
  • The Straw Hat Pirates are facing a dire situation on Egghead Island, with 30,000 Marines, including Admiral Kizaru, laying siege to the island.
  • The biggest threats to the crew are Kizaru and Saint Saturn, who have shown immense power and pose a significant challenge.
  • The Straw Hat Pirates are currently dealing well with the opposition, but the escape from Egghead Island seems unlikely without outside help, potentially from Kuma.

The Straw Hat Pirates are finally on the ending phase of their journey to the Final Island, Laugh Tale. After the Wano arc, the Straw Hat Pirates gained access to three of the four Road Poneglyphs and this meant that they are now only one step away from claiming the One Piece. The beginning of the Final Saga saw the Straw Hat Pirates head to the island of the future, Egghead. This island has been full of mystery for the Straw Hat Pirates and, at the same time, danger as well.

One Piece: The Devil Fruit Treasures Of God Valley, Explained

The loot on God Valley includes some of the most powerful Devil Fruits in One Piece.

The crew is currently faced with a very dire situation where 100 battleships, which carry 30,000 Marines, including nine Vice Admirals and one Admiral on them, are currently laying siege each to the island. Furthermore, one of the Five Elders, Saint Saturn is also on the island and that makes the situation even more dangerous for them. The Straw Hat Pirates will be absolutely annihilated on this island if they do not figure out an escape plan and there might be something that they have in store for the fans.

The Arrival Of The Straw Hat Pirates On Egghead

Fabiriophase Egghead Island One Piece

Towards the end of Wano, it was made quite clear that each of the three major Worst Generation captains, Luffy, Law, and Kid, would take one path each from the Log Pose. While Law believed that he got the best path, Luffy was the one who got the shortest route and this eventually led him to the island of the future. Before arriving on the island, the crew managed to rescue Bonney from what appeared to be a giant whirlpool.

Immediately after the crew was welcomed into the island by Vegapunk. Although, initially, the scientist was hostile towards them, it was not much after that he revealed that he was actually interested in this pirate crew. The initial part of the Egghead Island arc was not all that intense. However, it did contain quite a lot of information dump that Oda delivered upon the fans.

This was pertaining to the creation of the Revolutionary Army, the Void Century and, at the same time, Ohara as well. Vegapunk revealed that his true allegiance was with the people of the world and at the same time, it was also made clear that he was now being targeted by the World Government. This set the basis for the Egghead Incident, which saw a giant navy fleet approach egghead island in an attempt to assassinate Vegapunk and destroy all his satellite bodies.

The Egghead War

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While fans had to wait for the Egghead War to begin, largely because the story of Egghead Island took them all over the One Piece world, it has now officially kickstarted. This war took off not that long ago and just by looking at the opposition force, it is clear that the Straw Hat Pirates are the underdogs here. Currently, they are faced with 30,000 Marines on 100 battleships of all sizes. They have nine Vice Admirals knocking at their doors and, if that wasn't enough, they have one Admiral in Kizaru as well. To make things worse, Saint Saturn is also on the island and he has already shown fans of glimpse of his power as well.

There are 50 Mark 3 Pacifistas that are against the Straw Hat Pirates right now and, as long as Saturn is on the island, they cannot be turned against the Navy. Furthermore, there are four Seraphims on the island, all of whom are currently in captivity, however, if they were to be freed, they would make the situation even worse for the Straw Hat Pirates.

One Piece: Luffy's Return Vs Saturn, Explained

Only Luffy can defeat Saint Saturn on Egghead island.

Naturally, the biggest threats that the Straw Hat Pirates are facing in the Egghead War are Kizaru and Saturn. Fans already know how strong the Marine Admirals are and they would certainly give the Straw Hat Pirates a run for their money. Of course, there's also the threat of CP0, and among them, Lucci is the strongest of them all. He is incredibly dangerous and is currently engaging Zoro in combat, forcing him to utilize his King of Hell powers, which just goes to show that he is not a pushover at all. The biggest danger on the island is Saint Saturn, one of the Five Elders, who has finally descended from the Holy Land and shown his true power to the fans.

Saint Saturn is incredibly dangerous, as was seen over the last few chapters and his powers appear to be boundless.

How The Straw Hats Fare Against Saturn And Marines

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So far, the Straw Hat Pirates are dealing with the dangers of the opposition force quite well. The Marines are not all that much of a threat. The Vice Admirals, while strong, can be taken care of by the Straw Hat Pirates. Someone like Lucci can be dealt with by the crew, given that Zoro is currently the one fighting him and won't go down easily at all. However, the biggest threats on the island are Kizaru and Saturn. When it comes to the Admiral, Luffy was the one who took care of him in battle.

He engaged with him in an extended combat which, although fans did not see him go all out, it was enough for him to knock down the Admiral. Kizaru is currently out of the picture, however, this has come at a huge price. Luffy is also out of energy right now, largely due to the fact that he previously fought against Lucci as well as the Seraphims for an entire night.

Meanwhile, the threat of Saturn, which is the biggest on the island, needs to be dealt with and there is nobody on the island strong enough to fight against him. Even if all the other fighters combined their strength, they would still not be able to match him in combat and that is where the biggest threat lies. Saturn has begun his execution and it appears that he will start with Bonney. Something needs to be done here and the Straw Hat Pirates need to be rescued. The Egghead Incident has not happened just yet, meaning an event of tremendous proportions is going to take place very soon in the world of One Piece, and this could be pertaining to the help that the Straw Hat Pirates receive.

The Straw Hat Pirates' Escape From Egghead Island

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The escape of the Straw Hat Pirates from Egghead Island is very unlikely at the moment. It gets even more unlikely when taking into consideration the fact that the Egghead Incident is yet to happen. Given how big this incident was teased to be by Oda, it can be assumed that the Straw Hat Pirates take part in something of humongous proportions on this island and they simply cannot do that if they escape from the island. The first thing that the Straw Hat Pirates need currently is an escape route from Egghead.

This can only be provided to them by one person currently and that is Kuma. Fans know that Kuma is headed towards the island right now and in his flashback to Bonney, he made it very clear that he wants to save people just like Nika. Bonney is about to be executed and nobody can do anything about it, however, as soon as the flashback ends, fans should expect Kuma to show up and save her.

From there onwards, Kuma can then rescue Luffy. One might wonder how that is possible, however, it must be remembered that his Devil Fruit can touch and extract intangible things from the body. It should, therefore, be possible for him to touch Luffy's exhaustion and his pain as he previously did on Thriller Bark as well. If he manages to extract his pain and his exhaustion from his body, Luffy can get up and go again into battle. This would then mean that Luffy will fight against Saturn and the Straw Hat Pirates will regroup once again and a large-scale war will commence.

There is also the unit of Blackbeard Pirates that should be taken into consideration. By all means, it is likely that Luffy will be the one to defeat Saturn while the Marines will end up facing a major defeat, which will constitute the Egghad Incident. It is only after defeating these major forces that the Straw Hat Pirates will escape from Egghead, safely with Vegapunk, destroying the entirety of the power plant and sacrificing even Punk Records in the process.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. Unfortunately, One Piece will be on break next week. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1096, is set to be October 29, 2023.

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