One Piece 1059 revealed a lot of intriguing information as the Navy was seen launching an all-out offensive against Amazon Lily and the Kuja Pirates. The goal of the attack was to capture the former Warlord of the Sea, Boa Hancock and her pirate crew. Fans saw the Navy raid Amazon Lily and make their way to the heart of the island. While their attempt to capture Hancock failed, quite a few interesting displays were put on in the chapter.

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The Navy had several powerful captains and Vice Admirals ready to attack Hancock, but the biggest force that they carried with them was a new weapon called the Seraphim. These new weapons played an incredibly important role in the chapter and, more importantly, were teased by Oda in the chapter as they have a major role to play in the future.

What Are The Seraphim?

One Piece Hancock Seraphim

The Seraphim are new Pacifistas that the World Government has been working on for quite a while. Work on the Seraphim began before the two-year timeskip of One Piece with Bartholomew Kuma, one of the former Warlords of the Sea. Using Kuma's body, Vegapunk managed to create cyborgs that were far stronger than Franky and could use Kizaru's laser ability. Interestingly, the Pacifistas were called a work in progress at the time, meaning they had not yet been developed fully. As the Shichibukai system was finally abolished in the Reverie, the World Government decided to put their faith in their new weapon, the SSG or the Special Science Group, which seems to have developed the Seraphim.

As expected, the Seraphims are incredibly powerful weapons that the Navy are using to replace the Shichibukai. In order for the balance of power to be maintained, they have to be strong enough to replace the former Warlords, meaning their strength is certainly immense. In One Piece 1059, fans got a glimpse of their powers and they certainly seemed capable. Just like the Pacifista, the Seraphims seem to be human weapons, meaning the use of actual humans is made in their creation.

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How The Seraphim Are Made

Mihawk Seraphim One Piece

It is unknown how exactly the Seraphim are made, however, what fans do know is that Vegapunk is the man behind them, along with the SSG. Vegapunk's mind is known to be 500 years ahead of the rest of humanity, meaning he can do things that others simply cannot and his genius is truly required for these monsters to be made. The basis of the Seraphim seems to be gigantification, something that the World Government has been working on for decades. As Caesar mentioned during the Punk Hazard arc, gigantification can truly be achieved if experimented on children. This is exactly why the Seraphim are children who are gigantified somehow. These gigantified children are made similar to the former Warlords of the Sea. It is unknown how the World Government got their hands on the DNA of the formal warlords, however, they seem to have incorporated them into the bodies of the Seraphim to give them similar appearances and abilities.

This was seen in One Piece 1059 which debuted two powerful Seraphim in Mihawk and Boa Hancock. Both looked exactly like the younger versions of themselves yet possessed ferocious fighting capabilities. At the same time, the World Government also seems to have access to Lunarian DNA which they likely received from King, who was once their prisoner and was freed by Kaido. Using the Lunarian powers, the Seraphim are made incredibly powerful. They have the striking features of the Lunarians, such as white hair, brown skin, black wings, and a flame on their backs. As such, they also have the incredibly tough defense of the Lunarian tribe, along with all their other abilities.

How Strong Are The Seraphim?

Seraphim Power One Piece

Evidently, the Seraphim are incredibly powerful. The World Government made them to replace the Seven Warlords of the Sea, meaning their strength should be relative. Kaido seems to think that the Government have even bigger goals than they did previously, meaning the Seraphim could well be stronger than the former Warlords in some aspects. Fans saw two of them in action in One Piece 1059 and both were terrific in combat. Mihawk's Seraphim was seen clashing against Blackbeard and he made quite an impression, forcing the Yonko to use Haki to defend. What was even more frightening was Mihawk's Seraphim chopping the giant hill on Amazon Lily in half effortlessly.

Meanwhile, Boa Hancock's Seraphim used abilities that Kizaru possesses and caused large-scale destruction on the island. Thanks to the Lunarian abilities, these Seraphim are incredibly resilient and don't take damage while the flame on their back is burning. When the flame on their back turns down, their speed increases drastically at the expense of their incredibly high defense. The Seraphim could also have further abilities that the fans have not seen just yet. Most likely, focus will be thrown on them in the upcoming wars in the One Piece series and fans will get to see the full extent of their powers. For now, they look more than capable of holding their own against even mighty pirates such as Blackbeard.

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