur. Ulti is also a skilled user of both Armament and Observation Haki and displayed both powers on several occasions on Onigashima.

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When combining Haki with her Devil Fruit power, she was able to headbutt Luffy unconscious for a second or two. What's more, her level of skill is such that Luffy realized he needed to go Gear Fourth against her. Ulti also possesses tremendous resilience, as seen when she took a Conqueror's Haki attack in Thunder Bagua to the face and was able to get up just minutes later. She also survived countless attacks from Nami and a Maiser Cannon from Big Mom.

Ulti's Strongest Ability

Ulti One Piece

Ulti is among the strongest Tobiroppo members and much of that is down to her sheer strength and Pachycephalosaurus Devil Fruit ability. Her strongest technique is known as Ulti Mortar, and it sees her cover her head in Armament Haki to slam into her targets with an incredible force capable of shattering every single bone in their bodies.

1 Who's Who

Who's Who in his saber tiger form One Piece

A former member of the CP9, Who's Who was once a prisoner for failing to guard Gomu Gomu no Mi. After he escaped from prison, he became a pirate and joined Kaido's Beasts Pirates. Who's Who has acquired a bounty of 546 million berries, which just goes to show that he's an elite pirate.

He possesses the powers of the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Saber Tiger, and this fruit allows him to become a saber-toothed cat and its hybrid at will. Who's Who is a skilled user of two Haki types and on top of that, he can also make use of the Rokushiki powers. In his fight against Jinbe, he was able to deliver some deadly blows to him. Ultimately, Who's Who lost the battle by taking a powerful attack to the face.

Who's Who's Strongest Ability

One Piece Who's Who Tekkai

Who's Who is at his strongest in his hybrid form and his strongest known technique that the fans have seen so far is Finger Pistol: Spots. When utilizing this skill of the Rokushiki arts, Who's Who was able to pierce Jinbe's body with a lot of holes and deal significant damage to him. Eventually, however, Jinbe's Haki was able to overpower him and even broke his finger.

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