As Eiichiro Oda's One Piece has hit the ground running with its final saga and Egghead Island arc, it has also come along with the usual mentions of mystery figures and events in the story. At the end of Wano which showcased the departure of all the pirate crews, Eustass Kidd is the first one to introduce the mysterious figure only known as 'The Man Marked By Flames' for now, and this has led fans into a frenzy after appearing yet again in the latest chapter of the manga.

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While there are almost endless possibilities as to who this may be, there are some clues and hints from recent chapters and what fans have previously seen within the One Piece story which opens up a door to a plethora of candidates for this important character supposedly in possession of Road Poneglyphs.

5 Jaguar D. Saul

Saul and Nico Olivia

After Chapter 1066, Jaguar D. Saul was revealed to be alive, and many links were drawn toward the first mention of this mysterious figure by Kidd in Chapter 1056, with fans assuming that it is Saul. After the events of Ohara were showcased during the pre-time skip Enies Lobby, fans will remember seeing Aokiji freeze Saul in place as a young Robin made her escape alone. Chapter 1066 mentions a group of giants recovering Ohara's books to Elbaf led by one covered with bandages, which would correlate to one who has suffered from burn injuries.

While the phrase 'The Man Marked By Flames' could be meant in a literal sense, it could also be referring to one who has survived the tragedy of Ohara in a metaphorical sense, and with the confirmation of Saul's survival, it only heightens the possibility of him turning out to be this mysterious figure.

4 Scopper Gaban

Scopper Gaban

While there is no direct link or hint associated with the former Roger Pirates member and 'The Man Marked By Flames', Scopper Gaban stands as a potential candidate to be revealed as this figure. Aside from the flashbacks during Wano which revealed the conflict between the Roger Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates, fans are still yet to see Gaban whatsoever within the present period of One Piece, and this may be the one opportunity to do so.

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Considering the mention of the mysterious figure possessing some of the Road Poneglyphs, it would make sense that one of the pirates of a former Pirate King crew is the one who has them. If it does turn out to be Gaban, it would open up the door to showcase what happened after the Roger Pirates disbanded and why he would even be labeled 'The Man Marked By Flames'.

3 'Lurking Legend'

Rocks Pirates vs Roger & Garp

Speaking of mysteries, one of the biggest questions on the lips of One Piece fans is who the 'Lurking Legend' is, and whether this is a character that has been mentioned or not during the story. Given the great deal of theories, mysterious characters and events, and Oda's build-up to their reveals, 'The Man Marked By Flames' and the 'Lurking Legend' turning out to be the same would be both beneficial for Oda, and fans to narrow down who is who, and why their mystery was significant, to begin with.

Many have suggested that this 'Lurking Legend' may turn out to be Rocks D. Xebec, considering there are very few details surrounding God Valley aside from the confirmation of Garp and Roger teaming up to take the Rocks Pirates down. Regardless of who this may be, it could be linked with the aforementioned figure marked by flames.

2 New Character

Greenbull reveal

One of the more probable outcomes within this aspect is the introduction of a new character entirely, one who has never been mentioned or hinted at before similar to Silvers Rayleigh's introduction during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. Introducing a new character will not only introduce a new factor in terms of the race for One Piece far more interesting as to who will get their hands on the rest of the Poneglyphs, and how this will impact Luffy and the Straw Hats.

Despite the plethora of characters that are already in the series, another character would not hurt the story, especially if the character maintains major importance to the remaining arcs within the story arcs left for Oda to showcase.

1 Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon finds Sabo One piece 1087

Out of all possibilities of one who is 'The Man Marked By Flames' the most likely going off of the descriptions, is Monkey D. Dragon. In Chapter 1081 during the discussion between the Blackbeard Pirates and Aokiji, it is mentioned that the mystery figure is able to create 'giant whirlpools' which resembles the moment that Dragon saved Luffy from Smoker, with a sudden storm approaching right before he was due to be executed by Buggy.

The ship showcased in the Chapter is said to be 'pitch black' which is similar to Dragon's, and there is a chance that he possesses a devil fruit that gives him the ability to control the weather. If Dragon is indeed 'The Man Marked By Flames', it would open up the idea of both him and Roger potentially having some sort of connection since he is in possession of the Road Poneglyphs.

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