With One Piece entering the final saga after the break, the fans have already braced themselves for an exciting last ride. The final saga will bring an end to One Piece, a series that has unmatched consistency. The series started serializing in 1997, and it is still going strong.

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There are still many secrets in One Piece, and the final saga is expected to reveal them. One Piece fans have been waiting for ages to know some of these secrets and there is no doubt that once these secrets are disclosed, the fans will finally be able to rest at ease. With that in mind, here are the biggest mysteries that need to be unraveled in the final saga of One Piece.

7 Pluton and Uranus

One Piece 1055 Pluton

There are three Ancient Weapons- Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus. All three are considered to be extremely powerful, which is why there are a lot of people, who have been constantly trying to get their hands on them. So far, only one Ancient Weapon has been revealed, and that is Poseidon.

The other two Ancient Weapons remain a complete secret. Pluton has been mentioned several times in the series, but that is about it. The same goes for Uranus, whose power remains unknown. Pluton might be revealed before Uranus considering the former is somewhere in Wano.

6 Secret of Im

Im and Giant Straw Hat

Im is the true sovereign of the World Government, and he was first revealed in the Reverie arc. Im's past and abilities are unknown, which makes him one of the most enigmatic characters in the series.

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It is quite clear that Im doesn't reveal himself to the world because of some reason. Instead, he gives orders to the Five Elders, and they carry them out. The final saga of One Piece will certainly shed light on Im and his rise to power.

5 God Valley Incident

Rocks vs Roger and Garp

The God Valley Incident took place 38 years before the current timeline. It involved the Rocks Pirates, the Roger Pirates, and the Marines. It started with the Rocks Pirates trying to attack the Celestial Dragons and their slaves.

The Marines allied with the Roger Pirates to take down the Rocks Pirates. They were successful in their attempt to defeat Xebec and his group. After the incident, the Rocks Pirates went their separate ways, and the God Valley itself vanished. It is unknown what happened to the God Valley and how it was erased from existence. Also, it is possible that Oda might offer further details pertaining to Xebec.

4 Will of D

Roger and Whitebeard talking

The Will of D has been mentioned multiple times throughout the series, but it is still unknown what it is. The people who carry D in their names are often responsible for causing the most ruckus and the World Government fears them. The Pirate King, Gol D. Roger was responsible for turning the entire world upside down with his conquest of the Grand Line, Monkey D. Garp is the strongest Marine in history, but he is known to have a tendency to disobey orders.

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Other characters who have D in their name are Marshall D. Teach and Monkey D. Luffy. Both of them are considered to be major threats to the World Government, and there is no doubt that they will be heavily involved in the final saga.

3 Void Century

Clover lead scholar of Ohara

The Void Century is a period in history that has been completely erased from almost all historical records. The only remaining records of the Void Century exist on the poneglyphs as they are indestructible, and because of this reason, the World Government put a strict ban on the reading of the poneglyphs.

The scholars at Ohara went against the wishes of the World Government, and it ended up costing them their lives. Almost the entire population of Ohara was killed, save for Nico Robin, who escaped with Aokiji's help. Considering how desperately the World Government is trying to hide the truth of the Void Century, there is unquestionably some dark past that there are trying to stop from coming out to the rest of the world.

2 What Is One Piece

Luffy in his Gear Fifth

The biggest mystery in the series is the famous treasure- One Piece. The treasure was left behind by Joy Boy and Roger found it when he reached Laugh Tale, however, Roger did not take the treasure and left it in the same place as he believed that he had arrived too early.

Before being executed, Roger openly revealed that One Piece was out there somewhere, and his words led to a new era of piracy. Since Roger, no other pirate has managed to get their hands on the treasure, but Luffy is very close to obtaining it.

1 Joy Boy and The Great Kingdom

Robin looking at the Ponegylph at Fish-Man Island

Joy Boy's name has been mentioned several times in the series. The first time it was cited was all the way back in the Fish-Man Island arc. The first Joy Boy lived around the time of the Void Century, and he holds a lot of significance. Joy Boy left behind the treasure, which came to be known as One Piece. He also promised Poseidon that he would help the people of Fish-Man Island, but he could not keep his promise.

The Great Kingdom existed several centuries ago, and it was considered wealthy and powerful. At some point in the past, the twenty founding countries of the World Government joined hands to destroy the kingdom as they considered them an enemy. There are several questions that come to mind regarding Joy Boy and the Great Kingdom, so hopefully, Oda will address them soon.

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