One Piece is a long-running shonen franchise that has captivated fans ever since 1997. It was popular enough to have a crossover with Pokemon and has many video games under its name. Throughout the adventure, readers and anime watchers have been introduced to Monkey D. Luffy who dreams of becoming the Pirate King.

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Over time, he eventually garnered a variety of friends who became a part of his crew. Helping each other out through thick and thin. However, during the arc of Dressrosa, the Straw Hat Pirates eventually gained a large fleet of Pirate allies. Calling themselves the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Here is every single Pirate Crew that is a part of the fleet, all of whom would likely be integral to the overall story.

Updated December 2, 2021 by Rei Penber:The Strawhat Grand Fleet consists of some of the most formidable pirate crews, and all of them are led by ferocious captains. While the captains are certainly the most impressive members, numerous tertiary characters can hold their own in the midst of battle.

Just like the captains, most of them were introduced during the Dressrosa arc, leaving quite a strong impression on the fans. A few went on to become some of the most notable members of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. Although certain members aren't too prominent, they're just as important to the Grand Fleet.

7 Beautiful Pirates

Cavendish One Piece

The Beautiful Pirates are a crew led by Captain Cavendish. There are over 70 pirates that are a part of the crew, following him due to the exile of their captain from their homeland. Although the overall bounties of the crew are currently unknown, Cavendish himself has a bounty of 330,000,000 Belis.

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Captain Cavendish is considered a super rookie who is known to be an exceptional swordsman, easily holding his own against the gladiators in Dressrosa. However, he also has a secret condition where he transforms into his alter-ego: Hakuba. When he falls asleep, he goes into a trance where he becomes an even more dangerous swordsman.

Beautiful Pirates' Notable Members

Beautiful Pirates members

The Beautiful Pirates made quite a few additions to their ranks, like Suleiman the Beheader, who was first introduced during the Dressrosa arc at the Corrida Coliseum. Suleiman entered the Coliseum to obtain the Mera Mera no Mi. He is a pretty good swordsman and proved his worth during the fights there and has defeated several strong opponents. Suleiman was also a member of the Dressrosa liberation squad which went up against the Donquixote Pirates. Afterward, he became a member of the Beautiful Pirates, led by Cavendish.

6 Barto Club

Barto Club Cropped

The Barto Club is a pirate crew who were originally from the East Blue. Coincidentally it is the same part of the world where Luffy and some of the other Straw Hats are from. They are led by Bartolomeo, who is a powerful pirate in his own right. He utilizes the Bari Bari No Mi fruit, which allows him to summon barriers around him. Similar to the Straw Hats before they got Nami as a navigator, the Barto Club is powerful yet lacks direction and can be a bit naive. Nonetheless, they are a powerful crew of over 50 members and are huge fans of the Straw Hats. In particular, Luffy, who they named their ship after.

5 Happo Navy

Happo Navy Cropped

The Happo Navy is a pirate crew that has a large legacy. With the captain being a role passed down by numerous generations, they were particularly powerful at the time. The former captain Chinjao once fought against Garp, Luffy's grandfather, who is considered the hero of the marines. Having a large crew of around 1000 members, what makes them stand apart is their devastating techniques. Known as the Hasshoken, it allows the users to emit vibrations in each of their strikes. Combining that with armament Haki offers a lot of power, which allows them to defeat plenty of opponents.

Happo Navy's Notable Members

Baby 5 One Piece

Happo Navy has quite a reputation in the New World for being very powerful. They are quite strong and consist of a strong Vice-Leader named Boo, who serves as the combatant and is a decent user of Hasshoken. On top of this, he can use Armament Haki, which he incorporates into his fighting style to make it more deadly.

Another addition to the group was Baby 5, who was one of the officials of the Donquixote Pirates once. She possesses a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit called Buki Buki no Mi, which allows the user to transform any part of her body into a weapon. Baby 5 can fight against powerful enemies like General Franky, as seen when the two clashed on Punk Hazard.

4 Ideo Pirates

Ideo Pirates (1) Cropped

The Ideo Pirates, formally known as the XXX Gym Martial Arts Alliance, is one of the smallest crews in the fleet, only comprised of four members. Led by Captain Ideo, what they lack in numbers, they more than make up for in powerful martial skill.

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Captain Ideo, for example, is a powerful Boxer who was also a champion in the New World Central Fighting Tournament. Likewise, Blue Gilly was a martial artist who is known for his powerful kicks. Initially, they didn't have a ship of their own, sailing with the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet. However, over time they eventually got their own ship, although the name is unknown.

Ideo Pirates' Notable Members

Blue Gilly One Piece

The Ideo Pirates was formed after the fall of Doflamingo and right now, it only has a handful of members, all of which are renowned in the New World. Under Ideo is Blue Gilly, who hails from the Long-Leg tribe and he is a gifted martial artist with great speed and strength at his disposal. He mainly uses his legs when he is engaged in combat and is known to be a master of Jao Kun Do.

Other than him, Jeet and Abdullah are the two other members, both of which joined Ideo's crew in the Dressrosa arc as well. They act more like a duo as they attack their enemies together and most of their strongest techniques are team attacks.

3 Tontatta Pirates

Tontatta Pirates ready with their weapons

The Tontatta Pirates are arguably one of the most important pirate crew of the grand fleet. Not because of their power, but due to their role in Dressrosa, as Doflamingo's reign had a deep impact on their society.

Once the arc concluded, the armed forces of Tontatta formed into a pirate crew with many of the members being powerful despite their small size. With roughly 200 members in total, they make up the fifth ship in the entire Straw Hat Grand Fleet.

2 New Giant Warrior Pirates

New Giant Warrior Pirates Cropped

Originally disbanded roughly a century ago, the revived Giant pirate crew is led by Hajrudin. Although they don't have that many members, being only five in total, all of the characters are giants. As a result, their strength and durability more than make up for their small numbers.

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Nonetheless, one of the more intriguing things about the New Giant Warrior Pirates is that they used to be a part of the Buggy's Delivery mercenary group. This helps to illustrate how much charisma someone like Luffy has with the rest of the fleets.

New Giant Warrior Pirates' Notable Members

New Giant Warrior Pirates

Before Luffy's journey even began, the Giant Pirates were already a fearsome group of pirates but unfortunately, they had to disband at one point due to complications. Now, a new generation of Giants has stepped up and taken the mantle of creating a pirate crew, called the New Giant Warrior Pirates.

This crew consists of 5 members so far, which include Hajrudin, Stansen, Road, Goldberg, and Gerd. Even though most of their powers and abilities are not known, it goes without saying that they are a force to be reckoned with, given that they belong to the mightiest race in One Piece.

1 Yonta Maria Grand Fleet

Yonta Maria Pirates Cropped

Led by Orlumbus, the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet is a series of 56 pirate ships. Due to the numbers alone, the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet is the largest crew out of all of the pirates. That being said, the information regarding the strength of the crew seems to be fairly unknown. However, Orlumbus is powerful enough to contend with the rest of the gladiators during Dressrosa. The biggest strength that this pirate crew possesses occurs when all of the ships join together. They can create a massive bridge that allows all the crew members to walk down to an island.

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